Huge spike of "subtle" cheaters recently

I can't be the only one experiencing this, surely. I'm talking survivors that obviously have their speeds boosted to ~107-110% or who intermittently increase. I hadn't run into any over the past year, but I've seen about 3 this past week that I'm 100% convinced were cheating, and a few more than were very questionable.
Things like this clip:
Where the Ace takes a very wide path around my snare, and STILL manages to make the fast vault on the window while blatantly speeding up inside the shack. There were a lot more questionable plays during this match, like playing extremely unsafe tiles perfectly no matter how many mindgames or how many times I hid my red stain.
Please do something about this BHVR.
Best tell is the blood pools. If they're suddenly spread out more/less close to each other in certain parts (usually when out of your line of sight) then it's probably a speed hack.
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Did he have MFT maybe?
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To me it just looks like (possibly) MfT and you swinging too early
Also there are going to be tones of Survivors moving faster considering the event has a bunch of stuff that increases movement speed.
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Sometimes I get scared people will think I'm cheating when I'm zooming with background player lol.
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the way he goes around the corner into the shack so fast is incredibly suspect. make a report if it was a cheater they will be banned. if not well no harm done. there has been a rise of cheating again, despite the downplay of it here.
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Honestly, it just kinda seems like you whiffed. I think you would've had him if you'd waited half a second longer.
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How come there is no server side validation of how fast you can run?
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MFT doesn't allow for THAT horrendous pathing. Even with MFT he still would have been downed by the first locker in shack.
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that is so clearly more than just MFT, come on. that's mft+hope level of speed up
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This is blatant speed hacks.
And the fact that people are confusing this with MFT is a massive tell that MFT is unhealthy for the game.
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seeing survivors zoom around like blight for 5 seconds is very shocking.
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Tbf, killers have been using aura perks to cover wall hacks for years. It's not much different.
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Try Background Player and Sprint Burst :)
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this is the part that people shouldn't overlook.
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"Subtle" speed cheaters have been gaining momentum since around the time Knight has been released. But yes, these past couple of weeks it has been getting even worse.
Hell, some cheaters managed to get through the content creator preferential matchmaking and got to Otz and at least one other content creator who escapes my memory for the time being.
Post edited by EQWashu on10 -
Yeah, I see what you're talking about. Maybe if you swung a bit later you might have gotten the hit but that's not the point of the video. He took a very wide path to avoid your power and still made it to the window and you weren't able to catch up even though you were hugging that shack... but people are going to have different opinions about the video.
Post edited by Venusa on3 -
Oh btw it's also possible he smashed a pumpkin or something event related gave him haste but I weren't there to see it LOL.
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it's not a cheat.
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I think you just whiffed it. Looks like MFT and fantastic ping. This does not look like cheating to me.
Not to mention. Nearly everything in the event gives haste, so you can’t call every fast survivor “subtle cheating” right now.
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I would have, but he should never have made that vault with that pathing to begin with. I actually LOSE distance going around the corner, and you clearly see him speed up. Again, this was just one of many questionable moments in the game. And this has been happening all week. He evidently had MFT equipped (as they often do) but I've played against enough MFT to know what blatant speedhacks look like.
Not possible. Game had just started, and he started clicking at me to chase him. I basically hard tunneled him all game, and there were a lot of questionable moments. I'm also pretty sure his vaults were sped up. Here's another blatantly cheated moment. The biggest tell is how bad his pathing is, but and how he never seems to lose distance.
Look at his pathing again. He swerves out so wide, and takes the least efficient path, and yet I still manage to gain no distance whatsoever. It's blatant as hell. He also had 160 ping iirc.
EDIT: Can someone more experienced look at his vault speed on both clips? I'm like 90% sure that's sped up too. It looks strange as hell towards the end, like it skips 10% of the animation.
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I think he got that Ace juice... Yeah, it does look kinda fast as if he has MFT+Hope active but it isn't even endgame yet...
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That's what MFT+Hope looks like if you have PERFECT pathing. This guy spent the entire game loosely walking around tiles and taking wide paths around snares, and still making every vault. The fact we even have to debate if this is cheating or not is a problem and shows just how much MFT corrupted people's minds.
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"some one more experienced"
Im pretty sure every one saying he's legit are more experienced. I myself have over 6k hours and don't see anything out of the ordinary here. His ping being at 160 also wouldn't have gotten you the hit since it only matters what you see on your screen, to him you were further back but for you it looks normal
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Upon rewatching the clip when now I'm actually awake with a coffee, thats 100% not a cheater. You just swung too early.
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Good morning Shroompy!☕️
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Mornin' 😘
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you can see him jolt forward two times after turning shack. look right when he turns its so fast.
with that wide of a path you would have gotten him at the door by the locker. and if it was MFT you would of gotten him at the window or right before the vault. and MFT starts when hurt not at a random time. I see this crap often. The people that say no hacks in the game are probable hacking and don't want it noticed so it done get patched.
report ingame and open a ticket with the video he will get a ban within a week. then screen shot the ingame notification to laugh at it.
Edit: BTW they will delete this post soon because you can see that players names.
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You can't see the "cheaters" name because theyre in anon mode
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I also have 6k hours, and that was 100% cheating. It is IMPOSSIBLE to make it all the way to shack window, even with just MFT, with perfect pathing, if the killer catches you on backside of shack where I caught him. The fact he runs such a wide arc around my snare and still manages to make the window is just the slap on the face. I made sure to hug him tight before M1ing the rest of the game. I still got the 4k because his teammates wanted to take hits for a blatant cheater, but there should be no question. I think if this thread proves anything, it's the brainrot that MFT has introduced in people's minds.
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Damn you've been on this forum forever. But idk man that looked way too fast. Plus I don't think it's made for this or th OP would have seen.
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Oh yeah, that guy was 100% speed hacking. I've gone up against MfT so much that I've been able to tell when someone is using it most of the time and that Ace was moving faaaaar too fast.
Some of the other comments in this thread talking about how you just whiffed are missing the point. If the Ace wasn't moving faster than he was supposed to then there wouldn't have been a need to wait a bit longer before going for the hit.
And as you have said, the existence of MfT makes catching people trying to subtly cheat even harder. How people can defend a perk that is so obviously broken is mind boggling.
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there should be no question
I'm genuinely baffled that people are trying to convince you that this is legit. It's one of the least subtle cases of subtle-cheating I've ever seen.
You can clearly see in the videos that he speeds up every time he rounds a corner (which is something cheaters do to try and hide the fact they're cheating). It could not be more obvious that this Ace is hacking but like you said, it seems MFT has completely skewed peoples' perceptions of what's normal in this game.
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Yeah, I've been around the DBD block, so to speak.
It's definitely too fast, I still think he could've hit them tho or at the very least would've forced a more obvious cheat.
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Yeah true, tbh subtle cheaters are hard to spot sometimes, I just had a very subtle cheater actually, at lwast in game. He was an ace with zero Loudout and kept getting broken, maybe with for the people. I was running all.aura huntress. Me being stupid didn't put 2 and 2 together until I made a video explaining the clip I took which showed him healing in the sky, so far away I barely seen him. And this guy did NOTHING ELSE. I find him as the last survivor and still he never randomly got better at looping, not faster and didn't even disappear the guy sucked. So idk what he was even doing all game with cheats.
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I met them last night, not sure if it was the whole team or just two of them.
Discounted of DBD currently, can lead to cheater rising.
1st David vault action so fast despite having no resilence or injured. also, this is faster than spine chill level. Chasing him for man 10 sec without gain any distance close to him at all.
2nd Kate cheating is so obviouse, running faster than killers lol
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It's hard to tell honestly, part of this feels like it was just MFT + bad ping and a short swing. But the "obvious" cheaters normally are on high ping.
There definitely has been some subtle and obvious cheaters lately, I'm still disappointed the most obvious one on NA that makes content out of them hacking against streamers and LGBTQ members has not been banned yet even though they have been called out and exposed, and you can literally look up their youtube to see for yourself.
Think my favorite is when you are facing a cheater and they just pull the "no you're just bad" when they've already made it obvious.
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This one is painfully obvious too lol. He has wallhacks also. He doubled back when you moonwalked around the back and prevaulted shack. But that boy is running at like 115% without any gen pops. To a new player, I suppose it looks subtle. That Kate is legit running at like +120%.
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I've reported at least 5 players within the last week. 4 survivors, 1 killer off the top of my head. One survivor was so blatant that I was just chasing fading scratch marks around main building on Dead Dawg when they weren't even running it in the correct direction. Another survivor was running faster than me while I was carrying with Agitation while they were healthy and didn't have Breakout. They claimed "Hag is slow" as the reason. Wut.
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I dont know how others dont get matched up with them. Some of my Killers I cant even play because I get this almost every game. My pyramid head has them every game. I would only play his school map and won every game about 10 in a row with my offerings. now I cant even get a hook half the time.
Bubba is always this. ghostfasce, myers, nemesis, night, all the same. once you win alot of matches in a row you get stuck with them.
the bad thing is they come in squads not just one. SWF hacks.
I know they cant stop them but ban them faster or in waves something. This is whats going to kill the game.
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Funny how this perk makes subdle cheaters harder to find out.
Same with Hyperfocus.
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Do you mean people playing with their friends and talking via discord?
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I can only think that they implemented MFT to cover up the fact that they don't have the ability to crack down on cheaters and leave it alone.
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Yesterday i see a change in cheater, other than speed hack they are using, again, insta gen repair hack
First match in Lery's
One guy was dead, one was on hook and then THREE gen pop at the SAME time
Second game in Borgo, one guy was dead, one was slugged and i was chasing one. The main building gen was at 0% and then less than 10 second later the gen was completed and the slugged guy and the one who "repaired" the gen in 10 second open the gate and leave
Then, of course, there are plenty of sus players who vanish, ran too fast, know exactly where i am even if i'm undetecable and so on
Good job BHVR
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It's also funny how all the posts are about survivors cheating cause it's much easier to tell than killers' subtle cheating, unless the killer is blatantly obvious about it.
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I think hens posted a video about a killer player cheating in a tournament?
I feel like there arent many perks on killer that make it hard to see if they are cheating. Maybe play with your food?
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Yes I have seen hackers come in groups like that. the last time I had all 4 hacking they would teleport on top of the building and flashbang spam .
Edit: I have seen hacking killers to with aimbot esp shoot through walls and the kill and teleport you to basement
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I thought that you meant people just playing with friends. Thats not cheating.
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Aura perks. I used Distortion back when there was a big influx of cheaters (the stream sniping period) and pretty much all the killers using wall hacks would try and cover it with BBQ&Chilli.
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No I know what skill looks like. I dont mind being out played by good players.
I hate being out played by a hacker that cant even hit a skill check but finishes the gen in 5 secs. or a speed hacker that cant even loop with out running into everything but cant still out run me.
Same for the killers cant even swing to get a hit but speed hack ESP.
I know the DEVs see it but they rather push over priced skins and and make bugs.
Look at the event. They acted like it was going to be a best thing ever but it just made the game more toxic an unplayable.
I Really do think they dont care about us they just want us to buy more skins and players so they can set back and laugh at us
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how are people saying this is MFT this is blatant speed hacking 😭