Is this really the state of affairs in DBD?

xEa Member Posts: 4,105
edited October 2023 in General Discussions

After 3,5 hours playing this game today, hoping for some nice rounds, i finally stoped... a little bit in disblieve.

This is no news for you: DBD has one if not the most toxic and generally speaking worst community someone can think off. But what i have wittnessed today is beyond my usual, most of the time sub par experience.

Today i played exclusiv survivor and i am not exaggerating when i tell: Not a single round, in 3,5 hours where the killer has not tunneled 1 person out of the game early on. The endgame chat was in 8/10 cases bashing like "gg ez" or other rude language.

I need to ask this question, and i am not sure if it is rhetorical in nature. What is wrong with people in this game? What makes people play like complete jerks and then even beeing aholes in the chat?

Is there really nothing BHVR can do to fix this issue? After a day like this, i would even considere something like base kit DS, which would not be a terrible idea - forcing the killer to play the game instead of cheapshoting an easy win by creating a quick 1v3 situation.

This of course wont happen to me to that degree when i play in a group of friends, since generators would be done and you can coordinate things. But playing as solo survivor is a different story.

Thoughts about that?



  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,141

    Haha this reminds me - I always leave the game running inbetween matches, and about a month ago I went to have a shower and came out to my husband cackling. He told me my 6 year old (who I had played a Demo game for before I had my shower as she loves watching "the monsters") told him she played a game when i left. I didn't believe him until I went into the theatre room and saw the post-game stats 🤣 the brat did play and she got a 1k. I dunno the circumstances, if the person just let go on hook or maybe gave her a kill, but I wished I had anonymous mode on because I'm sure she brought shame on my account 😅

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,141

    "Unbalanced" is accurate. I was actually in the minority when SBMM was first implemented. I felt that it was a change for the better. But something has changed in recent times, I'm 100% positive that they're consistently tweaking it because there's no more middle ground in my games anymore. Either I steamroll my opponent, or they steamroll me. I recall more balanced games a couple years ago.

    Also, I want to add, that my story about my 6 year old wasn't intended as any sort of reflection on the current state of the game. I doubt she has any skill or legitimately earned that 1k, chances are more likely that person chose to sacrifice themselves.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    The game never had any reasons to hook as many than kill someone quick.

    Feels bad for your frustrating experience in this game but DbD is no longer "casual" friendly.

    DbD is 7 years old, many people realized how to play efficiently.

    Considering MMR system, many balance (map, items, killers etc) changes, I think the game is leaning towards competitive side more than casual.

    Players care results, don't have to care how counterparts feel and playing fair for counterparts isn't smart thing to do.

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 555

    Sadly I think you are right. DBD is not as you said casual friendly. Another thing is I think some killers assume every survivor is running MFT and decide to be toxic this is just my opinion based off the posts here from the killers. Obviously they have been around much longer than MFT and some people just do it anyways. I think we do need old DS back because killers like Deathslinger can easily bypass it.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    The thing is the MMR system that we wanted and hoped for back then isn't the one bhvr gave us.

    They gave us a random slot machine that throws anything together when the queue time grows longer.

    Coupled with the fact that they are unable to efficiently determine a fitting MMR value for people because this game has subjectively 50 variables that can change between each match. One loss doesn't equal the next and same with wins. They don't really differentiate between a killer win due to "skill" or survivor giving up. Same with a survivor win/escape due to crunching out gens or hiding the whole match or friendly killer. Not even mentioning the influence of the team play for survivor on their individual MMR.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    "It definitely feels like most Killers are using every dirty trick in the book to finish their games at light speed (slugging, camping, tunnelling, all at 5 gens). Do they actually have fun playing this way?"

    Yes and the more salt you are, the more fun i have :)

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Thanks for your inside. And I didn't want to bash you or anything, I think that was apparent ^_- But I see many people claiming that killer is mind numbingly easy these days, and even though I am winning most of my games, this ain't true in the slightest for me and most of my games are won through the sweetiest of sweat. And I blame MMR for this. Without MMR I would probably win many more games if I wanted, but without MMR I would probably also play much more forgiving and lenient and play around with the survivors.

  • PotatoPotahto
    PotatoPotahto Member Posts: 250

    So much this.

    Lately all my killer games are all like "rip your ass apart to get at least one kill, if you're ultra lucky you get two" and "kick the baby".

    Something is definitely off.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    If I can win with a mediocre Myers build on most of my matches, so should anyone. Either you keep playing killers you are not good with or you have to develop more of a game sense. Yes, some maps are a loss and you cannot win them all (esp. against a good SWF) but if you cannot win most of your matches it is a you problem, sorry.

    And no matter the state of the game, people always keep crying “they need to tunnel and camp to win”. Just get better.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Awwww thanks <3. I will give it some thoughts :)

    My biggest gripe right now is, how rediculously easy it is for survivors to slam the first 3 gens, just by splitting up. Sometimes the killer can apply some pressure to a different gen, but if he doesn't commit to any chase and just wound a couple of survivors, then nothing is gained and all gens currently worked it will continue to get pressured the moment he turns his back to them.

    Survivors no longer gang up on gens at the start, everyone looks for their own gen and works on them and if the first chase involves even one mistake, you as the killer lose one mind game or even lose the survivor, then its pretty much "gg" to the three gens that you couldn't interfere with.

    Back in the days survivors would happily work on gens together or go totem hunting or open chests, now they are most of the time laser focued on doing gens and the first 3 gens are 9/10 times done before you get the second hook. This is never a pace that the game was designed around, but when I tried to discuss this I was (unsurprisingly) met with a lot of opposition, "you want survivors to purposefully play bad and not split up?" or "you just want slow gens so that you can 4K every game".

    Yes, I still win more games then I lose, but only by playing scummy AF and only by sweating and stressing like mad. There are no chill killer matches. EVER. And thus I can never really relax my stance in a match and maybe meme around. Add to this that de-pipping is still a thing and I often feel like I just can't afford to go easy on struggling survivors and you get a recipe for killers going sour and bitter, becoming merciless killing machines. Duh.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    It is a 4V1, it shouldn’t be easy to 4K. Do you hear yourself, matches should be relaxed? If you could win by playing “relaxed” and 4K, that would mean the killrate would be between 90-100%.

    I do agree generators flying by coordinated premades are a problem. Addressing this will make SoloQ near impossible.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Because you play them more rarely and maybe don't feel as judged if you play bad? I am still amazed we have to explain to people that playing a different game after you've been binging the same game for 7 days in a row will make you find the new one more fun in comparison and not feel as stressed. It's common sense than when you work you need a break for at least one day (even if it's you "dream" job) but w somehow believe playing a game daily without any days off at all should still make you as happy as it did when you first started it.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,150

    I don't know about anyone else, but it's immediately very obvious to me whenever I'm facing weaker teams. Just by the way they run when chased or the fact that they've already blown up a gen 3 times in the first two minutes. When I get teams like this, I give them a couple of resets to heal up and maybe a free gen or two, then I let the last Survivor go. I also run perks like Lightborn that will give me no value against the less experienced teams. That way, I'm playing with one less perk and it's a little bit fairer for them.

    (I always run this perk anyway, because I don't know if that P1 default Meg with a flashy just installed the game or if she's a smurfing P100 toxic Nea main who's gonna try to blind me three times at every pallet)

    The other day, I had a Bubba who slugged three of us in less than 5 minutes. Three were on the hook, so I go in for an obviously doomed rescue attempt. Managed to save one from the hook, rushed to save another but quickly got downed. When I could see the Survivor I rescued crouching in terror instead of rescuing the others, totally oblivious to the possibility of a BBQ & Chilli reading, I knew it was all over.

    I have no idea if the Killer had any fun in that game, but I know I didn't. But I think anyone who plays this way has kinda waved the right to complain about 2 gens popping before the first Survivor is on a hook. I think Killers should be mindful that the majority of Survivors they face probably don't escape very often. So if I ever get matched with a "gen rush" team, you can bet I'll be rushing the gens too, because it's usually pretty rare for me to be matched with such efficient survivors.

    Personally, if the gens are popping too quickly, then I try to find a 3 gen to defend. With certain Killers like Bubba, I'll also bring some end game perks. It doesn't always work, but it might give me a fighting chance to make a late come back. When I first started playing, I'd give up on games like these but not so much these days. It took me a while to realise that if the Killer can force a 3 gen, they're in the stronger position as the match goes on.

    I do agree on one thing, though. When played competitively, this game can be the opposite of fun. If you're at an MMR where every game is a sweat fest, then you have my sympathies.

    I just want to do the event stuff, release some haunts and warp around the map through the void. I don't think that's too much to ask.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Just for a perspective, I have done every single achievment and tome challenge done, be it killer or survivor ones. So I guess that I know all kinds of challenge this game can throw at you. Ace's Journey 2 still gives me nightmares, as does Evil Incarnate. Oh, and don't get me started on Outbreak Breakout. To this day I give survivors on RPD a free door opener, unless they went out of their way to play as disgusting as possible.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    You are right, I AM shocked! D: My staunchest ally, playing for the other team? I call foul play!!!