What is Spirit's natural counter

I'm sorry but she seriously has no natural counter aka not having to buy someone to counter one killer no other killer is like this as much as I hate Wraith his counter is at least easy to know since it's in the game. Killer counters always fall into some kind of category. Environmental,Visual, Audioable with some fitting into other categories as well
Environmental: Killers like Hillbilly, Leatherface, Nurse(near), Blight(Close or in sight) and Cenobite to name a few. To counter them you use the Environment rocks,trees and such to either stun them or get them stuck for a short bit to gain some distance.
Visual: Killers like Trapper, Hag and Demo, also to name a few. They're power is all over the ground and or map while most players seem to ignore that fact their there it's easy to counter as example Hag you just need to crouch and whip away and Trapper keep an eye out and disarm.
Audioable: Artist, Onyro, Dredge, Nurse(far), Blight(Mid or out of sight), Wraith also to name a few. These Killers powers rely on your hearing with or without headphones. Artist hearing her screech means crow's are being sent out, Dredge even during nightfall you can hear it, Blight simple the grunting or screech he makes every time during rush and Wraith his bell. It can help you get idea what their doing and gives you some time to react.
Most Killers can fall in all three categories for some form of counter while Spirit is basically dipping her toes in two Audioable and Visual. She's standing still and you hear her phasing. But that just tells you she's doing that it doesn't mean your going to be countering her since you still have no idea where she's going even if she's full on close as without headphones her phasing noise is just the same volume. What I would say makes a proper Audioable counter is if the killer's power can be easily heard both with and without headphones with Spirit since her power has two volumes for some reason I can't hear the difference plus I don't know if she had directional audio it still doesn't help with if she's infront or behind me.
So let me ask what is her natural not buying something counter.
praying that she isnt running phasing speed addons , for me thats the only thing that makes spirit unfair to go against ATM.
0ther than that shes pretty balanced.
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I know this has been said many times in regards to spirit counters but you gotta be as unpredictable as possible. Things like leading scratch marks to a pallet and crouching away from it do work from my experience and also vaulting a window and then slow vaulting it right when she’s coming around to the other side of the window.
I don’t recommend camping pallets or always running straight because those are two extremely predictable things. A lot of people still do that these days.
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Spirit does give the audio cue while phasing like you're mentioning, which is nowadays a directional one.. So, neither side can see each other, but she's having a slight advantage over you because she's faster and can decide when to end phasing whereas you as a survivor have no control over that, besides stunning her with pallets or perks like Head-On.
I'm not sure if you can still see her going through the environment (disturbing crows, making grass move, making corn in Coldwind Farm maps move, ... - Yes, even while phasing), but that was one of the counters, not sure if they still work as there has been some changes to her throughout the years.
Either way, she's a very balanced killer without add-ons, but because unfun and broken with specific add-ons (tracking ones, to be more specific). Her full recharge time is fifteen seconds, which is more than enough.. No other killer has such a long cooldown to their power, and she does lose a portion of her power charge if ending phase walk sooner than it fully depletes for some weird and unknown reason.
So.. The natural counters are the environment and sound cues. There's nothing else, and some add-ons do tweak it a bit, possibly changing the counterplay by a bit (Wakizashi Saya, returning to her husk despite audio cue telling otherwise).. She's not that fun to face, but you can literally outrun her if you face one without movement add-ons and tracking add-ons with ease if you're running MFT or some exhaustion perk, prolonging the chase up to ~20 seconds with ease just because the cooldown is such a big number.
Playing with her against SWF with voice communications is a mess, unless you're running add-ons; The moment you're off, they're on the generators, but you can't get back because your power is still recharging.. And if you do that, the survivor whom you've attempted to chase heads back, and they can easily share your position based on the audio cues while phase walking.
Unless you're facing Rin with tracking add-ons, you shall be having rather easy time playing against her because her power doesn't allow her to split pressure and let you have a generator from time to time.
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Knowing how to mindgame
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Best thing you could is play her! Learn how her powers work, what she sees and doesn't.
But in general get to a loop and don't run when she phases.
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But doesn't she see your pools of blood when injured.
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No. The only time she can do that is with father’s glasses and that add on isn’t even in the game anymore.
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I recommend playing her and learning how she works. You can clearly hear which way she's coming from.
Crouching is a great way to throw her off her game unless shes using 1 certain add on that let's her know kinda where you are.
If you walk or run in grass spirit can see the grass move so i recommend sometimes staying still. She will have to come out of her phase to find you. Crank up those turtlebeaches so you can hear her well.
Good spirits are hard to counter just like blight and nurse, but not impossible, and most of her addons are kinda poopoo now too, meaning she lost most of her "OP" addons. Some say dried cherry blossom is still strong and i agree, but lately ive seen 1 spirit in a week so going against them isnt that big of a deal when you see 4 blights per day.
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Good headset with pallet town map
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Spirit is visual and audio. She has clear audio indicators to tell you where she is and on top of that she disrupts the environment when moving through corn or grass. This is obviously harder in indoor maps but it's also more difficult for Spirit to navigate.
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Pallet Mindgames.
Predrop pallet and Mindgame her. Work a lot.
Otherwise, yes. She will probably get a hit.
Spirit is a killer you won't beat in the 1v1. You beat her in the 1v4. That means: don't give free hits, don't run into teammates, don't run near gens being worked on, go down as far as possible from other killer objectives.
There are killers that have no counterplay if they play it right. The best contender for this is Nurse.
You try to mindgame these killers.
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You need headphones to play Spirit at all, why shouldn't it go both ways, just ,listen to where she is.
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just like nurse, it's up to her and how good she is. at least spirit's cooldowns are more punishing. crouching gives free iron will, doubling back might work especially around corners, like people said slow vaulting might work. god pallets obviously work.
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Oh, slow vaulting works only against deaf players and players new to Spirit, as vaulting makes some noise (not the vaulting itself, but the character does make some) and it's pretty loud, easy to track and therefore being a free hit unless you've managed to gain enough distance to pull it off.
In general, I wouldn't recommend it to any veteran player, unless they're playing in low-mid MMR.
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I dont know what more to say then its audio. Maybe it comes down to personal hearing or the quality of your audio, but I find it fairly easy to track her by sound to the point I can keep my camera centered on her as she moves. Its direction and distance is all telegraphed by her audio.
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hm, good to know thanks. i myself am not a very good survivor against spirit honestly so tried to not sound super sure.
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I can counter her. As someone said the fast vaulting then doing a quiet vault back works, when she's phasing while chasing you, running back towards her works for me.
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Mm, that does usually help players to gain some little distance, making her waste a bit of power. However, if she phases straight to your last seen position, she's gonna hear the footsteps and heavy breathing, possibly even notice the scratch marks, and stops phasing while being right on top of you without even having to fully deplete her power bar.. Earning an easy hit and phasing literally right after the cooldown animation, creating a very bad scenario for you.. Unless you still have some ace up your sleeve to give her a hard time catching you.
Well.. She's much weaker than back in the day, but veteran players might still give you a hard time escaping the chase or vice-versa.
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The counter to spirit is the same thing you need to be a pro spirit: a good headset. I agree, it's incredibly dumb to have a character that punishes you for making the foolish mistake of playing without a good headset but BHVR thinks it ok.
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Hoping she is bad.
That's literally it.
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I think it's totally nuts to need headphones to play this game or you'll be at a disadvantage. Just seems like bad design to me. I'd understand it more if this was a game that had voice chat, but it doesn't.
Maybe it's the done thing to wear a headset while playing games these days and I just need to get with the times. I don't know.
Anyway, the only thing that kinda works for me is to crouch out of sight and don't move if you hear her phasing. But most of the time, against a Spirit I'm just dead and I accept my fate.
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I’ve been a Spirit main ever since her release and the #1 thing that throws me off is when people are unpredictable and make plays that make no sense.
If you double back against a good Spirit that just results in death and camping pallets is not a smart play but if you run around while she’s phasing and do random movements, that will throw her off especially if the Spirit isn’t experienced. Sometimes even running around in a circle will throw me off.
You have to use the directional audio. Her whole gameplay is auditory. You can’t play against her the same way you would Trapper or Myers.
Also don’t be let down if you are going down quickly, because she’s uber strong. A good Spirit will win most chases quick. You cannot win a 1v1 vs an experienced Spirit. She’s one of the strongest chase killers so you have to have a strong team and win the 1v4.
It’s really up to how good the Spirit is and most of them I’ve run into are bad. I don’t even know why, she isn’t even the hardest killer to play but I rarely run into her and usually they’re not the best at playing her :/