Is this really the state of affairs in DBD?

After 3,5 hours playing this game today, hoping for some nice rounds, i finally stoped... a little bit in disblieve.
This is no news for you: DBD has one if not the most toxic and generally speaking worst community someone can think off. But what i have wittnessed today is beyond my usual, most of the time sub par experience.
Today i played exclusiv survivor and i am not exaggerating when i tell: Not a single round, in 3,5 hours where the killer has not tunneled 1 person out of the game early on. The endgame chat was in 8/10 cases bashing like "gg ez" or other rude language.
I need to ask this question, and i am not sure if it is rhetorical in nature. What is wrong with people in this game? What makes people play like complete jerks and then even beeing aholes in the chat?
Is there really nothing BHVR can do to fix this issue? After a day like this, i would even considere something like base kit DS, which would not be a terrible idea - forcing the killer to play the game instead of cheapshoting an easy win by creating a quick 1v3 situation.
This of course wont happen to me to that degree when i play in a group of friends, since generators would be done and you can coordinate things. But playing as solo survivor is a different story.
Thoughts about that?
Sorry but tunneling and camping cannot be seen as "toxic behaviour": i would say in 80% of the matches, its just a strategy to put pressure on the other team. There is sometimes when a killer camps because it received a teabag, but i think its not the majority of times. I also don't consider teabagging, pointing and click a flashlight a toxic behaviour - its a type of mindgame that survivors do against killers to provoke and be chased.
Now, post-chat offense, yes, its toxic, and its a problem in this community. People can't understand that its just to go next, they need to rage.
I think most of the "toxic" behaviour in DBD happens after the match ends, with post game chat or messages in personal profiles.
26 -
Tunneling isn't a thing, much like genrush, it's just people playing the game. Take your L and move on.
19 -
I did not say it is always toxic, an act of trying the best to piss off the other team. In some cases i have wittnessed, it clearly was, but often - as you say, it is just a "strategy". This is no hot take.
Does it make it less awful for one side? Of course not.
That is the core of the problem. When it is smart to kill one person off quickly by camping and tunneling, it creates an absolutly discusting experience for 4 out of 5 players.
I miss old DS. Killer were much less into tunnel modus, because they knew playing like that had consiquences which often resulted in loosing the game. Now everything is free to go, nobody runs DS anymore because it is not worth a perk slot, you simple dont gain anought distance.
There are in my opinion only 2 options:
- DS as it is now as basekit so killer know they will have to eat that if they play that "strategy".
- Old DS with a at least 4 or 5 second stun. With all the restrictions of course (working on gen deactivates it)
Both options would be more then fair. Whenever you get DS'd, you simple deseve it.
13 -
I have not lost all those games, its not about win or loose. Its about experience. And this experience when it happens once in 10 games is manageable, but not in every single game.
11 -
The game will always be like this until BHVR does something about tunneling. Yes old DS would be nice to have. The entire premise of the game is to be a 4 v 1 so when you give players the means to make it a 3 v 1 at 5 gens, that completely negates the entire purpose of how the game was balanced to be played.
Tunneling can be a strategy but it should be a strategy that has a cost to it snd right now there is no cost. It’s just a free win.
17 -
Tunneling is a requirement now to score at least 1K against a semi-competent survivor team.
11 -
"semi-competent survivor team"
Never heard of her
6 -
I've learned that the best thing to do after 5-10 such games, is to STOP playing on days like that. Try the next day, or you will sorely regret it.
Or you could just take a break. My friends and I used to play this game daily, now we can't even be bothered with the event. This game really brings out the worst in people, e.g. look at streamers with thousands of hours still struggling and tilting in soloq, that says more than enough.
5 -
For years I complained that old DS was killing the game. Functionally it worked to do exactly as you have said, but it would mean that it'd be a staple perk again. Facing one in a match is fine. Facing four every single match is egregious.
8 -
That's not remotely true. Old DS was used as a weapon. If you, as a killer, knocked a party too fast then you would be punished for playing that well. In conjunction with the automatic in-built Borrowed Time and hook reforms it would be entirely too punishing. It was punishing then it would be worse now.
15 -
They can and are seen as toxic behavior by many. Everyone is allowed their own perspective. No need to invalidate someone's feelings. OP did not say it's a fact but rather that they feel it's toxic.
Being tunneled for 3.5 hours must be very frustrating, and one must question why continue playing if that's considered acceptable game play. Idk about you, but I play games for fun, and I'd rather endure another EMG and NVC torture test then deal with that junk.
As my mom says when she hears us playing in a sarcastic manner, "your game sounds fun!"
It needs to be unrewarding and 3vs1 needs to become stronger, because doing something so easy should he a free win.
Like I keep saying on this forum, if my 10 year old niece can get 4Ks without tunneling, then that tells me everything I need to know.
18 -
Love this entire comment❣️
…especially this:
“Like I keep saying on this forum, if my 10 year old niece can get 4Ks without tunneling, then that tells me everything I need to know”
Ultimate facts.
It’s really kinda sad, the ppl on this forum who, just because they have difficulty securing consistent 3-4K’s w/o Tunneling, find it impossible to believe that anyone else is capable of such an ‘unheard of feat.’
Ultra respect to your Niece for showin’ ‘em how it’s done🥳
14 -
Haha this reminds me - I always leave the game running inbetween matches, and about a month ago I went to have a shower and came out to my husband cackling. He told me my 6 year old (who I had played a Demo game for before I had my shower as she loves watching "the monsters") told him she played a game when i left. I didn't believe him until I went into the theatre room and saw the post-game stats 🤣 the brat did play and she got a 1k. I dunno the circumstances, if the person just let go on hook or maybe gave her a kill, but I wished I had anonymous mode on because I'm sure she brought shame on my account 😅
4 -
Yeah well with the current meta and how efficient survivors are being tunneling 1 person hardcore is about the only thing a lot of the killer roster can do to stand a chance. As for saying "ggez" thats just someone being a jerk.
8 -
My entire Survivor build on PC is dedicated to anti-tunnelling right now (Off The Record + Borrowed Time + We'll Make It + Made For This). On Switch I don't have all of those perks, so I've had to go full stealth. If they can't find me, they can't tunnel me.
It definitely feels like most Killers are using every dirty trick in the book to finish their games at light speed (slugging, camping, tunnelling, all at 5 gens). Do they actually have fun playing this way?
And nearly every Survivor in my Killer and Survivor matches has had players that cannot resist doing victory teabags at the gates. Why is it like this every event?
For the record, I'm not saying I'm a saint. The gloves will come off if Survivors go out of their way annoy me. And sometimes I can't resist a few teabags before I'm about to die and want to let the Killer know I disapprove of their play style. But it's not typical. When I start playing this way, I know it's time to call it a night.
I just wish players would approach the event with a more of a chill vibe.
7 -
The thing is that DBD of today is a far cry from the DBD two years ago, and not for the better, as we all know.
Yeah, hard-core tunneling at 5 gens ain't much fun for the killer, but it's way more fun then the alternative: getting a sub 4min game because the survivors slammed gens like there is no tomorrow.
BHVR will likely never acknowledge this, but the introduction of SBMM and the MMR system killed old DBD. It introduced a kind of sweat and competitive into the game that was unheared of before and it never stopped since.
Someone commented on their 10ys old nice getting a 4k or @Nazzzak 6ys old getting a 1k. I think this is adorable and they are definitely very bright and precious kids, but there is no way in hell that they would have gotten any kind of success in he games I had to endure of late; at least not on my main, eith whom I maintain somewhat of a 75-80% win rate.
Yeah, MMR ain't working probably, but with Pyramidhead I am matched with hard-core SWFs way more then with anyone else and it really shows. Without tunneling these games would be over in sheer minutes, everyone sticks to their gens like glue and mercilessly hugs then like their live depends on it, and even a very quick first chase and down with lethal won't give me so much as a 1s respite. I either press that advantage or let 3 gens pip in unison. And I am kinda trapped in that playstyle: Pyramidhead is my main and the killer I usually use to climb grades, but that also means that 8/10 games are extremely sweaty, every know and then the game throws a group of potatoes at my feet and I have no means go detect this, until I am suddenly at my 5th hook at 4 gens remaining.
Then I might slow down, but for most of he time I am stuck in mostly high pressure games with him, and that's a direct correlation of MMR and SBMM. What could I do differently? Purposefully lose my next 20 games to drop out? And what then? If the game matches me against casual players I would eat them up once I started playing serious again.
MMR is somewhat doing its job, but by doing so it has transformed DBD from a goofy fun party game onto a Sloppy, unbalanced, competitive nightmare held together by curses, toxicity and balance bandaids. The players long ago optimised the fun out of the game, so both sides know that tunneling and gens before friends is dbd way to success. And you can't make he community unlearn this tactics. You can only change the game and its rules.
21 -
"Unbalanced" is accurate. I was actually in the minority when SBMM was first implemented. I felt that it was a change for the better. But something has changed in recent times, I'm 100% positive that they're consistently tweaking it because there's no more middle ground in my games anymore. Either I steamroll my opponent, or they steamroll me. I recall more balanced games a couple years ago.
Also, I want to add, that my story about my 6 year old wasn't intended as any sort of reflection on the current state of the game. I doubt she has any skill or legitimately earned that 1k, chances are more likely that person chose to sacrifice themselves.
4 -
The game never had any reasons to hook as many than kill someone quick.
Feels bad for your frustrating experience in this game but DbD is no longer "casual" friendly.
DbD is 7 years old, many people realized how to play efficiently.
Considering MMR system, many balance (map, items, killers etc) changes, I think the game is leaning towards competitive side more than casual.
Players care results, don't have to care how counterparts feel and playing fair for counterparts isn't smart thing to do.
0 -
Am i really the only one who doesn´t find it adorable, that a kid is playing this game? Kids shouldn´t be playing this game.
18 -
Tunneling is not toxic behaviour. It is literally the killer doing everything to win. Survivors are allowed to do that but somehow when a killer does it, we consider it toxic. Double standard at its best.
Besides that, when survivors in general refuse to use any of the tools they have to counter tunneling, then it isn't the game's responsibility to do it for them or the killer's responsibility to accomodate for the survivors' bad decisions.
It is unfortunate, that your killers were such bad sports though. Every once in a while it will feel like almost all other players jerks. I reckon this is because DBD matches are heavily impacted by the 1v1 between each individual survivor and the killer, so it feels more personal as opposed to many FPS games for example. Luckily, you will also have some very nice encounters every once in a while to make you almost forget how horrible people can get with the anonymity of the internet.
10 -
Tunneling is not toxic.
Being rude or inappropriate in end game chat however is. You can report them for that.
When players in my games write slurs, I report them for harassment.
Otherwise I just turn off chat. I don't like being the Dbd police.
I also closed the function on my steam profile because I was sick of people leaving their disgusting comments there.
It's a game. It's not that serious.
7 -
Sadly I think you are right. DBD is not as you said casual friendly. Another thing is I think some killers assume every survivor is running MFT and decide to be toxic this is just my opinion based off the posts here from the killers. Obviously they have been around much longer than MFT and some people just do it anyways. I think we do need old DS back because killers like Deathslinger can easily bypass it.
1 -
I can get 4k consistently on killers I don't play much because they got no MMR. Mains though? Sweatiest SWFs for days, first gen pops within 30 seconds from the start if I don't run CI (how about that becoming a base kit, huh?), second gen usually follows in 10-15 seconds more, everyone and their mother has MFT, hexes never last more than 30 seconds, gen regression perks denied with touch, if you roll a big new/redesigned map - it's over from the start.
6 -
First: your 10 year old niece should probably not be playing dbd...
Second: MMR is really wonky, Killers have huge variety in strength, maps are heavily unbalanced and perks do a lot of heavy lifting.
Saying that your niece (she should really not be playing dbd at 10) is better than all the other players because she gets 4k's without tunneling and that tunneling is just a skill issue on the killers part is downright wrong.
Also, I have to ask (at how many hooks do you think a survivor should be "allowed" to go out of the match.
6 -
The thing is the MMR system that we wanted and hoped for back then isn't the one bhvr gave us.
They gave us a random slot machine that throws anything together when the queue time grows longer.
Coupled with the fact that they are unable to efficiently determine a fitting MMR value for people because this game has subjectively 50 variables that can change between each match. One loss doesn't equal the next and same with wins. They don't really differentiate between a killer win due to "skill" or survivor giving up. Same with a survivor win/escape due to crunching out gens or hiding the whole match or friendly killer. Not even mentioning the influence of the team play for survivor on their individual MMR.
4 -
"It definitely feels like most Killers are using every dirty trick in the book to finish their games at light speed (slugging, camping, tunnelling, all at 5 gens). Do they actually have fun playing this way?"
Yes and the more salt you are, the more fun i have :)
3 -
Thanks for your inside. And I didn't want to bash you or anything, I think that was apparent ^_- But I see many people claiming that killer is mind numbingly easy these days, and even though I am winning most of my games, this ain't true in the slightest for me and most of my games are won through the sweetiest of sweat. And I blame MMR for this. Without MMR I would probably win many more games if I wanted, but without MMR I would probably also play much more forgiving and lenient and play around with the survivors.
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During gen-kick meta where Killers could hold the game hostage forever it was one of the easiest times to play Killer and people here were still claiming that "tunneling is more necessary than ever"...🙄 Be for real.
12 -
If you’re facing a semi-competent survivor team hard tunneling will get you 1K because they all know how to loop and will keep you busy while the other teammates sit on generators. It is really just stomping inexperienced solo players or people fooling around.
Hard tunneling in all reality is just a cheap trick used by people too incompetent to play killer but still want and need to win. And Behaviour enables it by not patching it out. Leading to sour games where you ruined people’s fun. Because 1 person gets no play time and the others get 0 chase time.
One of the most laughable thing in this game is people not wanting to grow and get more skillful, but just want the easiest win. And they cannot even tell you why they want to win so desperately. I have never seen a skilled player tunnel outside of comp, simply because they did not need to or they just except they can get outplayed.
This game is going to ######### because of the community. It is funny how before the “big update” very little people tunneled, yet generator times were shorter. Generator regression was at the same level it is now. So people back then had no excuse and nothing has really changed. Oh, and there were more casual players. I wonder what drove them off.
7 -
Posts like this make me really consider starting to stream. I might not be an Otzdarva or SpookyLoops but I don't have that much more room to grow. In my games I just can't go for 8 hooks before killing and the last time I let a player on deathhook purposefully get away and spared them, I was rewarded with them joining the gen slamming session and doing the part just as good as anyone not hooked yet. Tunneling isn't just "a cheap trick employed by killers unwilling to improve", nor is it the "be all, end all tacti ", but it's often a necessity in today's meta in order to not getting swept away.
9 -
When survivors actually do their objective and they can loop for at least 30-40 seconds, as a killer you have no chance to even 2k, if you don't tunnel 1 guy out early.
It's simple. Don't forget that at the beggining of the match killer loses 2-3 gens before getting first hook, and in most of that time it's not even a killer's fault.
If people actually want an "Anti-tunnel" mechanic to be in the game, then devs should consider longer time for gen reparing, or Deadlock and Corrupt as basekit for killers.
7 -
So much this.
Lately all my killer games are all like "rip your ass apart to get at least one kill, if you're ultra lucky you get two" and "kick the baby".
Something is definitely off.
4 -
I would definitely watch you!🤭 But I have to say I don't remember a timeline where Killers didn't claim that tunneling wasn't a "necessity in today's meta" even when, like I mentioned, during the gen-kick meta where they could turn their brains off and keep the game going for 30 minutes with CoB+Overcharge+Eruption until survivors gave up. Killers were still complaining about how fast gens were going. So I always take "tunneling is a necessity" with a grain of salt.
Again, I'm not against tunneling as a strategy when the Killer wants to gain pressure. I don't even mind being tunneled out of the game when some gens are done and Killer decides to get someone out because there are 2~ gens left. But hardcore tunneling very early on at 5-gens has became the norm nowadays and it is a problem.
5 -
IMO, before Circle of Healing introduction it wasn't a necessity. You had Ruin that allowed you to get a big value of pressuring gens early, and survivors didn't have an ability to nullify your pressure by free healing. With DS being a thing tunneling was still rewarding, but a very risky strat and it was way better to win through pressure.
1) All gen regression you get is the one that's obtained through hooking
2) Survivors don't heal that much
3) For some insane reason even though DS is replaced by Off the record survivors don't run it.
So there's no reason to not try to tunnel someone unless survivors succeed in preventing it.
5 -
Tunneling at 2 gens doesnt' work since it takes way more time to tunnel someone than for rest of his team to do gens. Unfortunately it is impossible to tell if survivor team will be sweaty or not in lobby, therefore not giving survivors any slack from the start is a default option.
6 -
If I can win with a mediocre Myers build on most of my matches, so should anyone. Either you keep playing killers you are not good with or you have to develop more of a game sense. Yes, some maps are a loss and you cannot win them all (esp. against a good SWF) but if you cannot win most of your matches it is a you problem, sorry.
And no matter the state of the game, people always keep crying “they need to tunnel and camp to win”. Just get better.
3 -
Awwww thanks <3. I will give it some thoughts :)
My biggest gripe right now is, how rediculously easy it is for survivors to slam the first 3 gens, just by splitting up. Sometimes the killer can apply some pressure to a different gen, but if he doesn't commit to any chase and just wound a couple of survivors, then nothing is gained and all gens currently worked it will continue to get pressured the moment he turns his back to them.
Survivors no longer gang up on gens at the start, everyone looks for their own gen and works on them and if the first chase involves even one mistake, you as the killer lose one mind game or even lose the survivor, then its pretty much "gg" to the three gens that you couldn't interfere with.
Back in the days survivors would happily work on gens together or go totem hunting or open chests, now they are most of the time laser focued on doing gens and the first 3 gens are 9/10 times done before you get the second hook. This is never a pace that the game was designed around, but when I tried to discuss this I was (unsurprisingly) met with a lot of opposition, "you want survivors to purposefully play bad and not split up?" or "you just want slow gens so that you can 4K every game".
Yes, I still win more games then I lose, but only by playing scummy AF and only by sweating and stressing like mad. There are no chill killer matches. EVER. And thus I can never really relax my stance in a match and maybe meme around. Add to this that de-pipping is still a thing and I often feel like I just can't afford to go easy on struggling survivors and you get a recipe for killers going sour and bitter, becoming merciless killing machines. Duh.
3 -
It is a 4V1, it shouldn’t be easy to 4K. Do you hear yourself, matches should be relaxed? If you could win by playing “relaxed” and 4K, that would mean the killrate would be between 90-100%.
I do agree generators flying by coordinated premades are a problem. Addressing this will make SoloQ near impossible.
4 -
You are projecting and putting words or assumptions in my mouth. Neither did I say that I wanted to "win" or "4K" bu playing relaxed, nor that I wanted a 4K to be giving to me or easy.
But most players agree that if you put in the hours and acquired a certain skill set or experience, that you should win against less skilled opponents.
But should I chose to play relaxed and "only for fun", not only do I lose the match, I would probably finish it with 2 hooks max on two different survivors.
Splitting up on gens, btw, is not a tactic only employed by SWFs premades, its employed by basically all players, solo, duo or quadro, above a certain skill level. This tactic wasn't widespread in the past, but it is now, and this skill won't be unlearned by the community any time soon.
To claim it is otherwise is either very naive, honestly failing to see the reality of ggf situation or purposefully misleading in order to drive ones own agenda. Not knowing you I will opt for option 1 or 2.
There are solutions to this problem, but it's not an easy fix by tweaking some numbers, it would need a big health update and change several things at once, not one after another, by both, nerfing survivors ability to slam gens at a breakneck speed and giving killers a true incentive to leave unhooked survivors and spreading their love, and this is probably impossible with he current release cycle of 3 month. For a true health update BHVR would need to skip at least one regular chapter, and that's just impossible.
6 -
There is already a solution, it's called Deadlock. It works wonders for me.
And If I play "relaxed", I usually still kill 2 survivors.
Why would you care about the outcome if it is only about playing "relaxed"?
5 -
Then why are survivor matches relaxed?
7 -
Because you play them more rarely and maybe don't feel as judged if you play bad? I am still amazed we have to explain to people that playing a different game after you've been binging the same game for 7 days in a row will make you find the new one more fun in comparison and not feel as stressed. It's common sense than when you work you need a break for at least one day (even if it's you "dream" job) but w somehow believe playing a game daily without any days off at all should still make you as happy as it did when you first started it.
4 -
People always seem to assume that us killer mains only play killer. AFAIK the killers mains who exclusively play killer are exceedingly rare and most of us play a good portion of survivor. I play between 30-40% of my time as survivor, so the survivor role ain't "new" or "exciting" for me anymore then killer, yet basically everyone besides a couple of outliers seems to agree, that playing survivor is way less stressful, then playing killer.
5 -
I don't know about anyone else, but it's immediately very obvious to me whenever I'm facing weaker teams. Just by the way they run when chased or the fact that they've already blown up a gen 3 times in the first two minutes. When I get teams like this, I give them a couple of resets to heal up and maybe a free gen or two, then I let the last Survivor go. I also run perks like Lightborn that will give me no value against the less experienced teams. That way, I'm playing with one less perk and it's a little bit fairer for them.
(I always run this perk anyway, because I don't know if that P1 default Meg with a flashy just installed the game or if she's a smurfing P100 toxic Nea main who's gonna try to blind me three times at every pallet)
The other day, I had a Bubba who slugged three of us in less than 5 minutes. Three were on the hook, so I go in for an obviously doomed rescue attempt. Managed to save one from the hook, rushed to save another but quickly got downed. When I could see the Survivor I rescued crouching in terror instead of rescuing the others, totally oblivious to the possibility of a BBQ & Chilli reading, I knew it was all over.
I have no idea if the Killer had any fun in that game, but I know I didn't. But I think anyone who plays this way has kinda waved the right to complain about 2 gens popping before the first Survivor is on a hook. I think Killers should be mindful that the majority of Survivors they face probably don't escape very often. So if I ever get matched with a "gen rush" team, you can bet I'll be rushing the gens too, because it's usually pretty rare for me to be matched with such efficient survivors.
Personally, if the gens are popping too quickly, then I try to find a 3 gen to defend. With certain Killers like Bubba, I'll also bring some end game perks. It doesn't always work, but it might give me a fighting chance to make a late come back. When I first started playing, I'd give up on games like these but not so much these days. It took me a while to realise that if the Killer can force a 3 gen, they're in the stronger position as the match goes on.
I do agree on one thing, though. When played competitively, this game can be the opposite of fun. If you're at an MMR where every game is a sweat fest, then you have my sympathies.
I just want to do the event stuff, release some haunts and warp around the map through the void. I don't think that's too much to ask.
3 -
Being a main already gives you a role to care about. i don't say they don't play survivor ever, they simply play it under different circumstances. They may play it for challenges, for dailies, for the incentive, or after a day of stressful killer games. Many killers do admit they don't care about escaping but they care about kills when they play killer. So that makes it fundamentally different. It removes the stressful part of survivor basically. What else is there to do really? Isn't the main objective of the survivor to do gens and try to escape alive?
If you played killer the same way you might find it less stressful as well, why are you obligated to try to do killer's objective but not survivor's objective?
7 -
This might be shocking, but i´m a survivor main. Killer has become way to stressful for me. So i rarely play killer and just play survivor most of the time. Because survivor is more relaxing. Even as solo.
So i repeat, why is survivor so relaxing in comparison to killer? After all, a bloodthirsty killer is trying to kill them. Survivor should be anything BUT relaxed.
7 -
Just for a perspective, I have done every single achievment and tome challenge done, be it killer or survivor ones. So I guess that I know all kinds of challenge this game can throw at you. Ace's Journey 2 still gives me nightmares, as does Evil Incarnate. Oh, and don't get me started on Outbreak Breakout. To this day I give survivors on RPD a free door opener, unless they went out of their way to play as disgusting as possible.
2 -
You are right, I AM shocked! D: My staunchest ally, playing for the other team? I call foul play!!!
2 -
Well it's 1v4 with zero downtime, it's more intense than sitting on gens while someone else is chased, "stressful" is subjective I used to stress a lot until I stopped caring about ranks and getting 4 kills everygame, it's only stressful if you care too much
12 -
Because you probably played killer trying to prove something to you or anyone else. Obviously it feels worse if you have 4 people bullying you in game as killer and you're helpless, and those games stick out. but so many killers imo here have a hateboner for survivors and are indeed trying to prove something. And the game gives you no outlet to do so in a healthy manner (say ranked), which would enable you to relax playing killer in a casual mode if DBD had both modes (competitive and casual), so your alternative is to play survivor duh. Isn't that why you changed? That's what you just admitted.
Go read any LoL learning forum and there will be a ton of posts of people afraid to play ranked and suffering from stress or anxiety when they get into one, but that's a somewhat controlled environment, because everyone is expected to try hard there and the matchmaking works the majority (except when smurfs are involved) of the time unlike DBD's. So a lot of killers are playing this role as if they were to play ranked (if it existed) but play survivor as if they play casual game.
Ranked in any game is pretty stressful because you're getting judged in game, by yourself and your teammates/enemies which is true for DBD as well. At least in DBD you cannot be judged afterwards cause there's nothing to show atm, unless you're one of these people who are super competitive and have to take everything seriously. In that case I cannot help you, it's self-inflicted. Your biggest enemy is yourself.
Also because you have resorted to playing survivor (not so much out of choice but out of necessity perhaps), doesn't necessarily mean you are not more invested in the killer role. Your points to me sound majorly killer biased despite you playing survivor atm. I've seen killers way less biased than your posts (not trying to start anything tbh, just writing down my perception). It kind of comes across as "I'm not racist cause I have x friends from this ethnicity, but...(proceeds to point out only the negatives of that ethnicity)".
Post edited by JustAnotherNewbie on7