Ultimate Weapon is an easy mode perk

I don’t think it’s good design for a perk to basically be “run calm spirit every match or have the killer know where you are at almost all times”. At least with bbq, it requires the killer to win a chase and down the survivor. At the very least, the cool down needs to be extended if the activation requirement is going to remain so easy.
The Doctor is an easy mode killer then, I guess. Because his power let him do the same thing but everywhere.
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When they swap doctors powers onto blight, let me know.
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OK, my bad, I never used that perk despite having the xenomorph and I thought that perk work just after checking a locker (like doctor power), not during 30 seconds. I just checked again the description.
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Try it on Freddy...
I did.
It activated on one survivor.
One single time.
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I just gives a bubble up, not an aura, you can just walk behind cover... It is really not that hard... Yeah sure the debuff is a bit much on top, but the perk is really not as op as people make it out to be...
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Yes, UW does the same thing as the doctor's static blast (with half the cooldown and the effect lingers and moves with the killer).
It's as if a perk and an killer's kit aren't supposed to give you the same value.
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They literally took doctor's static blast, buffed it and made it into a perk. Maybe we'll get legion's frenzy or plague's infection as a perk next chapter.
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I had the idea of a perk that M1 causing Deep wound for years...look back and feel how stupid it is.
The correct comparison should be if there is a perk that allow Doctor to sprint like Blight.
And even then, if you think about it, Doctor is still not broken as Blight with UW
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I think alot of people really forget why Doctor static blast is supposed to be power, not perk.
Do you think each killer perk should be equal to another killer's power? Then survivors will play against a Blight that can
Laying bear traps around
Ultimate weapon
Hitting causing Deep wound
2 zombies walking around the map?
as his perks?
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It's been a while since I saw more than one Ultimate Weapon user in row in like over a week now. I don't see this perk offten tbh.
But I bet it will get nerfed sooner than MFT or Buckle up + For the People combo :D
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But checking a locker is so difficult. Can you imagine, taking the time to find one and spending so much time opening it!? Then the screaming, barely any info is given!
Again jokes aside yeh it's an easy mode perk, it takes no skill to use. Everyone I see lately is so sick of it they run calm spirit.
Hey I invite them to chase me, we can have fun looping together for five gens, woohoo 😍
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- Finding survivor is using uw or finding loop using wo is an easy mode or no? (it apply to deep game knowledge the same thing where survivor likely is or which tile is safest)
- know how to loop or running tile is a skill or no?
WO give info on things too, and its always on
so does that means it ez mode for survivor mode too?
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It's such a poorly designed perk it blows my mind. I've seen people say that even if you use Calm Spirit the bubble still pops up even though the survivor doesn't scream. Never tested it myself though, haven't played Xenomorph yet.
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i wish survivors had a meta perk which can be hardcountered entirely 100% by taking a perk killers have.
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You could argue that blood echo counters people who stay injured with MFT Resi but I don't know if thats worth it ^^
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I don't understand why it activates for 30 seconds with a cooldown of 30 seconds ?? it's more than enough to cross entire map multiple times especially for blight, duration should be 15 seconds or less
also blindness is such an useless solo q stomper effect, someone on hook should stay visible, I hate that it's useless against people on voice com and punish solos
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I agree blindness should go but I think the duration is fine, since killers without map mobility should also be able to locate people...
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Yeah I guess just seems odd to me, 30 seconds duration with 30 seconds cooldown is 100% uptime
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How is blindless the best thing and not the tracking?
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But does the uptime really matter if it makes the survivors all scream once anyway?
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I've never understood why people act like Ultimate Weapon is like, absurdly OP tracking. It's a single scream every minute, at best. That's good, it's worth running (if you're playing a killer that can use it, anyways), but it's not OP.
I do think it could stand to be nerfed a little, especially by removing the Blindness because my god is that obnoxious to play against, but it's hardly an "easy mode" OP perk as people keep portraying it.
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No, its not.
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You don't see auras with the perk though? Just a bubble up? I would need to look it up but I think bubble ups/screams are not that many... Screams without bubble sure, but otherwise... Infectious fright, maybe dragons grip? Make your choice kind of, other than that I would need to look it up... Whereas blindness is a rather weak effect anyway, not seeing auras... Fear monger? And some others surely
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According to the wiki besides a ton of addons there is also: third seal, knockout and septic touch besides the other two mentioned and residual manifest.
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yes and survivor have an easy mode perk. Window of opportunity. Ultimate weapon is like window of opportunity. easy mode looping vs easy mode tracking. I don't know if they did that on purpose but it is hilarious.
people can only scream once so 30 second activation and 30 second cooldown is 1 minute cooldown. it is same as doc blast. lowering activation time end up being a buff because you start cooldown faster.
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That would actually be a buff for the perk, since the cooldown is realistically closer to 60 seconds than the 30 seconds everyone claims.
Once you check a locker the perk is active for 30 seconds and will trigger once per survivor, then you have to wait until the perk is no longer active which can be up to 30 seconds before it goes on the 30 second cooldown.
As you claim, the 30 second duration is enough to traverse the map multiple times, (which honestly is barely true for most normal 115% killers on the larger maps), if we now change it to 15 second duration it would still be on long enough for the killer to cover most of the map. But with the added benefit of being able to activate the perk once more in 45 seconds instead of 60 seconds.
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So why exactly is not seeing auras on Survivors so massive for you? Blindness is probably on of the if not the weakest status effect in the game?
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But you see them so far away depending on killer... So let's say you hook someone and then open the locker and look for them and if they don't scream instantly they will scream at the maximum distance of your heartbeat, so 24-40 m away from you... Those survivors have so much time to find a hiding spot or start pre running now... I don't see much wrong with the concept...
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one of few skill-caps to killer to use this perk is to use it like whisper where you want to "predict" where survivor is arbitrary as you walk with the perk. the idea is that you can scan corners around the map quickly but if you see a scream, you can approach the survivor from the an angle where you can cut survivor off so they cannot pre-run. this is one of few skill-caps to using the perk.
strangely enough having low tr like huntress ends up being benefit in some sense because you can start the chaser closer but scanning is worse.
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Yeah you're right, then I don't know I think the blindness might be overkill tbh, but maybe it's because I only play solo, also I'm not a fan in "slugging for 4k" situations, that perk has no counter except staying afk in a locker or calm spirit
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I agree, but also, stealth is very irritating in this game, especially with current map design and Distortion. I usually run just Shadowborn on Blight, but I've taken to starting to keep UW in my build and using it when I patrol my gens and see 90% progress, no scratchmarks, and 15 lockers plus 20 edgemap clutter objects nearby. I don't play this game to play hide and seek.
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I mean sure, but that would mean the survivor does not know you are approaching or from where and depending on the map and the position of the survivor that got hooked you can have somewhat of an idea from where the killer is approaching and pre run. If you know the perk is in the game you just need to pre run early to a safer structure, it is really not that hard...
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I just think it outclasses every other info perk in the game, like OG Spies. It is extremely strong tracking.
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Because I think it's main effect is good enough and it does not need this side effect. Survivors don't have aura reading in their base kit so all it does is counter aura reading perks, which are mostly soloq perks: kindred, bond, empathy, windows of Opportunity. If you play with friends on coms there is no need for those, so all this does is hurt soloq players more than does in comms. All the information you gain through those perks can be acquired through coms, besides perks that show the killers aura, but then again I haven't seen those in use in ages...
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I would not say that, I can agree that it is a great tracking perk however it's info is not that useful in chase, whereas floods of rage or other aura perks can do wonders there...
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it depends map. for example Yamoka maps. the sanctum of wraith has like 2 boxes and like one gen spawns on the top of the staircase. the other gens spawn in the corners of the map. you cannot pre-run if you strategically cut people people off. it is like difference between opening a locker and going from left to right vs opening locker in the center and pathing down.
I went to wiki to get map shape. this is what what I mean. Like i said, it depends from map to map.
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That would somewhat require you to know where people are already to approach them in that way, but then again yamaoka has shack and jungle gyms in all corners where you could effectively cut them off, so they don't need to run to a strong part of the map, they are already there...
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That's a weird argument... Especially since the perks you mentioned don't counter the aura reading effect... The point I made was it hurts soloq harder than it hurts swf and your argument against that is I should play stealthy?
Those perks I mentioned are perks for soloq, and they get countered by the blindness effect, so what exactly is a soloq perk in your mind?
On a side note I cannot take people seriously that say genrushing, when it is the main objective the survivors have, if you don't put them under enough pressure as killer then gens flying is entirely on you.
It is not about survival but using perks that close the information gap solos have compared to swf, and with aura reading removed there are none that do that. It is also not about survival directly but more about finding your teammates, you can still be good enough in chase to outrun the killer, does not make it less bad of an idea to create a perk side effect that hurts solos way more than swf.
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well you already know where they are. they're on gens. i am saying depending on how you approach gens can allow you to cut people off.
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Then you might as well just patrol them normally if they are there ^^ Because the time it takes you from the bubble up until actually being there gives them enough time to hide so where... Which is why i don't think this perk is really problematic.
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I dunno why Doctor keeps getting into the conversation when UW is brought
when doctor uses static blast you get a massive warning, unless you are next to the killer you wont hear him opening a locker.
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I said nothing against the tracking aspect of the perk so once again you are completely off here, you said you use UW mainly for the blindless effect and I explained why I think the effect is not a good thing because it hurts solos more than swf. I would not consider calm spirit or distortion solo q perks since they don't help to close the communication gap. I have no clue what you are talking about man. On a side not I don't even think distortion is a healthy perk since it can induce tunneling or incentivise killers to run slowdown instead of tracking because this perk severely limits how useful aura reading is... So with more people in a match running it the killer will find the same survivor every time and if he doesn't want to walk around for someone else make those guys getting tunneled...
Genrushing would be stocking to gens no matter how bad it is for the team... Not what many in the community think where it is just being efficient on gens.
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That's news to me. I have never noticed, that other killers can now use UW to get survivors into madness tier 3 (which is what good Doctor players mostly use it for). That's crazy.
Seriously though, UW is nothing but a strawman and a counter to WoO. The killer will find you anyway. UW just speeds up the process by a bit. And Blindness is the weakest status effect in the game. It is mostly useless because survivors don't need to see any auras. As long as they aren't using everyone's favorite crutch perk, that is. Seriously, how hard can it be to remember the nearest pallet or window, that you saw with WoO?
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omg just realized yer PFP is Maurice! It was Jeff for awhile, tho. Haven’t ever seen anyone w Maurice n never knew that was an option, so awesome!😄
Yesss, UW is Ultra poorly designed. Haven’t played since August, so haven’t really experienced it, tho yesss, UW is Ultra poorly designed.
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My claim was correct, you just misunderstand... I didn't mean survivor perks that protect you from being auraread, but perks that enable your aura reading perks again... If you suffer from the blindness status effect your own aura reading perks don't work, and there is no perk that removes this effect, only one that makes it tick down faster...
The blindness status effect hurts solos more than swf because those guys are the ones that run aura perks like kindred and bond for example.
Those perks do nothing about the blindness, the entire time that was my only point... Blindness hurts the solos more than the swf.
Because usually when people are talking about genrushing all they mean is survivors doing gens, and that's just plain stupid.
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knowing where survivors are is only half the battle and it requires you to give up a perk slot that could be used for a chase perk or slowdown perk instead, I think its a fair compromise that tracking perks find survivors
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it is because his static blast has worse tracking than this perk. the thing about doc's tracking is suppose to come from madness effects. It is just that doctor's madness is currently very weak because static blast spreads madness very poorly and when you recover from madness 3, you go to madness 1 which has no status effects.
Restraint gives you illusion doctors to track position but these doctor will not show up if player is madness 1 and applying madness manually is pretty slow because he has no traversal map mobility.
Calm add-on gives illusion terror radius. this is very bad because it only works in chase in tier 2 for 6 second after chase ends and when it works constantly, it is in tier 3 in which you snap out. It is suppose make indirectly stealth killer where survivor doesn't know where your coming from but it fails terrible at that job.
Order Illusionary pallet are ok because they happen in the chase. Discipline gives red stain which is chase effect so that works
if he had global tr or bigger tr to spread madness better then calm/restraint effects would be active more through out trial though calm add-on status effect needs buff or something. maybe it makes skill-check harder or something the more time you snap out.
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Because UW is literally Static Blast but way stronger since it has a moving range for 30 seconds. That’s why it’s an overpowered perk, you get tracking which is better than Doctor’s, who is supposed to be good at finding survivors, and can put it on any killer including those who have strong chase powers.
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That’s a bug which was actually affecting all screaming perks, not just UW. I had it happen with Iron Maiden too. It seems random though, in most cases Calm Spirit still works correctly.
I’m not sure if that got fixed yet or not, but they did fix the issue with UW working in lockers.
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Ive had decent luck countering it with alert and metal countdowns when hearing teammates scream. Its good for locating survivors but doesnt make downing them in chase any easier.