Thunder and Lightning

Wouldn't you all like this as a variety in weather? I think it would be scary as hell having Ormond at night and seeing Myers in Tier 1 when lightning strikes. I'm surprised this isn't a thing in a horror game 🤔
Would be appealing, aesthetically, and add more dimension to the horror vibe of a new realm, for sure
…tho, recurring Lightning flashes could prove threatening for any players with Photosensitive Epilepsy, potentially triggering seizures and causing harm or death.
Possibly why they haven’t yet implemented such features, idk.
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Flashlights can do that though.
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Yeah, to a certain extent. Anyone sensitive to flashlight blind effects more than likely wouldn’t play Killer for that reason. However, the intense strobe effect of an entire screen multi-flash lightning strike happening frequently throughout a match would be much more prominent and unavoidable.
…just sayin, anyways.
idk why BHVR hasn’t given us Lightning yet🤷🏼♀️
Would be great w Red Forrest, and I’ll thoroughly enjoy the fx if Devs add Thunder n Lightning to the game, especially in a new Haunted House map. The flashes through the windows lighting up the creepy hallways would look amazing!
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Could simply be a on/off button. It doesn't have to be any crazy lightning that hits the map, maybe off in the distance or something.
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Oh fun, everybody on Switch, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, PS4 and PS4 Pro all have their consoles exploded.
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True true; However they implement the T&L fx I feel it would be a pleasant addition to the environment, really intensifying the atmosphere, like watching a horror flick.
Somehow DBD has moved slightly away from those eerie vibes the game once had. Would be nice to see some focus back to the OG DBD slasher flick appeal. T&L would be a good start.
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I play on Switch. There's thunder, lightning and rain in Friday the 13th: The Game which is peer to peer and 8 players in a Match. You'll be fine.
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You greatly underestimate DBD's coding and piss poor optimization.
Surprising for a Switch player! 🤪
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I'm sorry I upset everyone with what I thought was a cool idea. Forget I brought it up.
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At this point I'll take anything to make the game actually scary 😭 It never felt scary for me. There is jump scares but that's about it.
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Just rain and fog would be interesting
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it's funny that you think DBD is that well optimized.
An extra Nemesis Zombie was too much, intense weather effects are definitely gonna be horrific.
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Yeah, I mean, it WOULD be really cool, no doubt about it.
It's just that the game is almost certainly unable to handle it.
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Would be cool, but this game as a history with Frame Rate issues as it is, lets not make it worse.
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We're not against your idea because it's not in theory good or fun, just pointing out that it prolly would take a PC so strong NASA looks at it and says "ehhh ok I guess" to run it all.
Not meant personally in the slightest. Suggestions need to take all 8 platforms in mind for practicality, especially considering the coding of this game. 🍕
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Now that I'm thinking about it, imagine outdoor maps darkened with slashing rain and blinding lightning that makes it so no one can see squat.
But the storm energizes a killer, greatly increasing their hearing & speed. Be good for customs.
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It’s a cool idea, dude.
I think not everyone here is upset at all, actually contrariwise, I’m super stoked if Devs added more spooky themed horror vibes like Thunder and Lightning and help bring DBD back to the original feel of what it was years ago, and then continued expand upon that.
Like I said earlier, we need a good spooky haunted house realm or a straight up rainy, flashy thunder crashy slasher map, or sth.
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Very good suggestion. It's unsettling things that create a scary atmosphere like thunder and lightning in inclement weather, actual darkness, actual fog and somber/grim lighting. The only thing is that a lot of folks in the community are honestly too sissy for actual horror effects, I mean they fall to pieces and raise hell over the most insignificant things.
These sorts of ideas have got two thumbs up from me and would be quite effective at making DbD scarier, and I hope BHvR realizes that there are times when you have to put your foot down in order to make cool stuff happen.
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I didn't know we had so many game engine optimization experts and seizure subject matter experts in these forums. I should come here to have my papers written.
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Look, when a game runs at 20 FPS and looks like a PS2 game, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there's optimization issues.
Adding intense weather effects would only worsen that.
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Couldn't agree more!
Since we're on the subject, wouldn't something from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death" be cool? You'd have seven color themed rooms and the red-black room. They could be thematic and add a clock that chimes every few minutes. They could drop a Plague skin to go with the map. It's too perfect and there's a market for this type of stuff.
They could even make a Prospero survivor. Don't know what those perks would look like though.
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It's not optimization, it's base performance. It's a good strategy because it means most anyone can play it. It's like saying World of Warcraft isn't optimized. It is, but the developers settled for performance that could accommodate most specs. They've already had rainy maps (old Red Forest notably had it and I miss it dearly), they just need to amp that up and add flash effects for lightning.
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And Red Forest was notoriously bad on Console for how it performed.
Add in an intense Killer like Nemesis and the game barely chugged along.
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I distinctly recall it performing well both on PC and console so it's your memory versus mine and I'm going to have to go with mine. The sounds were likely reduced for competitive reasons since sound is a major mechanic that the killer relies on.
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You just need to go look at old footage, I suppose.
There's a giant thread on here with a ton of old footage like that
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I'm definitely going to need a citation.
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Go nuts and enjoy the hundreds of pages of poor optimization.
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I would love that but I reckon that might cause performance issues. It would be nice though, if we had an indoor map and had some kind of audible storm on the outside. In general I wish they were a bit more adventurous when it comes to lighting.
The event void looks awesome and I think this could make for a very authentic and unique map. Something entirely different and way more pleasent to look at then Borgo (because identifying 50 shades of red is not really fun).
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Put their foot down in what way?
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It would definitely add atmosphere to the maps. I'd still like heavy rain that can impact your ability to see and hear clearly for brief periods of time. There are ways to include things like lightning without them being problematic for people with sensory problems. Placing them in the background, so they have minimal impact on the lighting in the map and having large intervals between them is just one way to accomodate those with specific needs.
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Could simply be a on/off button.
I think people underestimate what it probably feels like to a developer to consider all of the time investment they'll need to put into an idea, only to be told that many people will just turn it off.
If it would go in, it would have to work for everyone. If we're just talking hypothetically, wouldn't it be cool if, then yeah, most people would probably take it.
To be that one guy though who pokes a hole in the idea: if you care deeply about balance, it would be an issue. A dark map would be a boon to killer's like Ghostface who need to hide, while probably hurting chase killers by making it harder for them to locate survivors.
Which now that I've typed the sentence, I'm all for the idea.
It's only a mere 82 pages! Works great!
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By ignoring the inevitable tirade of whining and all manner of disingenuous ploys to get said changes prevented or reverted.
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My sister died of a seizure in 2021.
Yeah, I know a bit about the subject matter.
Write your own papers.
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Disengenerous ploys? Ya lost me fam?
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Ooo, that's a good idea.
Spooky mansion with thunderstorm audio
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If this is implemented, it absolutely should be an on/off button, so that we aren't adding another uncompensated survivor buff to the game.
No. It would absolutely not be cool for killers to need to deal with thunder and lightning, that will make it even more obnoxious to see and hear survivors. That would not be fun, and it's a terrible idea that should never happen as a mandatory feature that killers are forced to suffer through.
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Yes. Would be fun. A thunderstorm effects sounds too. That would be crazy.
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That would not be fun, and it's a terrible idea that should never happen as a mandatory feature that killers are forced to suffer through.
The point is, that's why it won't happen. Devs aren't going to put a lot of time into a feature that a lot of the player base might turn off. The merit of the idea, outside of a purely hypothetical discussion, isn't relevant because it just won't happen if it has an on/off feature.
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They wasted quite a bit of time on the Skull Merchant... ha ha...
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Thematic weather effects would be a great addition.
I'd like to see a swamp thing kind of killer or maybe some old diving suit killer that comes with an old lighthouse and pier coastal map set in a lightening storm.
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I mean.... that's not a bad thing lol. Most of the matches that have issues with toxicity comes from console players in my experience.
As to the topic, I think it would be really cool.
Having seen the void for this event, I'd like to see them design a void like map with that same scheme, it's very cool.
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Frequent suggestion that always gets muted. Big fan of adding weather to the game, as well as day turning to night on Coldwind or vice versa.
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You literally told everyone here that they didn't know ######### about seizures.
They came back with evidence that they, in fact, knew what they were talking about and now you wanna play dumb.
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It doesn’t have to be that often lol. We aren’t trying to suggest a heavenly rave party. 😜
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You're completely right about the Borgo map. Following the scratch marks on there is pure pain.
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Please idc if it's snowing in a cornfield please add this
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F13 despite its other issues somehow is better built to handle the limitations of last gen hardware.
Weather effects would be alright for maybe three games before losing all aesthetic effect and 20 games until folks start finding the weird ways it can be used as a gameplay advantage because of some weird way it'll be implemented in this game compared to any other game with weather effects.
That's sort of the fate of almost everything added to the game it seems sadly.
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I’ve been replaying Bioshock 1 for Halloween. How amazing would it be to get a Big Daddy as a Killer and Rapture as new map?
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What a wonderful idea. I love it, I’m always all for more horror added to the game.