Hide survivors items in the lobby

We all know killers dodge lobbies when they see a team using flashlights, several toolboxes, map and keys.
So why not just hide the items survivors are carrying in the lobby? We've had the killers perks hidden until end game to counter teams sharing info after death, so I think this could be done to counter lobby dodging.
It sometimes takes ages to find a lobby as a survivor (on PS4) especially when queuing as a team (it always goes fast when I play on PC thankfully). So having a killer quit because they see items is annoying.
I understand the argument that it would make Franklin's Demise harder to use because you won't know if you'll get any use of it, but chances are you will. I often have to play games without items not wanting them to quit. I can't be the only one feeling this?
So instead of lobby dodging you want people to dc or stop playing. Then waiting times will surely improve if we have even less killers.
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Fine, I will DC ingame then like the survivors always do. I can live with that
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Then put a 15 min ban on quitting games on both killers and survivors for quitting games.
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That will just make killers stop playing killers.
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Thanks for admitting and proving that killers are seeing items and lobby dodging. Items are part of the game. Just deal with them.
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Or they could just not quit the game and play it?
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So you believe you can logic people into playing a game they don't think is fun?
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You think it's fun sitting in lobby queue's over and over trying to just get into a game?
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Playing a game with items in doesn't make the game not fun
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No, I don't think getting dodged is fun. However, addressing the symptom isn't going to help in any way, it'll just make the problem worse. To you, maybe playing against survivors who have overpowered (borderline broken) items, some of which are just used to be toxic little pieces of #########, is fun, but for most people, it's not, and so they dodge.
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So if flashlights are the main cause of the problem, address those. There has to be a way to try and improve the problem of lobby dodging
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Make Franklin's demise outright smash flashlights in 1 hit?
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That's what's being done.
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Why is it survivors seem to always want to hide stuff from killers instead of balance?
Post edited by Rebel_Raven on4 -
When? Haven't seen anything said about that before.
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Flashlight blinds have been changed to require more skill from the survivors and be less annoying for the killers, for example. Overall, though, dodging is not as severe an issue as, say, infinite loading screens or game crashes, which is why there's been little activity in this area.
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Ah yeah I know they've been made to be harder to hit the right spot but it still makes people just leave lobbies when they see them. I don't even use flashlights as I'm rubbish with them, but I'd like to be able to take firecrackers, keys, toolboxes and medkits without them leaving.
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I hear you, but until these grievances are addressed, hiding items is just going to make the problem worse. For the moment, I'm doing my part: as killer, I don't dodge items, and as survivor, I don't bring them in. When the issues surrounding items are resolved, I will support some kind of penalty for dodging, but only then.
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Maybe killer offerings to have the entity block survivors entering with items. (survivor keeps item in inventory) would help?
Yellow - block 1 survivors item
Green - block 2
Purple - block 3
Pink - block all 4
Or the same but brown - purple offerings?
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That'd just piss off anyone who wanted to bring in an item and wouldn't be as "effective" as just dodging.
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I am confused. Its ok for killers to lobby dodge due to items, but not ok for survivors to DC games due to add ons?
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Evp i fully agree with that, i saw way too many Legions complaining about survs DC
there is my solution after 30sec (or after all 5 ready up) there is 20 sec when survs see killer and killer FOR 1ST time sees survs but in those 20 sec there is no loadout changes it would be pretty much 20 sec if you want to play that game
ask why? killer can react to survs (franklin, lightborn, or change into doc vs 3 or 4 claudettes), but survs cant do sh.. so or both sides dont see eachother or both can (after loadout block because to prevent from booling trapper mainly)
outcome would be Legions cant find games (i can live with that, i main wraith and pig so im ok with that)
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This is what happens when I try to play killer regardless of rank, let alone Legion. lmfao I kinda want my money back since killing 1-2 people per game bc of DCs. This is boring.
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They really need to up their game regarding DCs. It happens way too often, if they are even getting punished for DCing they are not getting punished enough.
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I wonder why Killer dodge cuz 4 Insta Heals with a 0.5sec Animation or Gen Rushes in 3min are fine just chase faster and hit harder easy ... yeah no not gonna happen. Best Part is that you also play SWF (so you share ingame information over third party software to make the game easier) and you STILL ask for having 4 Toolboxes with gear parts or 4 Insta Heals....
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I don't usually get dodged for items (since I don't usually use items), though you'll find people will adjust their perks to what they see. A bunch of items? Franky's often shows up. Given sometimes people put it on for a troll perk, regardless of if there's items or not. And I can tell you far too often no one will have anything and the killer will bring in iri heads with moris which is sooo much fun. Still, it's a benefit the killer should have so that they have a general idea of what they may be up against. They're facing 4 people, after all. It isn't a 1 on 1.
The biggest issue I have is names and profiles showing for survivor, but not killer. If you want one side to be a certain way, the other side should be reflecting it. It doesn't make sense to allow killers to dodge or adjust their build because Meg_Main entered their lobby again, but not allow survivors to do the same when entering Camping_is_Fun's lobby again. If they're going to say that survivors shouldn't dodge or "blacklist" killers, then killers shouldn't be able to do that to survivors. It goes both ways.
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Yeah I can agree with fluffy bunny's point too about survivor and killer names too.
Something needs to be done about lobby dodging and DCing in games. For both teams. Temp bans would probably be the most effective but we won't know unless it's tried.
Just waited 30 min to play with 1 Friend on ps4 and the killer quit with 10 seconds left on the clock ffs. No items even in lobby. When we play alone or on pc it's fine. Wish we knew if it was just a low amount of Ps4 players or an actual issue.
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I agree with Fluffy on all accounts.
Too many times killers say there is a way to deal with their "bad" tactics such as camping (BT), slugging (unbreakable), Doctor (calm spirit), totems (small games), etc. So it only seems natural that the killers should also use the INGAME tactics to counter their frustrations (items and Franklins for example.)
As long as killers lobby dodge, there is really no argument on survivors Dc. They are sort of the same thing.
One of my favorite things I read on here from a killer post was "Survivors DC because they do not want to play the hand they are dealt." It always stuck to me because Killers get to see the hand as its dealt, and instantly decide if they want to reshuffle, while survivors have to wait. Killers at the moment can change their load out based on the hand dealt, so they already have an advantage.
I also agree on hiding survivor names for all or showing to all. I do not mind not knowing the killer (its actually part of the fun for me to alter my playstyle on the go) but I do want to know if the killer is HUNTRESSCAMPINGONDAROOF so when I do play I dont go waste time on a camping killer.
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Ok hide them but make lightborn a built in basic killer skill.
Pointless bragging and creating an issue where there is none
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I think there's a few perks that would be better as built in skills, mainly for killers. Think the only one survivors should have built in is self care at level 1 (maybe even slower) but that's better saved for a different topic entirely.
Having killers show like a stats screen showing their movement speed, lunge range, height, light resistance as stats would be an idea though. Have some killers have a higher base light resistance to counter torches. So if you're going to see them in lobbies you either:
A) deal with it
B) switch killer to one with a higher light resistance
C) add Franklin's (still like the idea of Franklin's lv 3 smashing flashlights in 1 hit)
D) lobby dodge and get a temp ban
DC' ing in game could also have some harsher penalty on top of a temp ban such as earning X amount less blood points for the next match you play in OR double the cost of everything in their blood webs (maybe only add this penalty if they have multiple DC's) in a period of time.
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Or, if you are a killer and see flashlights you do not wish to deal with, alter your load out to accommodate for Franklin's or Lightborn.
You, as a killer, have the opportunity to change these things. You can not get angry they exist if the game gives you ways to deal with them.
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You do understand what "hide" means, right?
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Yes sorry,
The way I read it was different then I guess it was written. I do not see the need to make perks into basic skills.
Honestly I do not care if they hide items or not. The only time I use items is if I have a daily to do (sabo/heal) and I personally do not feel that the killer knowing beforehand creates a huge issue.
What I do care about is if killers lobby dodge due to items then they need to be penalized for dodging or hide items.
In short, hiding items is a solution for me, not a suggestion.
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I agree. I have no problem with survivors using them and don't lobby dodge when I see them, I just deal with them and make sure they're not about to run out and get me before I pick someone up.
My only issue is that killers leave lobbies from seeing items and don't get punished for it, but it takes away massive amounts of time and enjoyment of the game when survivors have to re queue. And usually it's the case that one random survivor has a flashlight.
Even replacing flashlights in the game with firecrackers that do require some skill to use effectively and can only be used once in a match, wouldn't solve this issue because killers were quitting all over the place when survivors were trying to use those during events too.
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Disagree. Then Franklin's Demise is damn near worthless
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Doubt it, cos survivors would then use items more often if the killer couldn't see them. So you'd probably get more use of franklins, you just wouldn't know until in game
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Yes, dodging killers are annoying ... we want to play fun and fair 4-man swf games, with
- me with insta-medkit
- friend 1 with flashlight
- friend 2 with key
- friend 3 with map
Just hide all items hahaha :P
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@Froggard728 Why should I deal with a toxic flashlight squad if there are survivors out there that DC every time against certain killers?
Same right for both sides
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The other thread I bumped was deleted by the mods.
We need this to be implemented.
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you also need to hide the prestige, since the killer tunnels people with rank 100.
I can't play my main character as he is being tunnelled by campers, and so are my friends where they have to hide the characters. For us, after all, the secret against whom we will play, even if it will be a secret for the killer, too. I'm ready to show him my hero but not prestige, nickname, item in hand
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Personally, I think lobby dodging is fine and shouldn't be punishable as it simply I don't want to play with these types of survivors.
But I rather add more incentives and possible give killers to preview the items in each survivors possession. So thay way killers can differences between solo players or tryhard bully squads in advanced. And if it is a SWF squads, add more BP incentives in playing agaisnt them for killer, since they are playing Hard mode dbd, and will avoid lobby dodging.
Killers will less likely to dodge SWF, if they know whom they are up agaisnt and possible have one slight advantage and bonus BP rewards in playing agaisnt Com teams, in knowing what items they bring in advance.
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If items were actually balanced I wouldn’t care that much about this, however they’re not, not even remotely. Medkits are wildly overtuned and toolboxes to a lesser degree.
The different between a match with 0 medkits and 4 medkits is astronomical.