SM is still good at 3-genning and some players keep playing her like this

Just had match againts 3-gen merchant from start of the match, was like 30 min+ game, what an enjoyable experience. I am sad there are players out there who still on purpose go their way to play like this with her. It just makes other SM players like me look bad and gives her bad rep, like she doesn't have a terrible rep in community allready.

When can we expect that 3-gen solution? It was mentioned few months back when Deja Vu got buffed (plan for adressin 3-gen in general).


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2023

    it is too small of sample size. i don't think killer stats can be trusted as much as perk stats because small sample size. the perk can be more accurate because of numbers. for example Lithe is reported to be used 20213 games. that is big enough sample of size games to conclude that perk is popular.

    300 games shows very little. you need like 2000 games and nightlight does not sort by MMR. it is just everyone games together, so for all i know, those games could be 1000 hour killer player going vs new guy that bought dbd and has 30 hours in the game.

    she is not over-tuned. it is learned to play issue. i think their idea to buff potencial energy is good idea so I do expect them to buff potencial energy into viable anti-3 gen perk for survivor that struggle to play 3 gens. I still think it would be better if they had a perk that allows you to link 2 generator together and progress gens at self-care speed(35%) but their version of an anti 3 gen does work if it gets buffed.


    I kinda think her chase could be buffed honestly. I hope they buffed supercharger, expired batteries and high-powered at some point.. those add-on could be so good for chase merchant but are a bit weak.

    one thing I would change are lock on stacks never regressing, it's weird you can keep 2 stacks for 20min it should regress at some point, she's a bit overtuned imo needs a few adjustements.

    no thanks, when lock-on was regressing, you could only get lock on stacks in 3 gens with drones on gens. they already weakened her drones by making that you do not get claw trap. no regressing lock-on is buff for a nerf.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Agreed, she can still do it and SM is not fun to go against.

    I've been playing re resistance again and every killer is fun to go against. That's how it should be.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    I was recently pointed towards it and was even provided with a video of someone still doing it. I didn't believe it at first but she still is a 3genning monstrosity. Guess I can keep calling her Caitlyn 3Genner after all.

    It would already help tremendously, if they reworked the Shotgun Speakers, since they are mostly what ties this whole thing together. If that wasn't a thing, then she had no way to apply that kind of slow down to survivors, who can actually hit the skill checks (which is a bit challenging at first but quite manageable overall) without getting downs. Something that would easily require her to leave her 3gen.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    It's on 900 games not 300, not that bad tbh it's better than nothing, you can't really explain why all other killers are so far behind... top 2 is sadako at 61%

    I mean even ignoring that 70% killrate, just by playing as/against her she's a bit easy mode, even against strong teams she's very consistent, if I have to pick strongest m1 killer in the game I'd say skull merchant right now

    I respect your opinion but I don't think she needs buffs at all, not even close, time will tell bhvr have the real stats

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 547

    Too bad we don't know what percentage of survivors know that drones do nothing to a stationary or crouched target.

    My wild guess wouldn't be a very high number.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    How she can 3 gen like before if u dont move drones doesnt detect you

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Humans will take the path of least resistance.

    Its on the developers to recognize this play-style and adjust the game as necessary (if they don't want it to be apart of the game), which they have yet to do.

    A lot of Killers in this game can effectively hold 3 gens and drag the game out, this isn't just a SM issue.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,930

    Also not to mention the number of players who just give up the moment they see SM. Even the day of her reworks release people were giving up without even trying to play against her.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited November 2023

    I mean even ignoring that 70% killrate, just by playing as/against her she's a bit easy mode, even against strong teams she's very consistent, if I have to pick strongest m1 killer in the game I'd say skull merchant right now

    She was consistent before. I believe she was strongest m1 killer before with geo readout and strobes(both as chase) and 2nd strongest 3 gen but only before overcharge/cob was 200% regression. It is just that people said she was not good at chases and only good at 3 gens. that wasn't true so they nerfed readout and strobes and tried re-shift her power into chase. The issue is that camping is somewhat global strategy in the game. you cannot really shift strategies in the game very easily. A lot of strategies that killer use are generic and global such that every killer can perform 3 gens to some degree. Players will still 3 gen if 3 gen is rewarding. It is little bit like tunneling off-hook with Blight or proxy camping with bubba.

    In terms of easy to play, I think her skill-floor is somewhat low because survivor in general again from my experience tend to get hit by drones without me doing anything. This is nothing to do with killer player. It is everything to do with survivor player playing poorly vs ability. Skull merchant drones by nature are automatic and the bonuses she gets are very passive. Killers that have like strong passives tend to be on higher kill-rate scale because there is more agency on survivor to counter/diminish effectiveness of the passive than there is for killer to use passive. She leaves drones in area's and it is up to survivor to detect drones and disable them without acquiring lock-on stacks. If they failed to do so, she gains passive haste. there is little input for skull merchant other then placing drones but all agency for how effective it is to gain haste is on the survivor. big part of skull merchant success is survivor learning to play against her. She is like brand new killer for a lot of players because she was unpopular before. Many player did not play against before and when they did, it was 3 gen slog.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 816

    Is the void part of it for you guys?

    I'm 3+ genning a lot lately, because survivors go to the void and after I get tired of following, I just kick all the gens and set things up in a way that makes sure the time they waste hurts them more than me. They come out all healed up, but I've regressed the gens I didn't want them to do, or all of them. This hurts them a lot more when I'm playing a trapping killer.

    I patrol to find people, I don't usually protect gens beyond that. Since there are times when no one's on the map with me (in the void) I just default to it. I'll go in a couple times, but that's it. I don't want to play "who can go through the portals faster" so I play "you can't get the gens done if you keep hiding".

    I'm not loving it. Had a 29 minute game with Wraith, half of it was pure, absolute boredom. That's a super-long game for me, if they hadn't got on my nerves, I'd have just let them do the gens and leave so I could play a fun trial. They got 3 gens done, the rest were cold and silent. They weren't close together, doesn't matter when the killer has tons of spare time between each chase.

    This works really well with SM. They come running out of the portals and into a drone. While they're in there, I'm putting drones between the portals and the gens. This works doubly well because once I hit them, they'll have to run through drones to get to a portal.

    But you can crouch through the drones and they don't get you while working gens, I'm not seeing how it's any different than the other trapping killers.

    They all get a big bonus when given a bunch of spare time.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    3 Genning was never anything that only Skull Merchant's previous form could do. Any killer with enough dedication can 3 gen.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960
    edited November 2023

    "H" formation maps that gives the killer a free 3 gen if they want to.

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 555

    I bought her recently with shards and tested if she is still really ridiculosly good at 3 gen stratagies. She still is not as good but after playing a few matches that way it's not that bad but not losing stacks is completly unfair. They should last 3-5 mins max not 20-30. I find her more fun to play in an anti loop way but is not nearly as effective.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 646

    I'll admit I had no idea I could crouch through the drones. That's definitely going to be helpful.

  • please_explain
    please_explain Member Posts: 105
    edited November 2023

    I don't see a problem, if it counters the gen rush meta let people play her as they want. If you want my honest opinion I would gladly tri gen with the SM just to spite mft+hope abusers.

    Post edited by please_explain on
  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    I'm watching Skermz (with Knightlight) while I eat lunch and this SM has herself a 4 gen 🤣 there's another gen in front of the building, inbetween his and the yellow one furtherest from him. That SM needs to buy a lottery ticket cos ######### is that gen spread lmao

  • LilyPad
    LilyPad Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 43

    The problem is that they overbuffed her to ensure she would remain playable and in doing so ensured that should would remain oppressive and not fun to go against.

    As others have said, the haste mechanic needs to go, and the tics should decay overtime or be reset when a drone is disabled.

    She also needs less drones.

    These are all harsh nerfs but if they refuse to change her design I'm of the opinion that she should be kept weak. None of her strengths encourage exciting gameplay. She's just a bloodlusting/attrition killer.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618
    edited November 2023

    Those changes wouldn't make her weak, they'd literally make her unplayable. At some point, the people advocating ridiculous changes need to start being honest; it isn't about nerfing things in the sake of fun and fairness, it's about destroying a character they don't like.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    The fact that you admitted you'd three gen with SM out of spite shows that it is indeed still a problem and just adds further premise to OP argument.

    As a side note, I can kite SM for a long time, however I do find going against her rather boring.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,064

    After three rounds of nerfs, players are still continuing to play this character specifically and deliberately for '3-genning from the beginning of the game'. This is a 'play style' that the devs have outright said it's 'not intended', and in a large number of cases also falls under 'against the game rules of holding the game hostage'.

    At that point saying it's 'not fun to go against' is deliberately misleading, since it falls into the category of the flashlight and locker bug a month or so ago. That was also 'not fun to go against', but it was also breaking the game, holding games hostage, and rightfully so, got kill switched from several directions and fixed quickly.

    If people are actually continuing to use a game mechanic or character to regularly go against game rules as well as the devs intention for how the game should be played, that thing needs to be kill switched immediately until it is fixed.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618
    edited November 2023

    You said so much, yet strangely addressed nothing of what I said. What I said was that people are advocating changes that they know will destroy the character rather than changes to make her more fun and fairer. Essentially kneecapping her and rendering her unplayable won't do either of those things. They're not changes motivated by fairness, they're changes motivated by an historical dislike of the character.

  • please_explain
    please_explain Member Posts: 105

    End game was the time when the killer could snowball but he can no longer do that if survivors are faster than him.

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 745

    People be like "ShE caNT 3-Gen AnyMOre!"


    • Haste Effect starting from 3% - 7%
    • Undetactable for 8 Seconds
    • -10 % Hindered Effect for 6 Seconds
    • Basically Knowhing where you are all the time
    • Can damage you for existing since Lock On does not decay
    • Lock on makes you Broken and gives Deep Wound
    • Hacked Drone can be easily replaced

    And now to the real 3-Gen Part:

    With all of that above in mind, the radius of a drone is 10 Meters big and can overlap by a number of 6 drones with a Laser Cone Rotation rate by 85 °/s. She locks down her Set Up with said 6 overlapping drones and starts protecting her setup: She runs to you - either you crouch or stop moving to not get detected but get a hit and maybe enough Lock On to be broken and Deep Wounded. If you are now injured and ignore her drones you basically give her more Movement Speed while being slowed down. You don't have to be a mastermind to understand how strong that is with little effort on her side.

    "But every killer can 3-Gen" potentially yes, but not as efficient as others and especially not as efficient like she does it, that's the point. I hate her Power and playing against her. But I will not offer any balance changes because every player deserves to have fun and I wouldn't want to see any P100 Skull Merchant to be Upset because there Main got basically deleted. She is for sure not as strong as other killers (Looking at you blight), but at least they require some sort of skill.

  • please_explain
    please_explain Member Posts: 105

    People abuse mft+hope and Buckle up+ftp and instaheals so why can't I abuse SM and tri gen with her? Do you see the hypocrisy now?

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,064

    Here, let me help you:

    it isn't about nerfing things in the sake of fun and fairness, it's about destroying a character they don't like.

    This point is completely demolished, especially when the issue in question is a literal, game breaking exploit.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618
    edited November 2023

    I'm going to assume -- rightly or wrongly -- that you genuinely have trouble communicating, so I'll just leave you to it, friend. Otherwise I'd have to assume you're just being disingenuous and are intentionally missing the point and ignoring the context of my response, and I'd rather give you the benefit of the doubt here.

    Post edited by Raconteurminator on