Okay I seriously why do people slug
Okay, so let's paint a happy little picture. we have a big bad Blight now he has a few friends, a Dwight and a Zarina, because everyone needs a friend. Now let's put some generators, and four of them have lights on meaning one left before Dwight, and Zarina have to go back home.
The Blight doesn't want that, so he puts the Zarina down for a little nap. Though she split her tomato juice on the ground, we don't make mistakes, just happy accidents.
Now the Dwight wants to wake Zarina up from her little nap, but he can't as Blight wants to make sure he can send Dwight and Zarina to the Entity isn't that nice.
With one generator left and two of their other teammates already seeing the Entity, Dwight needs to stay quiet and hidden with Zarina, also knowing this.
So Dwight hides behind this little rocks and trees the match goes one for a solid few minutes with Dwight waking Zarina up because she might not be happy with him just trying to survive because the Dwight is actually solo q.
In the end Dwight scratches his head and wonders why do people slug when two people are left since it just makes the match longer then it should.
I hope you had a nice time painting with me today.
"In the end Dwight scratches his head and wonders why do people slug when two people are left since it just makes the match longer then it should."
Because the hatch exists.
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I read that twice and can't follow the story. In full disclosure, I am under the influence. Can you just give me a more simple wall of text? Smaller and to the point?
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Because for some reason some Killers think that if they dont 4K, they dont win. And it does not even matter how many Gens have been done, a Killer can get a 3K with 0 Gens done, yet some will still slug, because they cannot bear the thought that the one Survivor might get a pity escape with the Hatch. (And it is quite clear that the Killer won and the Survivor, despite escaping, clearly did not win)
A few years ago, even before closing the Hatch was a thing, I said the Killer should just get full BPs and Emblems when the last Survivor escapes via Hatch. Sure, there will still be some Killers that will still slug for the 4K, because they would not be able to sleep at night if a Survivor might escape. But if there would be no loss in BPs or Emblems, the majority will probably not slug. (From those who slug currently, IMO the vast majority of Killer players dont slug for the 4K)
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Basically why do killers slug with two people left and one gen is remaining all at 0% since most if not all times a survivor will hide in the corner of a map and just wait for their teammate to bleed out. Basically just making the match way longer then it needs to be. The reason why the post is so long is because I was trying to not make a super whiney post also because I was just bored and thinking Bob Ross.
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The remaining survivor would still able to hide
Next stop on killers' wishlist: show remaining survivors' aura if 3 survivors are death.
3K is a lost but expecting camped/tunneled survivor see dying as a win because other 3 escape.
If only 4K is a win then 3 escape should be counted as a lost for survivors.
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You know my brother said once "If a killer doesn't get a 3 or 4k then they automatically lose" I gave him the response of "that isn't how it works the match result tells you how you did as long as you don't get Entity Displeased(it was a while ago) then you won" even then if that's the killer's rule of winning to him then wouldn't the survivor win be that three or four escape be a win. Answer no in Solo q if you escaped you won with SWF I mean it really depends on how many you are and such. But in the end who cares you get one or two kills as long as you at least tried and worked hard for it then you won.
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Thats true, its the hatch and the 3K to 4K thing. I usually don't do it UNLESS the survivor really tried to tilt me all game or where very rude, but only running me for a good while isn't enough, don't worry. Unless I have a challenge to 4K or try to adept a new killer, I just hook the 3rd survivor and let the dice decide if I find the hatch or the other survivor.
But OP, your little story really makes for a very hard read and doesn't get your poin accross too easy. I thought that you would mean general slugging, which is a bit more complicated and varied, then slugging for the 4K, which is quite straight forward.
In general, slugging generates just as much pressure then hooking, sometimes even more so, because the unhooking animation is shorter then any kind of healing prior to 95% on the floor, but slugging comes with the bonus that the killer doesn't have to pick up, locate a hook, walk over there and finaly hook the survivor. Slugging can save up to 15-20s of the killers time and can't be taken away by a single application of a flashlight to the eyes.
Sometimes its done in spite, but most often is done for some tactical reasons.
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I think it is quite common to say that a 2K is a Draw and anything above it a win for the Killer. And IMO especially if it is a Hatch Escape, the Killer wins, because the Survivors did not manage to open the Gates.
And personally, I dont care too much. If I get a 3K and the Survivor gets lucky and finds the Hatch before me, I still win. And if some Survivor thinks they won, because I was nice to not slug for the 4K... It is what it is.
The only time I go for the 4K or slug for it is if I have a challenge which requires Kills, if I go for an Adept-Achievement or if the last Survivor somehow pissed me off. E.g. by not being helpful for their team or acting toxic. But then I usually give Hatch to the person I slugged, because it is not their fault that they teammate was such a dick that I slugged the second to last-Survivor.
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Just wait for her to die and go for hatch, you're gonna basically going to lose anyways unless Zarina is a GOD tier looper
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So if the killer gets 2 kills and 1 hook to make it 7/12 hooks and that's a win for killers.....then what? Do I just wait for you to complete 3-4 gens because I steam rolled u?
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I dont even understand your question. Or how your first question is linked to your second question.
Nobody is asking for Killers to let Survivors complete Gens.
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Your saying if the killer wins then they should be happy, so if I get anything greater than 2k, I should just let you escape and don't even try for the 4k because
"The only time I go for the 4K or slug for it is if I have a challenge which requires Kills, if I go for an Adept-Achievement "
I don't know how to properly quote certain lines
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You can totally slug for the 4K if you cannot sleep at night if a Survivor gets a pity escape via Hatch. Play how you like, but dont expect others to like it as well.
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So play how I want but get threatened over Playstation chat because I'm just playing the game....u rite
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I dont think I am the right person to direct your rage to. And I also dont really want to deal with your drama.
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It's just a hypothetical scenario, I'm allowed to bring up topics that'll inevitably happen and acknowledge them
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We're more curious as to how you got that from that post
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The killer will usually slug for some reasons such as kills and achievements. Not everyones a malicious sweat lord and just want their mission done. If someone needs that 4k to complete the rift challenge and dont want another game, theyre gona do everything they can to get it. Don't exactly gotta like it though [9/10 its a pain for survivors regardless of intent].
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"Anything greater than a 2K" in this instance means a 3k or 4k, not a 2k + 1 hook.
A 3K means you've won because you've prevented the survivors from opening the exits via their main objective.
A 2K is a loss/draw, because 2 survivors can only escape if they fully complete their objective.
A 3K is perfectly sufficient for a win. The final survivor gets a coin flip escape which doesn't count for MMR, while you gain positive MMR regardless.
Unless you're trying for adept or a challenge, you don't need the 4K. Conversely, there's nothing wrong with trying for a 4K either, maybe you're trying to challenge yourself. Most likely though people try to win more when theyre already winning, for the dopamine.
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Nowadays I don't slug anymore for the 4K, for I, as AvenFalls so eloquently put it, killed enough survivors to sleep well at night, even if one at 3K escapes my clutches and gets hatch.
But I also want to interact with the last survivor and get the feeling that I won. If the last survivors surrenders and gift me their items, they are free to go, but if they insist on running, we can happily run till the timer runs out and The Entity eats them.
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I can't because any time I've done that my teammates decide to basically play with the killer and kill me because "I didn't help"
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They slug because for some reason it's allowed and they most likely are not that great of players and/or suffer from some mental health issue and get a high from it.
And yes, as a lisenced psychiatrist I firmly believe this.
It can be an ego issue among other things, but I won't get into it on here too much.
I've had killers that I kited for the whole match slug me and stand over me because wah they got out played. Big deal. I lose sometimes too, who cares.
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Slugging for the 4k
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Thoughts? What changed in 6ys? Apparently not mich.
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I mean fair enough if it's boil over they decided "I'm going to just go to a high spot or map corner" then that's a simple pass since it's basically using a perk to a extreme disadvantage to the killer I mean I get the point is you gain some progress if the killer falls from a height but I won't lie if your not doing a bully thing the perk really is just bad.
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For the current Halloween event you can farm up a lot of Blood Points in 4 mins.
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Or y'know, people try to win because they enjoy this game and want to get better? Although, I guess I don't really know if that falls under dopamine
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Well, that seems like such an unlikely scenario, that I say get it over with and move on
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Anti-hatch play and/or Adept needing 4K.