I recommend unbreakable, MFT, Calm Spirit every match

Seriously, the coming back to hook to tunnel off hook has been insane the last few weeks and has only increased with the event. Hook, back to hook to tunnel after unhook, trying to slug last 3 players at 4 gens, not to mention every killer running ultimate weapon and knowing where you are every 30 seconds.
If you play survivor I recommend you always run unbreakable, calm spirit, MFT and then your choice of a 4th perk. Windows or even DS if you want a chance of making it to the end of your matches.
Good luck.
As someone who doesn't use Ultimate Weapon, rarely slugs, and frequently uses exhaustion perks I highly approve this post!
Please use these perks so I can have easier games. Thank you! 😃
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You’re a rarity. Hope I get you in future matches.
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I second this.
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Please run calm spirit
I need an excuse to have devour + thrill + undying in every game
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Plot Twist is a decent alternative for only a single perk slot.
You can't scream on the ground, you silence yourself on the ground from the perk, and you likely will have been injured already. I won a match against a sweatlord turbo-tunneling Oni among other uncouth behaviors, and we finished the gens and I was able to point my teammate to one gate I 99'd. They got out and the Oni went into power attempting and failing to down them, then I was able to crawl most of the way to the gate and recover and sprint out when his power ran out. Killers using UW also likely are passing up other intel perks, so you don't have to worry about a BBQ or Floods proc revealing you on the ground.
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Killers the second they hear the unhooking notification:
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DS needs to find its way back into the meta.
The “tunnel” meta has become so common, because there are fewer and fewer people running it.
I leave DS on every single game, and I have no plans of taking it off. It does need a second perk with it to be really viable, I recommend DH or OTR.
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OTR got a huge nerf so it's pointless to run. That anti camping mechanism needs work big time bc killers just tunnel you once you unhook and we have no more perks to counter the tunneling anymore. DS has been nerfed as well. I had a killer run UW, BBQ, NC, NOED and tried to slug the entire match like seriously.
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Wasn't BT implanted into Survivor basekit for this reason but its suddenly not enough now? How much Endurance and second chances do you guys need?
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Second chance implies you were given a first chance to begin with, which is comedically false in the case of tunneling. Personally I have it so ingrained into me to chase the rescuer, there are times I incidentally hit an OTR without realizing it because I'm just trying to clear the heal under Scourge Hook for the person I'm currently carrying.
The problem here, is anti-tunnel Endurance is the same as all other forms of Endurance, which shouldn't be the case. If a Killer hits into BT, the Survivor loses OTR or DH if they had them. Anti-tunnel Endurance should either A: not Deep Wound, or B: work even while Deep Wounded (or C: both). This way BT properly stacks with OTR, and in the case of A (and C), can be further stacked with DH or a Styptic.
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Yes yes , as a killer i want all pallets to break instantly whenever they are within 10 yards of them and also windows should be closed forever including future matches after they have been used once.
Survivors don't need more tools , they already have plenty
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OTR was not changed at all since its buff in 6.1, what do you mean? If you mean it's endurance can be disabled the instance you are unhooked, that's how it was all the time since 6.1.
And why pointless? The perks endurance will only fail to aid you when the killer is really near when you are unhooked. Which should happen LESS now with AFC, and can also be attributed to a misplay of your teammate (aggressive unhooks acutally validating a tunneling approach by making it very time efficient!). The tunnelers I face usually go on to chase other ppl and just turn around the instance an unhook happened. Which gives the unhooked plenty of time to reach a safe tile and still be protected by OTR. Heck, sometimes when I run both OTR and DS and get tunneled, I even have to let myself be downed prematurely to get use out of my DS before it runs out.
OTR is a actually great deterrant for situational tunneling, bc the killer will recognize the missing injured sounds and know that they have to invest two hits to secure a down. So they usually will just slap the survivor once and change target. Sure, if you have a die-hard tunneler, they will do all in their might to finish you off, but no anti-tunnel perk alone will help you reliably in that situation, so OTR is not worse than DS or DH in that regard.
I sincerely have no clue what you are talking about here. Sure OTR won't help in each and every circumstance, there will be situations were it fails. But that does by no means diminish the fact the the perk will help you in other, more prevalent situations. Arguing the perk is useless bc it does not work so well in hardcore tunneling situations is like claiming seat belts do not work bc they do not keep you safe when your car falls of a cliff. It's non-sensical, honestly.
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You're more than welcome to use these perks. Especially MFT. Let's get it all the way up 75% pick rate, so the devs will nerf it.
I'm looking forward to it.
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The problem here, is anti-tunnel Endurance is the same as all other forms of Endurance, which shouldn't be the case. If a Killer hits into BT, the Survivor loses OTR or DH if they had them. Anti-tunnel Endurance should either A: not Deep Wound, or B: work even while Deep Wounded (or C: both). This way BT properly stacks with OTR, and in the case of A (and C), can be further stacked with DH or a Styptic.
Yes, make survivors bodyblocking off hook even more powerful. Bring back Endurance stacking! Make the killer have to hit you three times just to get through doorways and chase your teammates!
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I'm a dedicated survivor main who generally believes this game is much too nice to killers, but with the survivor HUD you can avoid tunneling off hook relatively easy. If there isn't another survivor being chased when you are unhooked, get away from the hook. Sure, they might still come to tunnel you, but you have time to create distance towards a deadzone where chasing after you is a waste of their time (far too many survivors run towards the gens were the killer is all too happy to chase). As the unhooker, don't unhook until you see another chase started or the killer actively move far away.
If the killer is proxy camping, that's more annoying because unless you are in a SWF its hard to communicate, but wait until the very end of the hook state to unhook and hope the other survivors stay on gens.
Also, Off the Record. Even if you lose the endurance the aura hide and quiet effects remain.
If you find yourself unhooking a lot, bring We'll Make It for the very fast heals.
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It's funny, more and more survivors are using Windows of Opportunity and MFT now. When the devs nerf MFT and probably adjust WoO, killers are going to feast. So many people count on press "w" and run to the yellow thing.
I'm not sure why survivors are just going into muscle memory mode of this is how the game is played, as once it is changed, it will be ugly.
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According to BHVR they don’t nerf perks based on pick rate so either they’re not gonna nerf it just cuz it gets more use, or they will nerf it and then we can clearly point to that to show that was BS in which case they will have to acknowledge they they do in fact nerf based on pick rate.
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You’re saying if you’re being tunneled off hook to run the killer to a dead zone? I’m confused how this helps you in any way.
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Someone shared an officialy tweet from the Devs that they were going to "touch-up" MFT.
That text change to WoO being called a "mistake" seemed more like a this is the plan moment and they'll be testing it.
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Remove collision until a CA post-hook. Don't act like this is an impossible hurdle when it took me less than 5s to think of collision removal. I'm sorry but don't be silly.
Also Endurance stacking in that PTB was only possible through (mostly Survivor) content creators playing with their audience. That would be like saying movement speed is OP because you can get Clown Bottle'd, Adrenaline'd, Hope'd, Background Player'd, Breakout'd, Blood Pact'd, and whatever else all can be stacked ala the modern version of this vid from 2 years ago. Endurance stacking only worked when people intentionally went out of the way to make it work for a meme video that resulted in a horrible mechanic change detrimental to the game at large.
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Collision should really be removed after hook, total agreement. If it deactivate by CA or just when base BT runs out is up for debate.
Endurance stacking was a general problem, and way easier to exploit than you make it seem. Just equip OTR and DH and take a styptic with you, and you could potentially tank 3 hits after unhook before going done, with no interaction of other survivors (except them unhooking you). Sure this 3 tanked hits would help immensly against a tunneling killer, but could also be used aggressively by body blocking a killer from another teammate. Thats by no means "going out of ones way" to make it work.
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A sad world you live in....
I'll stick to chemical trap, renewal, empathic connection and any means necessary, thanks.
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Think about what is going through the killer's mind.
You get unhooked and run toward a dead zone. If the killer does not see you run in that direction they are less likely to check that area because there are no gens to defend. If they do see you, they now have to pursue you at the cost of putting themselves farther away from the gens.
But there's more than that. When they down and put you on the hook for your 2nd state, you're now in the dead zone. This is critical to avoid being tunneled. If you get hooked near where the gens are getting done, you're practically inviting the tunnel because the killer is almost certainly going to be in that area anyway.
If you're hooked away from the gens, the killer now has a lot of ground to cover to tunnel you, then still make it back. This gives the rescuer time to heal you, plus makes it much less likely the killer attempts in the first place. It also makes it less likely the killer will proxy camp, because the killer can't both camp you and defend gens.
Unless you are an elite looper, Windows and MFT are bad strategies to avoid being tunneled (and if you are an elite looper, you want to be tunneled anyway). The killer is going to catch any non-elite looper, especially if they don't give them time to heal. The idea is to put yourself in positions where the idea of tunneling you is extremely unappealing.
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I get what you’re saying but if the killer is gonna tunnel you they’re gonna tunnel you no matter where you go. So this advice of running to a dead zone seems silly as you’re just giving them the second down and hook. At least run to some places where you have a pallet and a good wall area to TRY to loop would be my suggestion, but I do agree keeping away from gens to at least help your teammates.
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I mean people who want to 3-4k will always tunnel off hook because that's the only semi-reliable way to get that.
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He's just like me frfr
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I had several games today where i tunneled a guy out, just because some survivor couldnt wait for me to leave, and also didnt care to cover for their teammate. When you hook, turn to a rift 5meters away, and then he already gets unhooked and when you turn hes the only one you see, yeah, than thats the one i go for. But i really think thats on survivors, not the killer.
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I would say CA due to the risk of OTR bodyblocks 60s in. I'd rather just cut the problem off at the pass. It isn't like a Killer can't hit them anyway, it just would let Killers 'phase' through them to ignore bodyblocks.
Back when Endurance stacked, there were already soft-caps, as you couldn't stack BT on top of both DH and a Styptic, as a Styptic needed to be used in place of BT or not at all (since you need to mend in Deep Wound, and can't heal/be healed to apply the Styptic until mended). With the current method of Endurance and my suggested changes, it would still only allow for 1-non Anti-Tunnel Endurance, just as before with Deep Wound serving as the soft-cap. Since I already said to remove collision, even if we reverted the Endurance rules, they still couldn't triple tank for an ally since the Killer could simply walk through (also the person isn't helping by progressing gens, and might even help prevent the Killer from dropping chase, allowing Bloodlust to build better).
Now to be fair, there is one flaw, and that is Flash(light/bang)s being used by the OTR player. I'm not sure of a good thing to fix this, like maybe using a light item counts as a CA altogether, but that wouldn't help against patient players, so that is a tough one.
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I see, gaining collision back only after CA would guarantee no endurance bodyblock at all, that makes sense.
Endurance stacking is still not good, imo. Sure a styptic cannot be used when in deep wound, so likely not from a surv under BT protection. But we have new sources of endurance since then, most notoriously MFT. Any endurance effect could be stacked with DH. Even If it's just two endurances stacked together, it feels awful enough to hit in one pickup endurance already (by MFT or FTP). Those two already enable stupid, risky plays to be relatively safe, no need to make it even safer.
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So question, and Im genuinely curious: if a killer went into a lobby with four identical survivor skins, would this make the tunneling issue more difficult or unaffected?
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There already isn't Endurance stacking by virtue of the Deep Wound mechanic. I'm just saying Endurance that is ONLY for anti-tunnel (BT/OTR) shouldn't Deep Wound. If they are rescued, the Killer can easily down the rescuer, if they Kobe, the Killer can burn through the anti-tunnel Endurance. Overall it would go a long way to encourage positive gameplay behaviors (as in things that don't make people quit).
I feel like "there's too much Endurance" is a bit of a joke of a complaint almost like "there's too much Exposed". Like sure, the big ones come into play more often compared to nothing, but are easily countered in most scenarios (spreading pressure against FtP + Buckle Up, and cleansing totems on non-Midwich maps against Devour).
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If the killer doesn't find anyone by the time the unhook happens, why shouldn't they go right back to hook?
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So you mean BT and OTR giving mettle effect instead of endurance / deep wound, but lose collision so you cannot body block. That might work, yeah.
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Even as a killer main I still agree. I don't tunnel most of the time other than the occasional annoying survivor. The 3 second stun is a joke. They could bring it back to 5 because of the conspicuous actions, and that gets me one person off of genarators then.
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Probably combined with the perk/item reveal in the top right whenever you hit any Endurance status effect. Like when you hit a DS, or get affected by a hex as Survivor. Little pop up of 'OTR'/'MoM'/'Basekit BT'. As long as the info is clear as well, as sometimes people may not know what a Styptic is, or how OTR silences grunts of pain, and this helps ease that learning process.
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Ultimate Weapon is once per minute. Activate it, 30 seconds active, 30 second cooldown.
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I think if you’re in a lobby with 4 survivors wearing the exact same skins it’s not on you to be concerned about tunneling. Yes you can try not to if you want, but I also play killer and it’s near impossible to keep track of hook states when survivors do that. Killers don’t have the same hook marks on their HUD that shows how many hooks someone has the way we survivors do, and keeping track based on screen names doesn’t always work when you’re focused on other stuff happening in the match. You don’t know what hook you’re at until you hook.
I was having a chill match with survivors yesterday just trying to finish the killer challenges in the rift and I accidentally killed one of the Bills because there were two of them with the same skin and I couldn't remember how many hooks they each had.
And if survivors are loading into matches as the same character and the exact same skin, they’re doing it intentionally either because they think it’s cute/funny or to troll the killer. In which case, that’s not your problem so just play the game and if they get unintentionally tunneled it then that’s what it is. 😆
Last note: I’ve loaded into solo lobbies as one character and someone else in the lobby switched to my character and my same skin, so I changed my skin to something different and they kept changing theirs to match mine. At which point I just dodged the lobby and found a different match. I’m not getting tunneled just because another survivor is trying to be funny.
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Since I despise the first two as a killer I'll never use them as a survivor. I agree with Calm Spirit, though.