594 Days passed since last new Boon was introduced



  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749
  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    No I do not. I think boons should have an impact in the gameplay in order to justify the cost:

    • it takes time to apply it (and you have find a totem)
    • the killer can snuff it out instantly
    • they are pretty loud and can be found with minimal effort
    • the killer will remember where it last was so using the same dull totem has diminishing returns
    • it creates a side objective to the killer and is a way to use some of his time away from chasing someone. I know this might be undesirable for killer mains in general, but in a multiplayer game the opponent team should have at least some agency over how you are required to play, especially if the setup is asymmetrical. (And survivors already have to learn how to go against every killer power.)

    Meaning if boons only apply things that are of no consequence, then it is pretty much just one perk that you won't see used. I'm not a fan of a cynical approach where items introduced has to be dull if it lands in the hands of the "other team".

    So no, i think boons should be a threat, should be strong, but not gamebreaking. They should at least prod the killer to seek out the boon to snuff it in order to make use of it if nothing else.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619

    They didn't make another boon because it is a failed concept, they aren't capable of designing boons which are neither too bad or too strong, the only successful boon (circle of healing) had to be nerfed several times and despite it being pretty decent now (specially when playing in premade) the people mostly refuse to use it because they think it is useless now.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373
    edited October 2023
  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    I'd rather stick to the topic of the thread and remain in the context to which i replied to. Whataboutism will only lead to arguments but no conclusions.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    I'm just saying they play it safe with killer perks also

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    okay, this is a footnote then I think that is not true in this case. The 3% was intended to make the perk more appealing and to provide help with the current meta of complaints, which is tunneling. If killers are already engaging with this then the devs probably thought they can steer some of them away to other directions if they prey is more elusive, but not game breakingly so.

    The 5% haste for 10 sec is a transformative effect, you give up blood lust for a more concentrated and immediate boost which however is limited in time. Which is probably the devs idea to reduce loop times instead of waiting for bloodlust 1-2-3 to kick in, now the killer has more influence what playstyle they want, or if they have ranged attacks and the extra haste after a hit helps with positioning it correctly.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    Boons died with the death of Circle. Lift Circle back into viability and you will much more often see players bring the other ones alongside it again as well. And I truly believe a viable Circle is healthy for the game, as it provides consistent means of healing to solo survivors, while at the same time being a time sink that encourages healing and map traversal in a way that can make games last longer. If Circle enabled survivors to heal themselves at 50% healing speed (32 seconds per heal), I think it would be perfectly fine and encourage more healthy playstyles on both sides (making 3-genning and hit-and-running less oppressive for non-SWF groups; leading to survivors spending more time setting up Boons, traversing the map, healing, all leading to matches taking longer due to less gen pressure and less snowball potential). It still shouldn't apply to Med-Kit heals however, and only increase altruistic healing speeds by 50%.

    Although the other Boons deserve some buffs as well. Exponential and Dark Theory could do with simple numerical buffs.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410

    that is a great idea chaos you need to stick your neck out more