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Is this a wrong way of thinking?

Applicant Posts: 107

So you go into a match. You've been around the block. You've been playing this game for years and have a good understanding within the first 2 minutes how the match is going to play out.

You quickly realize your team is on the weaker side. It's okay. You play for points anyway and escapes isn't the end all be all.

You quickly realize the killer who spots you first has strong perks and addons. You get away fine, but your team drops like flies.

The killer is sweating hard. You get hooked and your team isn't coming for you as far as you can tell. You just die on hook to move on.

I do this often. Not because I'm angry as much as I want to play the game. Do any of you purposely DOH to move on?

Whats yalls take on doing this? Do you see this as toxic, or bad for the game?

I'm interested.

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  • Member Posts: 685
    edited October 2023

    Not really. For the most part, I'll let go to give someone else a better chance at hatch, that's about it. An extra minute or so really isn't going to affect me much.

    Do I see it as toxic or whatever? No. Whether I'm playing killer or survivor, as the saying goes: I'm not mad, just disappointed.

  • Member Posts: 320

    People like to cry and moan in ANY game where you can see which way the wind's blowing and you give up, but there's little reason to put in the effort into a doomed match.

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited October 2023

    I'm not a fan of it, but I get it and I'm also guilty of it. Matchmaking is often terrible to the point that games are 10 minute cutscenes.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Unless I'm on a hook and there is only one survivor left with a couple pf gens still to go, I won't. In that scenario it's just so they can get the hatch as we're not going to get the gens done.

    Sometimes, I'll see a survivor want to save me regardless and - in that case - I'll let them since we're just trying to get more BP; make the most out of a bad situation.

    I won't do it if we have any sort of chance though. I don't wish to ruin other players' fun because I want to move on.

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    We wouldn't say toxic or things like that but there's always room for come backs, or in your example a way to escape if your unhooked. We're not going to advocate trying to unhook to death (we loath that), but in your example we wouldn't hold a grudge for you not hitting skill checks if left there and no one's actually trying to get to you. Ether way it's probably not good for the game in general, but that's our thoughts.

  • Member Posts: 395

    It depends, if I go down at the start of the game and 1 or 2 gens pop, I stay. If I've run the killer for a couple minutes and my team aren't doing anything productive I move on because all that will happen is two survivors left, I try and do a gen and the other survivor will bring to killer over to try and get a pity escape so 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 113

    Here's the way I look at it. When I'm playing this game as a survivor I'm playing to escape. Period.

    If someone else is not playing with the goal of escaping that's their right. However, that means they don't care that they're working against me and anyone else trying to escape.

    So if people that aren't playing to escape have no problem basically sabotaging those of us that are then I have zero problem bailing on the first hook and not helping them with their objective either.

  • Member Posts: 813

    Yeah, it's another "it depends" thing for me. First down first hook is a little early to give up (unless it's a basement Trapper), but second hook depends on where the match is at. If I'm on second hook and we still have 4-5 gens to go still, then I'll let go. Or if I'm obviously getting tunneled off first hook, then I see no reason to fight it. If the Killer wants me out of the match that badly, then fine, I'll get out. I hope they're happy.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    If my teammates can't make it before I get sacrificed and the Killer is nowhere nearby I'll let go. I'm not getting rescued and I'm not wasting the Killer's time thereby giving my team more time to escape.

    If there's no point, I'll give up. Before bots were introduced to handle DCs I hated it when people DCed. Now I don't care because bots will focus on objectives and get chased better than many players so, depending on who left, getting a bot replacement doesn't hurt the match anywhere near as much when it was a 3v1 after.

    As well, I'll have to admit I prefer having a bot over someone who's just trolling the Killer as my chance to escape is often better with the bot.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    especially during the event, i don't let go too often but throw the match for event points instead.

    but normally, i do it only if i get pissed, really pissed though. like when someone instantly starts camping pallets the moment they hear the terror radius, or better, they camp pallets while i'm being chased and blocking me. or when they hover a chase for 2 minutes to shine that flashlight at the back of the killer's head. or if they think they are too good to take my chase just to predrop every single pallet they see.

    it's just a matter of mood i think.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    I also don’t do it often, but for example, have noticed when Gens are prioritized (not even where they’re close to being completed and it may carry into 2nd stage… I mean, like, you get hooked and they hop onto fresh 0 prog gens… this after you 3gens-worth looped the Killer) and you manually induce 2nd stage after seeing they aren’t coming for you in time, that’s when they’ll race over to toxically repeatedly grab you on hook ‘til almost stage 3 before pulling you off, in some self-gratifying attempt at punishing you for what they would consider “throwing” 🙄 All the while, they could’ve been doing that brand new Gen they opted to prioritize, over walking the 20 meters for the rescue.

    Don’t get these types of players often, but whenever ya do it’s always a deep sigh n an eternal eyeroll on MMR.

    It’s true tho, many SoloQ players don’t have a actual pulse on the game

  • Applicant Posts: 107

    Yeah. To me my time is valuable. It takes minutes to get a match going. Sometimes quite a few minutes.

    It's frustrating when playing solo and you have a team that's to afraid to do anything and you find yourself doing all the saves and the only one doing gens.

    If my entire team isn't playing the game I tend to just move on, especially if I go into struggle my first hook, there's 4 or 5 gens and multiple people are down and I see nobody still coming to save me.

    I'd rather just DOH and try to move on

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    You intentionally killed yourself on hook to get out the match as fast as possible. As far as i'm concerned i would report you for it. I don't know if it is bannable. But it should be and harshly. In fact, if i had my way, i would permanently ban people who did this too often.

    If you want out of the match, take the L and the DC penalty and let your team have a bot.

  • Applicant Posts: 107

    The times I DOH is circumstantial. I don't just do it bc I'm mad, or don't get my way. I do this when the matches are a bust. As in you gage the situation and know you're not getting saved or your team is messing around and not doing literally anything. Not playing the game.

    That's when I do it. Bc I'd rather move on and play an actual match. I see nothing wrong with it.

    I can understand not accepting it when survivors are just mad they got downed etc. That's not what I'm taking about.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited October 2023

    True, they should remove the 4% mechanic, its outdated, and dumb, all it does is cause a killer to be screwed over by RNG, or a give a survivor a way out of the game without taking a penalty. Its also a confusing mechanic for new players. You see the "take a chance to escape" interaction and might think that is what you are supposed to do.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Well if people can rationalize that one minute of game time makes no difference to the team then I'm sure they can also accept that the same minute of game time makes lil difference to their overall experience, so why not stay in game for as long as possible.

    You might get saved and then get a lucky out but you never know if you never try and the quitter mentality is strong with some of the replies here.

    I wouldn't call it toxic but there is something kinda lame about the "Its not going my way I quit" mentality.

  • Applicant Posts: 107

    There's a difference between "it's not going my way" and "this games a bust" playing solo. Sometimes that's just how it plays out. And DOH to save several minutes for a bust match in my opinion is fine.

    However there's a fine lone between the two.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I let go in two situations:

    • We're down to 2 survivors & there's no chance that we're both going to escape if my teammate tries to save me
    • I somehow ended up in a match with red ping & I can't even play

    I've been tempted to let go just because I'm not having fun or it's clear that we're going to lose, but I don't let myself do that and because I don't let myself do that, I've had the chance to see how often the match starts off really bad but then the rest of it plays out normally and I get to do enough that it feels worthwhile.

    Now, when I feel like letting go out of frustration, I remind myself of all of those other times.

    (I have never been tempted to let go because my teammates aren't coming to save me; in that case I try to live to spite them.)

  • Applicant Posts: 107

    Fair point. I just don't see why anyone would frown upon a justified DOH. Is all.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Well if you liberally define what a bust game is then you can rationalize quitting all the time. So easy why queue at all?

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