So... killer belongings

Hey guys! How's it going? I was thinking... there's a map add-on that tracks killer belongings... that does help against trapper but... Should all killers have belongings too?
I think they should because that makes the add-on more consistent and useful... it is a waste to bring an add-on that just helps with 4 killers of the roster.
If the last survivor gathers all the belongings do the gates open?
Might make end game more interesting and give maps an stronger use.
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Crucially, it tracks totems.
It’s also be impossible to make it fair by tracking more killer belongings, when you have killers who have none. Moreover, most belongings that are helpful have their aura revealed when nearby anyway.
If anything, it shouldn’t track bear traps.
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I tried to imply that more killers should have more items who belongs to them.
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Usually killers' powers with stuffs layed around the map already on lower tier. Able to track their "belonging" that only affect them is so ironic...
If anything, that addon should go, or just able to track totems.
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Nah if anything, tracking killer-specific objects is just as outdated as Lightburn was and should go. Just change the addon to totems only.
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How would that work for killers like Nurse, Wraith, Billy, Myers, Bubba, etc.?
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I thought they changed this so Trappers beartraps are no longer tracked with the maps? Because similar to flashlights lightburn against certain killers was removed this would be in line with it? No?
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Yeh, its like how slippery meat used to effect your bear trap escape chances. This was back when trapper was one of like 3 killers in the game and it was ultimately a mechanic they tried and found it not to go well with how the game has evolved.
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Yeah exactly.
Nope, and actually in yesterday’s update they added Skull Merchant’s drones as a trackable killer object with the addon.
I agree it should be removed but as of right now it’s still in the game.
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Does the add-on still track Hag's Phantasm Traps?
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Hummm, well... I am not the one supposed to think that. I mean, it's not my game... like Wraith could have certain stuff in the map that helps him move faster, break objects faster or stuff like that.