Deleting Skull Merchant and starting from scratch is the rework she needs

XombieJoker Member Posts: 61
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Congratz BHVR on the only good change to come from the SM rework so that matches against her don't take 3 hours. But now her power is so brain dead auto-pilot that her power now boil down to she drops a drone at the loop and you either, stay at the loop and take damage from the drone since she can change the direction it rotates or you leave the loop and take a hit. there is literally no counter play to her. Still no one wants to play against her. "Oh you're supposed to stand still or crouch under her LAYZURZ". Oh well is she gonna stand still while I'm standing still to avoid it? if not, that's not a counter. "Bring Urban Evasion". Unless BHVR is going to change match making to inform you of the killer you're going to play against before the trial starts, that's not a counter either. I only played her from her release PTB, when needed to do tome challenges and her rework PTB and if I can 4k with my brain shut off, then clearly there's a problem with that killer.

Post edited by Rizzo on
