The Void realm proves that BHVR can improve Freddy's power


I mean the more I think about it and how cool it is the more I'm saddened it'd going to go away, when this could very well be repurposed as his ACTUAL dream world when survivors fall asleep, instead of just putting on a filter and calling it a day

This would give him a more thematic feel but let's be honest, then have no interest in putting effort into old killers, which is sad tbh


  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    I wrote this when I was tired too don't berate me

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 356

    It also proves again that they can teleport survivors to a different hook, which would've been a much better anti-facecamping mechanic, similar to Pyramid Head's cages.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,745
    edited October 2023

    oh for sure. freddy's power is pretty boring. his power could be like you get pulled into his own world from the map by X condition and when he successful does that, you teleport into void world where freddy gains wall-hacks. if he downs you in the dream world, he can hook you in dream world but in order other survivors to save you, they have to find go to the clocks on the map to wake you up(save you from the hook).

    so he could be like first killer to have "teleporting" survivors out of the map.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited October 2023

    Yeah they definitely could do that and it would be amazing because it will feel like you're actually playing Freddy, as the dream world is meant to be HIS world

    Post edited by not_requested49 on
  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,211

    Well, as I see it, this event is the perfect example of how this is a bad idea for a killer power in general. Every second you spent in the "pocket dimension" is a second you can't be pressuring gens or maybe changing targets. Also, how would perks like Jolt or SH work in this case?

    For much it hurts, cool not always means gameplay compatible.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,933

    How about this:

    Freddy can place dream snares all over the map and they got a handful of different expressions:

    • put on a gen the gen will spill blood everywhere or try to bite you mimik-style
    • put on a window or vault, it will shut down and catch you
    • on the ground, Freddy's hand will appear and try to swipe you,
    • on a pallet location, it will spawn bloody fake pallets as we know them
    • put on a chest, it will try to bite or eat you mimik-style

    When a survivor activates a dream snare like this, they are faced with a surprise hard skill check. If they pass, they will cry and yell, but noting further happens. If they miss the skill check, they are teleported into the smoll dreamworld/void arena (about double the size of the current void area). In order to leave they will have to interact with a clock minigame and do something to wake up.

    As a secondary action Freddy (like his old Gen teleport) can teleport to the dream world and try to hunt the survivor there down. The trade off is the small arena and knowing that the survivor is somewhere hiding there and needs to go for one of the clocks, but by doing so Freddy isn't pressuring the real worlds gens.

    After a while in the dreamworld, or upon hooking a survivor in the dreamworld, Freddy can teleport back to a gen below.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,570

    I don't get why ppl think teleporting hooks is such a superior mechanic. The killer can use this teleport to their advantage as well! Survivor is close to hitting second stage / sacrifice? Nice, just stand near them so they get relocated, throwing off any survivor coming for rescue. I've done so a few times with PH, survivors were never able to rescue the caged surv in time. And camping killers would be waiting outside the radius until another surv appears, just like they are doing with the AFC. So there's not even a real benefit compared to AFC.

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164

    They seem pretty keen to leave Myers/Freddy alone because "their stats are fine". The attitude is "if it ain't broke don't fix it" and if the performance numbers are fine, then it ain't broke. Boring doesn't matter to them.

  • Chaogod
    Chaogod Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 92

    Freddy in general is DBD most mistreated licenced character and feels like a spit in the face of the franchise. They need a total rework and re-introduce him because its emberassing.

    • Based on reboot freddy that no one likes.
    • Doesn't say ANYTHING when Freddy is known for constantly taunting, talking ######### and his catch phrase "#########".
    • Dream world is misrepresented. I get that he is nerfed by the Entity but make it more interesting or cool that really shows off his powers. Show that this is his dominion that he has control over. It doesn't feel like how its represented in the movies at all. Just feels like a de-buff thats applied sometimes more than anything.
    • Somehow they didn't find a way to play "One, Two, Freddys coming for you".

    I am sure a lot of it has to do with what their contract says but I really hope they re-negociate while Robert Englund is still alive and get him to do some lines. Just hearing him saying some awful puns when he hangs or SOMETHING. Dudes one of the most iconic killers and what we got was Walmart Freddy.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 617

    Absolutely fantastic idea, but I have little faith that Behaviour would do it justice.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 464

    The Freddy-REWORK is long awaited. Maybe next year. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.


  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited October 2023

    These pocket dimensions would be a place where survivors are forced when they enter the Dream world, and since there are no gens there, they would need to get out of there ASAP but it will likely take some time

    Of course Freddy will get this notification and he can switch to the Dream world from the trialgrounds at will, and as another commenter suggested, be able to see the survivor's aura at all times while being undetectable with a constant max volume lullaby