The Plague: Does her arm get tired...

...holding the incense burner up like that all the time? It's like those monks who hold a bucket full of water in each hand for hours on end. Is she some kind of Shaolin Monk?!?
I think she's used to holding her hand up for a high five and always left hanging because no one's tall enough to give her one, she's always waiting.
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@HatCreature or maybe people don't want the herpes.
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Thought of this
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I mean, even the edgy teenagers are breaking pallets with their feet, i dont think the size of their weapon is really a liability to the killers, the entity grants them supernatural strenght
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Incoming knight themed killer with 10 ft long 2 ft wide anime broadsword.
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She's alive just not in the best health...
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didn`t she die from the plague before becoming new entity`s puppet called The plague? ajjaja
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Technically, her bio doesn't say she died, it just implies she was taken at the point of death. You can say that about a lot of characters, though. Hag, Pig, and Spirit were either dead or at death's door when they were taken. Freddy is a special case, but Myers was "dead" as of the latest movie at the time, for all that means. Same goes for many survivors, too - Laurie, Bill, and Tapp were all definitely dead in their own canons when they were licensed, and Adam and Jane were either about to die or had just died when they disappeared.
In fact, most characters could have died unexpectedly while walking through the woods, and their bio just didn't mention it. IIRC, Quentin and Kate are the only ones who were explicitly alive when they entered the Entity's domain.
On a side note, I love that I can't cut extraneous content out of quotes now. Just love it.
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Ye, that`s true. BTW i wonder how entity choses what abilites should killers have. It`s obvious if we are talking about licensed killers or characters without super-natural power. Yet, it`s a mystery if we mention killers like Wraith, Nurse or Spirit.
I think that it depends on their personality or character