Alien needs to be buffed

Alien needs to be buffed
no point of bringing big licence when the killer is mid at best u can get around the map fast and thats good but he's garbage in chase his tail attack is not that useful it's hard to hit people with it and the cooldown of missing in insane u giving a lot of chances to good survivors which means the killer is mid even if u do mistake and cant repair it somehow the killer is not that good he needs to be buffed in chase or dont HYPE yr licenses that much when the killer isn't that good change hes tail attack miss cooldown this is insane
he need to deal with turrest as well which are annoying as ######### this happening all the time remove turrests completely stop nerfing killers this aint survivor game
just do something didnt bough the chapter and 15euro skin for nothing when the killer is mid at best ffs
Yes, he needs to be buffed. I stopped playing him after the nerf. It was hard enough to hit someone, when they run around things and dodge the tail. The punishment for missing and distroying turrets is too long and stopps me from using it, when I‘m not shure whether I hit them.
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Soooo people generally put him in A tier as a really strong killer, with a skill full component of precisely using the tail attack and you think he is weak? Buddy I don't know what to tell you but seems like a skill issue to me...
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no its not a skill issue there is no reason why his tail a simple mechanic should require a skill u cant quick scope everything for a basic attack ....thats insane needs to be buffed strong killer my ass barely mid
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It is ^^ The skillfully interaction is knowing where you can hit over and how to drag his tail, for example he can hit over the rock with the pallet at snow plow on Ormond if you know how. He has great map mobility gets his power back within seconds of being in the tunnel and his power allows him to get hits over tiles basically no other killer can get... Try to learn how to use the power before you complain that he is bad...
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At around 6.30min you can see the hit over the rock on Ormond, you cannot tell me the killer is bad when he is able to get hits like that.
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No, the killer has anti-loop and teleporting. They're fine.
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the killer is fine
you clearly haven't seen how miserable it is facing this killer when it had no actual punishment to a player miss playing.
and turrents are a complete joke.
for an m2 that counters pallets and windows that you don't need to work for
yes it needs some kind of counterplay.
xeno is pretty strong if you don't miss your tail attacks often.
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First they need to fix the ping issues because I'm tired of getitng hit by her tail when I'm not even close
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Last week I was playing against an Alien at Lery's Memorial and I was doing the loop around the front desk that's next to the exit. The one with the pallet in the middle of it. Alien was able to tail whip me from the other side of the front desk. He does not need to be buffed, you just need to practice more with his whip.
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u are the ones who having skill issue tell me about bugs and ######### hes not that strong ######### like the video should be patched wallhack BS
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What anti-loop? He does suffer from general killers issues. He doesn't have an anti - loop.
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There is only two aspects they buff for Xeno. One of them is making m2 turrets have more movement speed like it was before bu and survivor moaned about Xeno not being punished enough for missed attacks even though he has 3 second cooldown. The increased movement speed also helped Xeno catch-up better.
The other is his add-on being too situational. The add-on that could use buff are
Iri Acid blood: Why this add-on not down survivor and why does this add-on only work for 20 seconds? for this to be game-changing iri, it should down survivors and have no timer.
Iri Improvised caddle rod: This add-on is good but it could be way better. currently it activates on gen completion. What would make add-on iri would be that every emerging teleport, you see all survivors in 10 meter radius for 15 seconds. this would be an incredible aura reading add-on.
Harpoon gun: This gives screams if you hit a survivor after emerging from a tunnel after 10 seconds. 10 second is too little, increase it to 30 seconds.
Parker band: this gives 5% haste for... 3 seconds. That way too little haste. Increase duration to 10 seconds and increase haste to 7%. survivor. With current values, this add-on is not good at countering pre-running when Xeno emerges from a tunnel. it needs way better numbers to counter pre-running into turrets.
Buffing these add-on would give him some game-changing buffs to his kit. blight has great add-on's, it would be nice if this killer had good add-on's to use.
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I don't think that an ability to flick should be a core power. That means that most people won't get most(if any) value from Xeno.
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If there are bugs should they not be patched and after that you can re-evaluate whether or not he is fine? Also what exactly are you talking about wallhacks? Hitting over such obstacles is what makes him strong... So let me get this straight ^^ You don't want the killer to be able to hit over such obstacles but then cry for buffs? LOL, what is your issue?
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doesn't that just mean that Alien has high-skill ceiling? is that not what every killer should be? easy to pick-up low skill-floor, takes long time to master?
I find this comment funny because i saw a post at one point saying that Xeno is too easy. scott messing up a bunch of times shows that killer is not that easy.
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Why not? It is great if the killer has potential to make skillfull plays? Are you stating that dbd players are too bad to properly play the killer or what do you mean?
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Somehow a girl in a nurse outfit is stronger than Alien, and sadly, it's probably going to stay that way.
In what world is that a thing :(
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The tail attack? It's a extension attack that can hit over pallets windows and low walls and barriers. That Is the literal definition of a anti loop power. A power that counters looping.
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The girl with telekinetic abilites that somehow also allow her to drag herself through space vs some alien beast with acid blood oh I wonder how...
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Is that the original release cool down? Cause that's not how it works now.
The player went fishing. He took three hits to get his injury. There is no time for that with the cooldowns as they are now, when facing a competent team.
And if you look at the screen, he can't see what he's aiming at. Without wallhacks(and I'm sure we don't want that to be a requirement to be a good Xeno) You're guessing. Thats not skill based game play, thats just... guessing three times and getting it right, finally.
Moving his POV up in crawler mode could reduce some of these issues.
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It wasn't a flick. They just straight up got me on the other side of the front desk. It was an easy M2 hit for them. Here is a screenshot to show what I'm talking about. Killer is where it shows an "X" and I was on the other side of the desk. Alien was able to easily use their tail whip to get me on the other side. That's huge for any killer because it's a strong loop otherwise. This is just one of many loop examples the tail can easily get someone. If you're not good with their power, doesn't mean it needs to be buffed. Practice. Nurse is very hard to play as, we all know she does not need a buff. She is strong in the right hands.
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Xenomorph is a perfectly fine killer right now, although I would like to see what the actual 2.0 m/s speed for missed attacks would be like, since we never even got to test it (seriously BHVR, this wasn't one of your best moments). I played her earlier for a bit and it was a blast. Great mobility, great chase power, lots of room for mindgames on both sides and she feels amazing, now that her bugs are also fixed.
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He doesnt need buffs better be glad that he is not getting more nerfs
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The cooldown stayed the same, only the movements peed during the cooldown got changed so I don't know what you are on about..
He took 3 attempts because hitting over the thing is hard, that's the skillfully component and the killer is rather new you cannot expect people to instantly be good at such stuff... Also why should you not have like 10 seconds to get a hit like that? Because that's all it took them, also the survivor did not really have a place to from that position.
The skill is being able to hit over the thing, also do you have ears? The guy was injured he could probably hear his cries and even if not so what he still got the hit, the point is not that you should force hits when you have no clue but that there is skillfully stuff like this to do with Xeno also this was just an example imagine other tiles that are a little bit lower where for example Nemesis cannot hit over but Xeno can.
If you cannot see that the dragging of the hitbox to get such hits is skillfully I cannot help you but say skill issue on your side.
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My point is:
He doesn't play like that anymore, using old setting to justify a current assertion about his ability is working in bad faith., intentionally deceptive in nature.
With the new slowdown after tail use, she could have left the loop.
Let's be clear, I've spent time fishing over objects with the tail to land these hits. And although fun, it doesn't mean the killer is competitive in tense matches. To be so the ability would have to be under the control of the user, its not so in the video. It could have taken a hundred tail tosses to hit, or just one. Raising the camera when in crawler mode might make things better.
You can hear the injured survivor. You can't figure their hit box edges out from sound. So aside from them still being at the loop, there isn't information to work with from the sound. As in, if the survivor ducked and moved, or just squatted on the ground.
The OP called for buffs. I feel something is needed. But, I'm not sure it should be a direct adjustment to the tail hitting things, I suspect some feedback buffs might be what's missing.
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I still think he is alright, not all tiles are so high like this one where you basically cannot see the survivor at all, there are still tiles where you get a better idea of the survivor and can hit over, I only used that one since it is a really high tile that still allowed Xeno to get a hit and like I said before I don't know if the hit only landed then because the survivor was not properly in position or because Scott messed up the drag of the hitbox... I think if you get good enough you can consistently land those hits... Just think about Hug Tech with Wesker where you basically need to press the button frame perfectly to get the results you want and people still became good enough to accomplish that, I think the same is possible for this killer, you just need to take the time to practise.
Also I don't think she could have reached another tile, and even if, the tiles that are closed to those are much lower and give the Xeno probably a better chance to land a hit...
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Xeno doesn't need any buffs except for maybe some of its weaker addons being improved (Parker's Headband, Molted Skin, Brett's Cap, Harpoon Gun come to mind as not being very good - really the main issue with all of these addons is they don't last long enough; like I'd try making Brett's Cap 60 seconds, Molted Skin 5 seconds, Parker's Headband 5 seconds, and Harpoon Gun 15 seconds). But if anything I'd be leaning closer to also nerfing the good anti-turret addons (Emergency Helmet, Lambert's Star Map, Cereal Rations). I think the turrets are pretty balanced basekit and those addons make them too unreliable. Since a large part of the counterplay to the tail attack is not allowing the killer to use it in the first place, I don't think the turrets should have too much unpredictability in how they work.
Xeno's basekit, including the tail attack itself, I think is in a pretty good spot now that BHVR fixed the bugs and nerfed the cooldown movement speed. The tail can allow some insane hits most killers can't even dream of, if you know how to use it properly, and definitely doesn't need to be buffed. And you get great map mobility on top of that.
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He can use his power to make pallets unsafe, and he can use his power at windows. You still need to think and plan when to use the power but that isn't a bad thing.
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I heard that they removed the ability to do the drag over objects since the last couple of patches. I tested it last week and have been unable to drag over objects vs how I was able to previously, so im inclined to agree they removed that feature. The video you presented is 2 months old.
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Why is it always killers getting buffs or killer mains complaining that their characters/perks/special attacks are not strong enough when they’re literally op? It’s simply a skill issue.
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I didn't really see anything about that in any patchnotes, so I cannot really say if or if not, but not as far as I'm aware. I think Scott mentioned something that the timing got changed? But I'm not sure 100%.