Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Time to rework the disconnection penalty.

Due to the existence of the disconnection penalty survivors are far more likely to simply kill themselves on hook (which carries no penalty) than force disconnect.

While this has never been a good system, it is made even worse with the addition of bots. Now if someone chooses to disconnect they are replaced by a bot, but if they kill themselves on hook, they are out of the game entirely. Which of these actions is penalised? The one that replaces them with a bot... This needs to change.

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  • Member Posts: 812
    edited October 2023

    I agree with this. If nothing else, the DC penalty needs to have a cap. As it is now, they do keep incentivizing throwing on hook. They gave us another reason to choose throwing on hook over DC'ing in a rather recent update where they removed the ability to spectate matches that you DC from...

    I'd also vote to remove the bots, but that's probably not going to happen either...

  • Member Posts: 937

    If they don't like the match they will always find a way out, regardless.

    Might as well cap the DC penalty. I'd rather have a bot then hand the killer a win at 3vs1.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Remove self unhook without deli(please don't mention luck builds as they are either hard throwing or strong with a full stack)

    Make it so after you have 50 hours in the game, getting less than X bloodpoints after X time while being available to do so results in a penalty. EX: You have 500BP a min as a survivor at 5 min? You are not even remotely playing the game.

    It's possible to make it so people can't baby rage quit the match, people just don't get it.

    "If PeOpLe DoN't WaNt To PlAy ThEy WoN't" yeah no. Make them eat the mediocre DC penalty at least.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Soooo what happens if you just get downed and proxy camped for 2 minutes by huntress with iri head? Or get a lugged for 5 minutes? I don't think this idea is good... There will be games with even experienced players where you won't get enough BP for your system.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    Remove the 4%, does more harm than good and its not such a crucial game mechanic that its worth trying to rework to keep it while removing its bad parts. DC's should be punished as much as they are. Bots exist to give the teammates of quitters a chance, not for the quitter to leave more often.

  • Member Posts: 232

    Agree, cap the penalty at 30 minutes max. That's enough time for the majority of players to cool off. Anything over an hour is excessive and unnecessary imo

  • Member Posts: 944

    It should be capped for one reason only, they can't fix their servers "not responding", it gives me DC penalties everytime and it can quickly adds up to 1h+ for literally nothing, I would be ok with that if it was really me disconnecting but I never do

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    "Being available to do so"

    If slugged, hooked camped or maybe even in chase you would not be affected by this.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    And how exactly does this prevent people from giving up on first hook? Because when they are on hook they are not able to gain further BP... So unavailable in your sense...

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    I seem to be lucky here. Only 1 out of at least 5 gave me a 1min penalty.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Bro. I said you literally can't do that anymore in my initial post.

  • Member Posts: 84
    edited October 2023

    i agree, what was the point of adding dc bots and then increasing the dc timer simultaneously, they are literally incentivising giving up on hook and making it a 3v1 as opposed to making ppl want to dc and provide the team w some kind of help.

    i think its an unpopular opinion, but personally don't love the idea of removing the 4% and i don't think it should be penalised either. if i'm on the hook and want to give the last person chance at hatch, i think we should be allowed to do so, and if the whole team is on the floor at 5 gens, i'll be the first one to admit i go next.

    if people don't want to play, they won't, no matter what kind of intervention you try and implement. don't want the dc penalty? they'll give up on hook. remove that? they'll afk. add afk timer + penalty? they'll throw themselves at the killer. killer won't kill them? they'll just bleed out on the floor or just run around the map mindlessly trying to get out. there is no feature you can add to the game that will make a person who really doesn't want to play say 'oh i suppose ill stay in the game to avoid such and such'. the entire point of bots was to add a team member that was more useful than one who didn't want to play

    i don't think people understand that if they penalise every way out of the game, people will stop playing. they fail to realise that a majority of this player base are casual players, not comp players, if someone wants to go next, feel free, games only go for like 8-10 min anyway, if someone quitting one game is enough to ruin your entire day and experience of the game, i don't know what to say other than get a grip, it's not that deep, people have fun in different ways, and if someone isn't having fun, i don't think they should be kept hostage.

    if they were to implement a bunch of penalties, i could get behind at the very least having a cap on them. someone mentioned 30 minutes and i don't particularly think that's a bad idea, i'd say its enough time to reflect and revaluate if spending time on something that is so frustrating to them is worth it mentally. i also don't think they can implement such drastic penalties until they fix their servers as well, i can count on more than two hands the amount of times the i've been kicked out of the game for literally no reason, i'll still have internet, still be in call w my friends, just for some reason the game decides it doesn't want me there anymore, and i cop the penalty for it.

  • Member Posts: 937
    edited October 2023

    Typing like that looks painful and is difficult to read. I don't get it, and I'm glad I don't. It comes off as rather childish.

    And yes, people will always find a way to leave, whether you like it or not. Lol put in a penalty like the one you suggested and bye bye customers. The developers won't do that, not a chance.

    If it eats away at you that much, when someone is trying to leave via hook, there is reassurance. I saw someone do that can guess what happened next. :x sigh.

    The most we will likely ever see is a time penalty for disconnecting, and an easy way for people to avoid that is the hook.

    Your argument has no premise whatsoever. However, OP and others do, and very strong conclusions to back it up.

    If a teammate doesn't want to play, they don't want to play. What do you think you forcing them to stay in the game is going do? Now you have a tilted teammate in your game that may intentionally grief you even more. Just stop.

  • Member Posts: 2,440
    edited October 2023

    It's meant to be childish, it's imitating people who think there is nothing that can be done in regards to people who give up which in itself is childish and I have only experienced in the dbd community.

    Did you really say lol put in a penalty like it's supposed to mean a ton of people left league? Game is one of the biggest in the world. League is framed as such a toxic game, but that's just a remnant from season 4 and before. You are not allowed to be toxic or troll or leave for more than a couple games in a couple weeks before your done. People will dc after getting downed in 30 seconds in dbd, people will still try to win in league after getting zoned from their first tier tower and by extension any gold or xp for 8 min straight via top/jungle 2v1.

    You don't realize that people leaving creates a cycle of tilt that causes others to leave games/troll and it spreads like a plague. You can highly mitigate trolling/leaving in this game via something like what I proposed.

    I have been an off and on league player for 10+ years, do you know how little people have ran it down or left the game in the last few years? Less than 1% of my games easily. You can always make it so people can troll/leave the game, ofc you can never have someone stay in a game but you can punish them to not ruin other peoples games.

    What can you do, again it's only this game where people find it acceptable to ruin other peoples games. The most hilarious part is it very rarely happens to me on killer. I could run the most broken stuff on blight and still get a "gg" or "your a really good blight" it's rare to get hate for me on blight. But on survivor people do it 1 in 5 games when I play survivor and it just means I get 10 mins of pretty much a guaranteed loss.

    I genuinely have no idea why people fight this idea so much on this forum/game, unless of course they like to leave games themselves. I personally hate playing vs half the killer cast because they are uninteractive one way or another but I'm not going to leave because of it, I'd rather try my best to destroy them. Same applies to tunneling.

    Edit: this isn't CoD or battlefield. If one or two people leaves in those games it's easy to make up for, that is not the case for dbd.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    No response? Lmao.

    I haven't seen a legitimate argument for people leaving via self unhook yet. I give real arguments and people either drop the convo or spew more irrelevant garbage.

    Please give me a reason why survivors can leave for free or the disconnection penalty is so lax after reading my previous response. I'm oh so curious why it should be in the game other than to give children a free disconnect when playing survivor. Killers camping until death means two mins of your time, killers slugging in end game until you die is 4 min. Neither of those are time extensive although they could be looked at.

    Again only dbd community could make an argument for it, when their game relies on the 4v1 aspect.

    Not to undermine the fact that killers can bleed you out for 4 min, but maybe alt tab?

  • Member Posts: 331

    The only thing that should be done is to hide the fact that the player has left for the eyes of a maniac.

    Increase the punishment for leaving the game, but weaken over time for a sufficient number of completed games.

    I think most exits from the game are due to damage to the game by the survivors themselves: blocking the passage with their bodies, inaction of players for several minutes of the match while a maniac is running after you, playing in alliance with a maniac.

    How interesting are you to play if within two or three minutes while you were running away from the maniac no one started fixing the generators? Probably very interesting. And once you've been hooked they start to turn them on, if they start at all.

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