Pinhead seems like the weakest killer in DBD
Even after having been around for so long now, I feel absolutely frustrated playing Pinhead despite how cool of a killer character he is in Dead by Daylight. My problem with him is his chains that break almost instantly after having caught someone in them. It takes skill to land these hooks, yet the survivors can break from them so easily, especially if in a corner. Why is that?
Am I playing him wrong, I feel like many times it's a better tactic to ignore Pinhead's power and just chase the normal way unless there's a small pallet loop.
I think he needs a serious rework or buff.
If you play Pinhead right he is a straight up monster to verse. First off don’t use his chains at long distances only at small loops or short distances.
His addon original pain pretty much makes him the greatest tunneler and camper it ignores BT and endurance.
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Pinhead is a pubstomper, first and foremost, but he’s also somewhat map dependent.
I find he struggles on Léry’s specifically, where there are lots of walls to break the chains on.
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Not bad, just too hard for how little he offers. His chains don't feel nearly punishing enough, especially long range ones for how hard they are to land.
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Pinhead is actually strong and probably on the end of where i think they should balance killers around. The problem with him right now is that he i super hard countered by MFT. It makes a huge difference when using his power on an injured survivor.
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Maybe *weakest high tier killer* his passive slowdown and ability to shut down certain loops doesn't make him bad by any stretch of the imagination.... Unless you use a controller
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Honestly his passive ability is what really makes him shine. His main ability isn’t as reliable.
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His skill cap comes with tracking the box, knowing which survivors are going for it, and controlling it. He's not easy to play well. You have the mechanical component with his chains and the macro stuff with his box. Definitely not weak.
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I can guarantee hes not the "weakest" but he is in fact the buggiest that makes him horrible to play
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environmental chain breaks need some work and bhvr should make him stronger in that aspect, but other than that he is mostly fine. i don't think he is a weak killer.
Post edited by NerfDHalready on1 -
He is not weakest, but sometimes use his power make no sense, because it literally do nothing. He probably also has biggest punish for missing his power. That's why he's one of my least favorite killers to play as.
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Pinhead is probably the strongest M1-Killer across the board. Everybody puts him in high B-Tier for a reason.
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Pinhead is both very strong and in my opinion one of the healthiest Killers in the game by a mile.
The sad thing is that he is bugged to hell for quite a while now.
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his chains need buff. he is weak in 1vs1 but has strong 4vs1 passive. your not playing him wrong. he is not very good at 1vs1 and he is needed buff in 1vs1. His chains should not break on environment and he should not break his own chains. he could also maybe use 0.25 buff to durability on his chains.
he is not weakest killer due to his passive game-delay but he is almost pure m1 vs top player until they buffed his anti-loop.
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oh boy this is quite the post and I couldn't disagree harder so here we go. So let me start by saying pinhead is a high skill level killer, I am a p100 pinhead with probably 1500+ hours of actual raw gametime on him, and if you are having issues such as chains breaking too easily on him then you are not using the m2 correctly, just launching a possessed chain on someone is not good enough in many chases you need to angle the chain so that the chains that spawn in dont break which is a very hard thing to do. Ive made it work though as my personal best winstreak is 244 proof on twitch, and have beaten comp teams with complete ease as I do play a bit of comp from time to time. You then need to tie in the understanding of his box spawns when the box spawns in with box logic, another system beginner and noob pinheads do not understand adding to the idea that he is weak, when once again its simply you do not know how to play the killer. Pinhead in pubs is oppressive when the pinhead knows how to use the m2 consistently, and how to play around the box putting these 2 aspects together. I go for m2's almost all the time, so often that I never get blood lust, and it gives me a super good reason to run rapid brutality almost as a perma perk simply because it makes up for not having blood lust. You can use the chain with nearly 0 issues in 95% of loops in the entire game, there are a few that are not normally a good idea to try and tag people in but Pinhead is EXTREMELY powerful in fact I think he is easily top of A tier if you actually know how to play him correctly and make little mistakes during a pub game. In fact, if you wanted some actual better tips for him id love to share some because I love teaching people to play pinhead. Pinhead is anything but weak, he is simply a very hard killer to play for many and thats why he has one of the lowest pickrates in the game, but the reason his kill rate is so high is that the people who know how to play him me included, (and this is kinda tooting my own horn but it is fact) almost never lose matches like I can count on one hand how many games 2 or more people have escaped my pinhead in the last 8 months, and as for lower mmr pinhead games, the box plus his base perks have great slowdown potential which boosts his kill rate even more and the people who get frustrated playing him normally drop him and those people no longer play pinhead thus keeping his kill rate very high. Pinhead is very powerful, do not give up, I kept practicing with him for months and now I feel I have truly mastered him and he is a monster, I dont even run slowdowns at this point very often with him and I still win like 99% of my games. Im not just saying this to brag or anything, like I am proof that Pinhead is an actual demon no pun intended and his potential for those willing to learn him and try to master him is huge.
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Can we play him again?
Are all the bugs fixed now?
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he absolutely does not, his m2 is very powerful people just send the m2 head-on in chase and expect that to be enough its not you have to think about when and where you are launching the chain and the angle, something Ive come to master on pinhead. Its not something an average player is going to be good at doing and should not be buffed just because the average player cant pull it off.
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actually as of right now he is pretty bug free minus the plot twist interaction which isnt really a bug but should be changed, and the bug involving the locker grab which may or may not also be kind of fixed right now from my testing, they patched him pretty good as of the Halloween update
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it is not about pulling it off. it is about reward. there is not enough reward for his ability when you succeed. also a skilled survivor can dodge chains/mindgame chains. that is what I do. I visualized his gateway and try to wiggle/predict where he will fire the chain. most survivors just run forward and make no effort to dodge his chains. so you can have games with like 90% chain accuracy but no hits because of anti-loop is so bad.
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there is though, I have nearly 0 issues with this minus a handful of loops example being the warden's office in Lerrys, and a few other locations on the map. The reward is there but most people expect simply hitting the chain to be a free hit, its not you have to think about your own movement and your own place of the chain. I've dedicated many many hours to mastering this and I can tell you that this isn't an issue and part of the high skill level with cenobite. If you really are having these issues you have not quite gotten to that point of true understanding of his power. This isn't me trying to be condescending either I have such a large understanding of this killer and when people say things such as what you have said it really just tells me you haven't learned his full potential yet. And I have the experience and understanding to back this up.
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That is great to hear, i did not touch him for a while because of the bugs, especially when the locker bug became widespread.
BTW what do you think of the hate Pinhead gets? I would like to hear your perspective. I personally feel like he is unappreciated and is hated way to much because of bad players. I mean Pinhead is currently only one of a few Killers that reward aggressive gameplay that much, even in situations when it'd be advised for most Killers to camp/tunnel you can just go for the box and get a potentially higher reward out of it which is very cool and needs to be implemented more in Killer design in general.
It doesn't help that people still see him as a pub stomper no matter how good he is played in comp with box control.
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I think he is overhated, I love pinhead even in solo q, I just hate that many of them resort to tunneling and proxy camping when they cant hit the possessed chain and turn a fun killer into a boring one. Fun pinheads use their m2 which is a lot easier to dodge then people think, however a good pinhead is something ive also come to respect as a good pinhead is very hard to beat because they can make chases very short with good placed m2s. And yes his ability to play aggressively against the box with box logic makes him IMO a top A tier killer as if you understand that part of his power tied with knowing how to m2 you will destroy even the best of teams in pubs especially if you run a build to back it up and part of the reason I got to 244 wins in a row with pinhead. And he is a pub stomper, but its because he isnt played often and so many people dont understand the tricks and things you can do to help again him and just throw that "hes a solo q stomper" quote out every time instead of learning. I employ my own tactics that I hate when playing against pinheads and it works extremely well until they start proxy camping and focusing someone out of the game and people are not sitting on gens hard enough as its happening which can be frustrating but thats not a pinhead thing that a dbd game in general thing.
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If Pinhead players knew if they were going against Solo or SWF, they'd be a more dominant force. Pinhead is Solo-Q destroyer next to Onryo.
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I have played other killers that have similar nature of getting bursts of speed. I understand how to judge distances very well. This ability is pretty hard to land vs good player and the reward just does not meet the difficulty. the fact you need deal with RNG for whether your ability works or not is just silly. Some survivor that I have played against break chains almost as fast as me chaining them. The people that understand to just Hold m1 when they get hit by chains and stand in positions where they rubberband objects to break chains quickly is not fun. Your barely getting any distance with this ability in straight lines because when you channel gateway, you slow down to nurse's speed so you naturally lose distance so when you pair that with RNG of this ability. Your almost expected to land every chain for the ability to do anything but survivor needs very little effort to produce long chases against him. current pinhead needs 1vs1's buffs. He has high kill-rate because of survivor's mismanaging the box and new player that don't understand how the box works.
Pinhead now is like balanced around new players. it is sad because his gameplay is fun but ultimately unrewarding.
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Run impaling wire. Chains break fast by environment, this addon won't let them do that. I'd also recommend franks body to interrupt the box, as the pressure you get is insane. Lastly save the best for last is good, you can hit then chain pretty much guaranteeing a down.
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I hope you understand how strong he would be if the chains couldn't break on the environment. Making it take longer to break is gonna be the best outcome
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Twins and Knight be like 👍
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I'm usually the last one to pull content creators especially when they dont do it themselves here but i think this one does well.
Keep in mind while this wasn't a 100% comp setting this team was still better than easily 90% of SWFs out there. Pinhead is certainly a very tricky Killer to master because not only are his chains very tricky but you also need a lot of game sense, now more than ever since Hoarder has been nerfed, but it wasn't really ever completely necessary.
This match also shows the point i have been trying to make when i said Pinhead is a relatively healthy Killer because he almost never benefits from camping/tunneling compared to other Killers, its almost always better to go for the Box and switch targets, even in a potentially competitive setting where the meta for a long time has been tunneling pretty much.
He is not a mere noob/pub stomper, while he is surely stronger against them that applies to literally every Killer because bad uncoordinated survivors are easier to go against with every Killer.
I'm just glad that the Pinhead glitches have been fixed so i can finally play him again, i did not play him for far to long.
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for console absolutely he is trash
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Definitely not the weakest but he is quite inconsistent. There are maps where his active ability power will barely help him like Lery's but there are also maps Dead Dawg where a good chain can easily end the chase.
Something that very good Pinhead players do is charge their power so that they can hit a survivor from the direction they are running in. This can make it much harder for the survivor to break the chains by using obstacles.
The box can also be pretty powerful, if you know how to play around it. Once you start chaining it, the survivors can barely progress the game and you always have an extra edge in chase.
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I play solo and get stomped by Pinhead every single time.
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that game exactly shows my point about how bad pinhead's 1vs1 is. first you need have incredible aim accuracy to use chains, like I am not joking but it is harder to use his chains accurately vs good survivors than it is to land like blight rushes and nurse blinks. you can see how many times he misses chains in that match. disregarding mechanical difficult of using this ability, he is not getting rewarded for his chains. Just to give an example, 21:12 he is near Lisa at around 10 meters away, He is casting his chains, he lands chains but gets no hit. To be fair, he does not move around the pallet after hitting Lisa but even if he did, he might not make it just because chains are likely to break before pinhead makes any distance.
Another example is 22:13 where he lands a chain around crane loop but survivor still gets to the pallet. He still get hits m1 hits on nancy who is body blocking but actual chase with power results in no value. You see how pinhead's anti-loop is ineffective? He is landing precise skill-shot but it is not mattering in outcome of the 1vs1.
The survivor have some of worst loop rng. they have 4 four walls, a long-wall pallet and that new double window loop. the reason why pinhead is doing so well is because survivor's do not have typical stronger loop setups in the map. All hits he is getting is not because of 1vs1 chain anti-loop. it is all m1 gameplay. Pinhead chains are suppose to be anti-loop but pinhead player knows from experience how ineffective the anti-loop is which is why he is breaking pallets. there is no point in trying to use his chains around loops.
Your game showcases everything I talked about with pinhead in regards to 1vs1. as you correctly point out, hoarder no longer works with the box so that outcome is likely to be way worse as less chain-hunt are likely to activate.
Considering the 1vs1 power barely works currently, I don't even know what power-level the chains are considering current version of them is terrible. At best, his power is like pink bottle clown, so i am pretty sure his power working correctly will not suddenly make his 1vs1 strong given that it has big counter-play in the player missing his chains as shown in the video.
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I will never forget how I watched a youtube vid about the box spawn logic, played an evening with Lethal Persuer, THEN took it off and right in my next game found the box in the Ormond shack and started the chain hunt some 15s into the trial.
But unless you master such shennanigans, he can feel very lackluster, especially in this MFT driven meta that makes his chains basically useless.
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I don't think he is the weakest.
He has very powerful addons in purple rarity which turn him into very viable killer.
Also once you start to predict where next cube spawns, you will get much better with him.
Pinhead is A tier killer imo.
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He’s not the best but he’s far the worst killer in the game.
Freddy and Trapper take that title.
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oh hey that's me :D and yea this video is a perfect example of what I'm talking about, team misery is not a bad comp team in fact they are normally quite high on comp setting leaderboards when playing in tourneys, and the fact I performed as well against them without corrupt and without impaling wire and original pain just goes to show how good pinhead is.
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That is the thing, you are thinking in terms of "this single chain is not giving me immediate value" the thing I have recognized from playing pinhead is its not always about the value from a single chain, that comes from close-range engagement, sometimes it's about hitting a first chain to slow them down and set you up for another one that will be the reason you get the down. Everyone keeps thinking in that ideology, if pinhead could get max value every time from hitting a chain I firmly believe he would actually be unfair. He isn't death slinger and you may not think that but what you want him to be is death slinger, thats not his role even though I also really love slinger. Sometimes you wont always get good value but thats ok because that makes him fun to play against, if pinhead could just get insane value no matter what if you hit a m2 then the fun factor on survivor side goes down which I also care about as I love playing against pinheads that try to use their m2, good positioning and the pinhead misplacing his gateway will reward the survivor, it makes pinhead more fun that way though. And im not saying it cant be frustrating to have even a good chain break instantly, but at the end of the day thats ok, if we start trying to make him easier to play by changing this mechanic we are potentially damaging his skill factor for the sake of hand holding which I am very much against and making him less fun to play against as a survivor, and we really dont need that. I get it if you disagree with me but as the one who played in that game, yes I missed chains but thats just part of the game thats on me, as the player, for messing up, not because he is weak or as everyone is saying "inconsistent" I mean take a look at the hit on the feng at the end of the video when I hit a really good compensation chain through shack right before the last gen popped, that was rewarding as hell as it allowed me to kill her then go and kill ada.
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sure but in feng's case, you down her in a deadzone. this is another thing. If the killer hits a survivor and the survivor runs hold-w because your going to acquire free bloodlust 1 to down her. it is to point that it is unreward to use his skill that your better off just being 5% faster then using it. your suppose use it only when it would change outcome from no hit to a hit but that point almost never happens even when your very close to the survivor. the chains just have no durability and no consistency. any killer would get hit there with 0 powers. Anti-loop power are designed to shorten the chase compare to other killers and pinhead chain power is unsuccessful at shortening chases.
Everyone keeps thinking in that ideology, if pinhead could get max value every time from hitting a chain I firmly believe he would actually be unfair. He isn't death slinger and you may not think that but what you want him to be is death slinger, thats not his role even though I also really love slinger.
I actually compare him to deathslinger but with clown pink bottle-level rewards.
if we start trying to make him easier to play by changing this mechanic we are potentially damaging his skill factor for the sake of hand holding which I am very much against and making him less fun to play against as a survivor, and we really dont need that. I get it if you disagree with me but as the one who played in that game, yes I missed chains but thats just part of the game thats on me
No i agree with your performance that missing chains is inevitable especially against a quality team. I would likely miss just as many chains as you. it is hard power to use at its peak performance. there is a lot of mindgame potencial and counter-play to avoiding his ability as survivor. My point is that you should be getting rewards in from your chain hits when you are successful at using his ability. The skill-factor of survivor is suppose to be avoiding the skill-shot. The breaking of chains through environment/pinhead & struggling mechanic is excessive counter-play. Playing poorly in the chase should be punishing. Currently, it is not the case.
His chains were even worse when DH for distance/Iframes was possible pre 6.1 because I would even dead hard his skill-shot in many cases. I respectfully disagree that making his power rewarding would make him unfun to face as survivor. the fact that his power is that dysfunctional sometimes makes me lazy to dodge his ability because i know that the hit does not matter because I just break free and get to the pallet anyway.
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He is a solo stomper. Very few survivors want to go for the box and chain hunts are a massive slowdown mechanic.
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Exactly. And his builds are a little different than a traditional M1 killer. I almost always take Devour Hope with him because Devour+chain hunts is GG.