Deleting Skull Merchant and starting from scratch is the rework she needs

Congratz BHVR on the only good change to come from the SM rework so that matches against her don't take 3 hours. But now her power is so brain dead auto-pilot that her power now boil down to she drops a drone at the loop and you either, stay at the loop and take damage from the drone since she can change the direction it rotates or you leave the loop and take a hit. there is literally no counter play to her. Still no one wants to play against her. "Oh you're supposed to stand still or crouch under her LAYZURZ". Oh well is she gonna stand still while I'm standing still to avoid it? if not, that's not a counter. "Bring Urban Evasion". Unless BHVR is going to change match making to inform you of the killer you're going to play against before the trial starts, that's not a counter either. I only played her from her release PTB, when needed to do tome challenges and her rework PTB and if I can 4k with my brain shut off, then clearly there's a problem with that killer.
People complained that her 3gen zoning was boring and wanted a chasing killer. They change her to a chasing killer with anti-loop, and now you complain that she can anti-loop.
At this point, it is obvious that you won't stop complaining until she becomes a M1 killer with no power.
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exactly, complains about 3 hour skull merchant games only to now complain about the killer chasing...
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I don't think most people will ever enjoy going against her, no matter what changes they make, because there's always an assumption now that the person playing her will be unpleasant. Ultimately she's one killer out of over 30, I think at this stage you just persevere when you get her. I can't see the devs putting more time and resources into her.
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But she is not harmful to the game anymore.
Nobody said she would become a super fun killer. Her core design, that being set up, stationary drones with area control, is not designed to be a chase power. At least that's what I'm getting from it.
She's better now. Deleting her is not an option due to her being sold in a dlc.
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A killer with 2.97% pickrate according to Nightlight is killing DbD for you? Darn...
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Allow me to doubt that. Specially taking in count that right now I'm playing 50/50 and I had go against her once in all the time I had play survivor.
Also, they released the "10 most popular killers" not long ago and the last one in the list is Blight with 4% pickrate:
So, you are complaining about a killer that is only present in less than 4% of the games "killing DbD for you". Totally legit claim.
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Seems to me the problem lies with weak minded survivors who give up too easily. No matter what killer you're up against, if some loser decides to kill themselves on hook or run to the killer just to die, you're probably gonna lose.
Skull Merchant is most definitely not OP, and definitely not unbeatable.
Blame the quitters, not the killer.
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you know that site only shows statistics for reported games right? if 500 people out of 25 000 players report their matches to the site, but they don't report every single match, then it will have horribly inaccurate statistics.
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These stats are not by Nightlight but posted by BHVR, Spirit, Nemesis and Oni are far more popular than Skully, 3 percent is about right.
People complain because someone dared to pick someone they don't like 3 out of 100 matches, how horrible!
Listen i don't like Wesker at all, he is not really that fun to play against and doesn't fit DBDs style imo, and you don't hear me crying about it despite being one of the most popular characters in the game, in fact i said on this forum that nerfing him is a bad idea.
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You are late to point that: