Boon: Dark Theory Change Ideas

The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 745

Boon: Dark Theory is a very weird and weak Boon Perk. Made For This provides a 3 % Haste Effect by doing nothing, mean while you are wasting 12 Seconds for a Boon that gives 2%. In perspective of other Boons, its just lackluster.

Honestly I am not a fan of more Haste Effects since it became pretty clear what inbalance they can cause, since there is currently no cap.

  1. 3% Haste Effect (MFT has to be nerfed before this enters the game)
  2. Something like Detective Hunch but as a Boon
  3. All Status Effects lose there effect in the Boons Area, the timer persists so if you snuff the boon, the person again is exposed or whatever.
  4. Dark Theory connects two totems with each other with a Gateway, accessible by all in the match. It takes 3 Seconds to use a Gateway, it goes on Cooldown for 20 Second (Each Person has its own Cooldown so Killers can follow a survivor, but a survivor cannot spam it).

My favourite right now is 3 and 4, since Yoichi Asakawa has stared into the depths of evil. Blessed with paranormal psychic abilities. So it actually makes more sense in a lore perspective.

Boon: Dark Theory Change Ideas 9 votes

Increase the Haste Effect
[Deleted User]TommyDorkelson 2 votes
Change The Effect to a Aura Reading Ability (Information Perk)
Status Effects become disabled until Snuffed or Left
The_DaydreamerFilthyLegionRevival09SHARKBOSSCorvusCorax86 4 votes
Opens a Gateway to two different locations (Like the Event)
[Deleted User]Depressedlegionjonifire 3 votes
