will blight get the billy treatment ?
the title. iam so anxious they will destroy the fun parts about blight from all the complaints.
thoughts ?
Blight is one of the most popular killers in the game, and after the backlash from the Billy rework, I doubt they're gonna do much outside of an addon pass.
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Sadako also had a dedicated playerbase that fought hard against the rework on the Ptb.
We still got it.
I would not be so certain.
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I mean barely anyone played Sadako whereas a lot of people play Blight.
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Bro Blight is FINE. Let it go he doesn't need changes
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I played her.
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He isn't fine though.
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Yeah, but you can't deny she was and still is far, far less popular than Blight is.
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he is no where near fine lmao
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The rework was arguably a buff, and she received a buff from the PTB due to feedback. She got reworked for multiple reasons, outside of overperforming:
- She encouraged, and highly benefited from a problematic playstyle (slugging)
- She had an addon that vastly increased her power's viability, almost to the point she's unplayable without it (Iri tape)
- Survivors had no incentive to interact with her power for most of the match (doing a TV provided almost no benefit for the most part)
- She suffered from crippling cooldowns to her power
The only problematic aspects of Blight that most people complain about are certain addons (c33, alch ring, vial). Ironically, most good Blights never use either of the first two, because of how brainless they make the killer, and most Blights using them get very little value from them.
Imo, C33 needs hindered removed and a fat downside, Alch Ring needs to increase token recovery for 10s after hitting a lethal rush (so there is still downtime after a hit, but it rewards proportionally to efficiency in landing a hit, and the spirit of the addon is conserved), and Vial needs the speed boost removed, and slightly increased fatigue duration.
Beyond that, the only basekit change Blight arguably needs is not recovering tokens during stuns/pallet breaks, because they circumvent the cooldown posed by fatigue.
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I dont deny that.
It was overwhelming negative feedback. I alone wrote 2 VERY long posts about the rework and why it is bad. There where many dedicated players that did the same.
What I want to say is: this showed, that dedication doesn't mean much. If BHVR wants to rework how blight works, they will do that.
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I don't agree that it was overwhelmingly negative. You're looking at this with a confirmation bias.
If you wanna see overwhelmingly negative, look at the PH changes or the Billy engraving nerfs. They were removed near instantly.
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Hopefully not.
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Did you see the feedback section on the Ptb???
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Mandy commented last week or the week before in one of the blight threads in the feedback section, saying something along the lines that they have no plans to nerf blight or change his basekit, and also that his addons aren’t being “nerfed” per say.
I think blight will be ok, thankfully.
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Yeah this is true as someone who was a Sadoko main and still plays her frequently I did check the feedback section and this is true. I don't main her so it doesn't affect me as much as others but still it is the same with other killers some people lose their favourite killer.
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I lost her as well.
I very rarely play her anymore.
I wanted to get back into her with the new cool skin and all...
But then I realized that she isn't fun to play anymore. Why go back.
The feedback section on the Ptb was full of people not happy with the changes. They got pushed live regardless.
That was overwhelmingly negative feedback.
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My theory is that they wanted to get more people to buy her since most people who didn't main her considered her a C-tier killer. In my opinion she was fine the way she was but given the fact she got her first new skin since release I think more people started playing her but I'm not sure. But it is really annoying that they practically ignored all of her current mains opinions.
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All I want as a killer is they fix the unwanted sliding on walls and has a survivor I want they remove the hugtech exploit, remove 180" hits and nerf add-ons, like speed, adrenaline and alchemist.
Blight is not a unbalanced killer (basekit) and is fun to play and play against, but there's MANY broken aspect of him that absolutely ruin the experience on both sides, if they do those changes i'll 100% play blight and be happy to face blight, the moment I see one use hugtech and do 180" hits I go next.
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It would be good to see his power be toned down a tier or two. Such a strong discrepancy between blight/nurse and other killers is actually really unhealthy for the game because it means they cannot make changes to game mechanics that would improve all killers experience.
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Fck yea, I was planning to leave they game if they nerfed blight but ill continue my 200 toxic camping/tunneling streak with him.
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Hopefully not. His addons need significant nerfs/reworks but his basekit is fine.
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He just needs an add on pass. His basekit is fine.
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I mean we said that same thing for billy. Look what happened lol. "Instasaw is the busted part" *changes 6 other addons as well as the instasaw and then neuters his basekit*
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Why would you remove 180 flicks?.. you just said his basekit his balanced. Lol
Most average players can’t even land a proper 180.
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if it is basekit then THAT should be nerfed, I thought it was something that came with adrenaline.
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what ??
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Why should flicks be nerfed? On what grounds?
How many hours do you have?….
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Yeah, sorry but 180s are the least problematic part of blight. After the initial screen turn limiter during a rush, he then has to hit and gets a slow increase towards that 180. It's literally reactible.
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And they didn't even give a reason on why all the feedback got ignored.
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Your point?
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You have 4400 hours and think blight’s flicks need to be nerfed… please explain.
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He has super problematic add-ons and that’s really all that needs to be changed.
I don’t think he’ll get the Billy treatment per say but I can see them adding in a few small changes to his base kit like not recovering tokens during his fatigue or pallet breaking animations, making token recovery taken slightly longer, etc…
If he did get changes to his base kit, it will probably be more along the lines of how the Spirit change was. He would definitely be knocked down a peg, but there’s still such a huge gap in power level when it comes to Nurse, Blight, and Spirit compared to other killers that he would be fine.
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But why it takes years to rework 3 speed add ons ? it's a trivial change, replace speed effect with something else and he's fine. They did it for nurse range add ons.. just changing alch ring/ c33 will accomplish nothing it's not the main problem
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Yeah the same way as Nurse and Wesker are fine .Dont be hypocrite.Usually people who defend this killers are just maining them and they know once they are balanced they are not going to get ez wins by playing differents killers and doing chases .
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Blight needs his addons nerf and also ability the same shoud go to nurse and wesker
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Nurse and wesker are fine. Lmao
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Nah they are not and lets see how in new few months they will be nerfed .
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I've said this mutliple times blight and weskers power use similar coding so if they gut blight they will just swap to wesker
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I don't think so. There are a LOT of killers nowadays and BHVR doesn't really do much about their old content. Look how long it took to "buff" trapper.
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Nah because Blight has plot armor for some reason and it takes devs 3+ years to change some numbers on addons
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Blight is the main character, and we're all NPCs in his life.
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I’m sure that when BHVR guts blight’s addons, survivors will definitely be satisified and not continue to call for further and further nerfs. Oh weird, something just reminded me of nurse and spirit for some reason.
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You're so anxious not to destroy Blights "fun" exploits, right...😂
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Blight is meant to rush in sort of a straight line with SOME mobility, his attacks range depends of which direction you are turning and which side you decide to attack, the attack is meant to go and i'm being generous here imo, by default should be in 180" in front of you, 90" to the left and right, so making more than 90" on one side is absolutely unbalanced like here for exemple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC85tbU618k
And here's a better exemple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPiNwoIphXE
Those kinds of hits should NEVER happen, blight doesn't have the freedom of movement other killers have and this should be removed. Add-ons can increase the maximum angle he can turn from a hit so it could be 200" or slightly more, but being able to do a full 180" turn hit is bollocks.
By your name it's pretty obvious you are a blight main enjoyer so all my arguments will be bullcrap to you, also my complains about hugtech, but you know those aren't balanced even if you adore those "techs" about him.
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I did reply to you but I edited it and now it's on hold.
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Not sure why he needs a rework as under normal circumstances he is fine.
These days even Blights tunnel which is a very sad thing.
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I hope he does.
maybe the egos will drop after when they realise they are nothing without the busted addons double speed, ring, vial, c33, etc.
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So true. My god do they tunnel. Or try to. If I'm lucky enough to take aggro...
I've had so many rage quit when they can't catch me lately. It's getting sad indeed.
If they ever do fix the bug, welp...rip their playstyle. They'll have to try harder I suppose.
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Make no mistake he downed me quickly. But before the 3rd hook the 4th and 5th gens were already in progress.