When are medkits going to return?

Seriously, it baffles me how medkits are still like this, why are there rarities if they have all the same function? Why would you take purple over brown if you only use it to heal yourself? Why would you take green or yellow if you want to heal others? Something needs to change, give variety to them like have slower healing for more charges? Have faster healing for only a 75 or 90% of a full heal? Give a huge boost in effeciency when healing someone but at the cost of not being able to self heal? Give us the variety back!
Medkit rework really was one of the laziest things ever. Nothing interesting,just number nerfs to everything,even Butterfly Tape (seriously what did that 5% do to you BHVR) and SYRINGES DIDNT GET CHANGED.
Crazy. Medkits in solos versus sloppy are almost useless.
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sloppy is an anti-healing perk. it is suppose counter self-healing. it is working as intended. med-kit were way too strong vs mangled before.
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by that logic circle of healing was fine. it was meant as a healing perk,working as intended,by allowing survivors heal fast
200 IQ moves here
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They said they wanted to stimulate etheric healing
But what really happened is that they just swapped the brown and yellow Med-kit buffs and the green nerfs and left the violet the same.
I don't see any motivation!
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Yeah, without even talking about a buff medkits and their add-ons are just really boring.
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it was such a strange rework to me, no one i know brings a med-kit to heal other team mates, except for maybe the off chance they are running ftp/buckle up. most people bring/brought med-kits for to use on themselves. i can understand they were strong before, especially that the green med-kit was quite over tuned, but i don't really know why they didn't just tone down the percentage speed of self healing.
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Checkmate! 😆
U are good! GG 😉
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That was one of the central changes they made though: 33% slower self healing with a medkit. That, coupled with the add-on pass made it so medkits in general became a less efficient, noticeably limited resource.
Don't get me wrong though, I agree with most people on this. I'd like to see them given modifiers that both give each medkit an identity and are deserving of the rarity each medkit is in.
For example, if we look at toolboxes, there are some better for sabo, and some better for gens. That is the kind of differentiation I'd like to see.
Maybe green medkits become fantastic for healing others with the fastest altruistic healing speed and an efficiency bonus for altruistic healing, but only let you self heal at 50% speed, while purple medkits could have a reduced altrustic heal speed but a reduced self heal medkit charge efficiency penalty. Who knows! But something to make them have noticeable differences from each other would be amazing.
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I'm not even complaining about the speed, I understand it was too fast but there was no reason to also nerf the VARIETY
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Yeah, this definitely
Give them an addon that makes slower healing but more charge effeciency idk, just make medkits DIFFERENT from each other
I remember when I used to be excited when I got a purple, green, or yellow medkit from a chest but now I'm just like "oh cool a brown medkit" no matter the rarity because they're all the same now 🙄
Imagine if they nerfed toolboxes to all have the same effects, even the purple sabo one
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All the med kit were mostly ever used for self-healing. the only difference was that green one had 50% faster self-care which stacked to some 10 second self-healing and purple one had 2 heals base-kit which would often be paired with healing speed add-on to reduce to like ~13 seconds. Grey med-kit is same as current med-kits with 1 heal. yellow med-kit had 1 heal and 1/2 but often was paired with charge add-on for two heals which made it same-level as purple med-kit.
All med-kits were used in same way. get 2 heals. I am not sure what your complaining about in variety because old med-kit had no variety before because everyone aimed for same type of med-kit. a med-kit with 2 heals. med-kit were nerfed to only have 1 heal. you can still get 2 heals on technical level with iri gel dressing+charge add-on or syringe.
COH healing at 50% was like ~28 second self-heals. med-kit currently is 30 seconds under mangled. COH was healing augmentation perk but it would only negate mangled if you altruistic healed. Mangled giving 30 second self-heals sounds about right.
You can still get old med-kits. the difference between now and before is that you need commit perks slots to counter sloppy butcher perk. Before this point in time, med-kit were strong enough that they not only gave incredible potent healing but they countered mangled making it almost non-factor. Botany knowledge still gives you 16 second heals. it does give -53% item efficiency so it costs 30(?) charges to heal but you can still heal in 16 second. you just need to run any of those +8 charge healing add-on's. Mangled will increase healing time to 20 seconds. 2 heal med-kit with fast healing that counter sloppy are only reserved for survivor that commit two perk slots in streetwise+botany knowledge with correct charge add-on/syringe. self-healing fast is high-commitment action now. it should be because self-healing saves a lot of walking-time for survivor.
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If you only care about healing yourself, then sure Med-kit rarity doesn't matter.
But the increased speed for altruistic healing can be very handy picking up slugs quickly.
Ultimately I see no issue with med-kits rewarding using them on other survivors, because when survivors can easily heal themselves it really harms the killer's ability to pressure with health states.
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They each had different stats is what I'm referring to, they can be used in various ways, even if the most "popular" way is the same
I don't really care about the speed, that's mainly what people complained about
I care about them having *no difference* between the rarities besides a 5% healing speed when using it on others (which almost nobody does)
Imagine that ALL toolboxes were nerfed to have the same effect as each, except for a 5% less chance to have skillchecks between each rarity. This is what medkits are like now. Alex's toolbox will have the same effect as a normal one and doesn't boost sabo anymore. Does this seem interesting to you at all?
Give medkits more charges for slower healing and less effeciency for faster healing, and one with a major boost in effeciency and speed for altruistic healing
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I don't really care about the speed, that's mainly what people complained about
Give medkits more charges for slower healing and less effeciency for faster healing, and one with a major boost in effeciency and speed for altruistic healing
your two sentences in post are direct contradictions. you said you do not care about faster healing but you directly ask for faster healing in second sentence. you can have more efficiency by using the perk called streetwise and more speed by using the perk called botany knowledge. If you want a lot more charges like 2 heals for a slower healing, you can heal with med-kit and purposely miss all great skill-checks to deplete med-kit then use build to last to refill it. you can customized med-kit but only with perks.
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Again though, if you want to heal others why would you use green, yellow, or brown rarities?
IMO there should be only one type of medkit for this and should give a huge speed and effeciency bonus (talking about like 75% more speed and 40% effeciency with 48 charges but at the cost of losing self heal)
Then, have the rest be different, filling their own
There's no reason that the variety should've been nerfed, imagine that all toolboxes were nerfed to be the exact same except a 5% less chance for skillchecks between each rarity
If you're fine with medkits not having any big differences from each other, then you must support this idea too right?
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I meant *faster healing, faster than the current times* not how it was pre-patch
Think like 75% of a full heal at 17 seconds or a full heal with max charges, but a speed debuff making it 21.5 seconds
This would probably fit for the green rarity, while a purely altruistic medkit could be purple rarity, like 75% speed and 40% effeciency when healing others but at the cost of not being able to self heal
Personally, I don't care the effects, we can worry about those later, I just care about them not being identical to each other
Yes, I know streetwise and botany know exist but come on, you can't really just prefer medkits to be boring? Why not make toolboxes like that then? Or flashlights? Or make all keys broken keys?
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self-healing should not be time efficient action if killer uses mangled. you should need bring perk to render ineffective. 30 second for self-healing is where it should be. 21.5 second does almost nothing in term of game-delay for self-healing. that was one of issues of sloppy butcher before. equipping perk almost did nothing until you depleted all med-kits. there was nothing deplete med-kits because survivor could drop their med-kit to avoid franklin. now med-kit have proper counter in sloppy butcher.
altruistic grouping healing counters sloppy butcher but that is hard to do in soloq, so most people just stay injured. In my experiences, playing no info perk survivor and healing soloq is too difficult so I stay injured as well.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
Right but like again, the point here is to give medkits their variety back, I'm sure something like that can be tuned somehow and remain an option