Need Community Opinion
A friend of mine and I were discussing games, and I tried to sell him on DBD. His question after it was all said and done is "1v4 though... Is the game more killer or survivor sided? Both solo'Q and comp."
I honestly didnt have a real answer. I told him I'd set this on the forums and we plan on reading it in a few days.
So, your thoughts? Is DBD Killer sided or survivor? Yes there are situations where its one or the other, but in a general sense, is it leaning to one side, COMPLETELY one sided or... balanced?
Don't think there's a clear cut answer. For me, killer in general will dominate solo queue. And coordinated swfs in general will dominate killers. If you look at it from a kill/escape perspective, killers average more kills than survivors do escapes (based on past stats). I think it all just balances itself out.
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I mean saying killer as a whole doesn't really make sense to me.
How can clown be compared to alch/ring green speed blight?
Are you basing it off of killers as a whole or just the highest possible powerlevel of the entire role?
The map can make it killer or survivor sided easily.
Are the survivors full soloQ(unlikely), are survivors mixed(probable), are the survivors a 4 man, are the survivors a 4 man try harding on comms?
So many variables in this game make it impossible to say.
I would say in your average game, where survivors regardless of being in a swf or not aren't playing to win as much as the killer it's slightly killer sided. In a world where survivors split on gens and looped decently as a team collectively, I would then say survivors have a bit of an upper hand. It feels pretty free to me when that happens as survivor, but everyone is vibing scrolling through Instagram as survivor.
Long story short: Killers try harder to win than survivors on average(not even saying tunneling) and survivors care less about winning on average.
I'm maybe above average at chase as survivor but I am a lot more efficient than the majority, if there were just 4 of me on a team I could probably win more than I lose even though I already have about a 50% escape rate on survivor and I do not consider myself exceptional at survivor or anything, I just try a little bit more. Can't really blame people for wanting to moonwalk into the killer for a chase though, what else is fun?
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A case could be made for the game being DC sided, rn
Also, Tunnel sided, atm
SWF sided, for sure, is a possibility
Absolutely not SoloQ sided!
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Is DBD Killer sided or survivor?
You're hitting one of the most debated questions on the forum, but here goes.
DbD is a very unique and fun game. While I think balance is important, I don't think it is the be all end all.
Balance wise most people agree SWF>Killer>Soloq. That's a general statement. I think the game starts out heavily favoring killers, and then balances out the more experienced survivors are.
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Just as nearly everyone has said. There really isnt a clear answer to that. Now if we went back to when dbd 1st started then it was heavily survivor sided.
Your friend may not like the answer we gave since it doesnt give a clear answer, but ultimately if they try it. Nice. If not, they honestly doing themselves a favor. No wrong decision.
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Solo queue depends on matchmaking which is the worst I've ever experienced from a multiplayer game. You get matched with people wearing no headset half the time, a quarter of the time with semi-decent people, and another quarter with gods that make you want to carry on the never-ending cycle. Solo queue inflates kill-rates.
Comp is just comp. All depends on matchmaking and what killer the team gets. Basically gives killers the survivor solo queue experience.
Tough question tbh.
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I laughed at this much more than I should have.
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It goes beyond that. Whoever is willing to do more to win and has more skill will win. It's pretty fair for the most part.
When we look at kill rates, the game leans slightly towards killers but I'd argue that this happens more because even when a killer loses, they still have a realistic chance to get one extra kill. For survivors it is harder to get one escape through the gates once all the others are dead.
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This sounds about right it takes a lot of skill to beat a SWF and escape as solo Q survivor or as killer just play and master nurse or blight. Some killers and survivors are very competitive.
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SWF sided and that's the problem, BHVR gold boy SWF
See, SWF IS the problem of the game because BHVR can't balance it anymore because SFW can break any perks or mechanics a normal SoloQ team can't do. Take for example BU+FTP, in a normal SoloQ team this combo rarely works and that's fine, it's a strong combo but not OP or oppressive because require a massive skill from a player without comms, in a SWF team this combo is beyond reasonable and need a nerf or see the AFC idea, everyone was worried about how SWF could exploit that mechanic not a SoloQ team
Then, on the other hand you can't balance killers around suvivors either. Take Singularity for exampe. Against a SoloQ team he is very strong because they can't communicate and work around EMP, but again if he is put against SWF well that's a nightmare, same goes for Xenomorph or any other killer
Sadly, as long SWF are in game they are at the top of the food chain
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SWF > Most Killers > Solo
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For a new player? The simple answer is they don't have to even think about that for a while. And even after that they'll spend plenty of time in the skill bracket where the majority of matches are simply "whoever tries the hardest-sided".
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The numbers are there. There are more killer wins than escapes, therefore facts state that it's killer sided.
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The best you can do is prevent your friend for getting this game.
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The biggest mistake you can do if he buy the game, is playing in ranked
Try some game on custom before throwing him in the hell state of the ranked
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- Blight with UW, alch ring, C33 and saloon offering
- coordinated 4swf
- General tunneling killer
- Average trial survivors
- Killer playing nice
- soloq
I find that if either side wants to win, they can. all it really takes is being an okay blight with a cracked loadout or having 4 friends making good callouts.
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We feel it's luck sided as there's to many factors. If you strip EVERYTHING to the bare bones then we'd say it still depends on the map. We can play the m1 game at lerys pretty well but it's painful at the game.
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Any concept of neutrality about BHVR and their intentions went out the window when they started this illogical rhetoric of
"Killer is the power role!!" and "Were increasing killer kill rates because killer be scary!!!"
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I take it you're not a fan lol
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Which numbers are you referring to? NL is the only source I know of that you can determine killer win rates from, and they show on average a less than 1% difference between survivor escapes and killer wins. I don't think BHVR has published anything beyond kill rates and pick rates, certainly nor recently.
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It's definitely killer sided on average, particularly so at the beginner level (which is where your friend would be starting out)
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If I were to ask this question, the moment it left my lips, I'd be sprinting to a safe distance so I could observe the locals engaging in debate.
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If you can manage to have your own SWF group (4 members) the game can be killer-sided. 4 minds can definitely beat only 1.
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If you are trying to sell him on the game then I'm going to assume he is brand new. In that case at the lowest level it's killer sided for the most part until you get some game knowledge, perks and a SWF.
It really depends how much your friend wants to suffer until he can "get gud".
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Well... It depends on a lot of factors whether it is "survivor" sided or "killer sided" depends on the map, killer, survivor skill and perks, Killer skill and perks, etc.