Fix the mmr or bring back the old one

Im doing 100 games as trapper and it never hit me before how bad mmr is when you cant dodge a game
one game i get chill, casual or baby survivors next game i get tryhard survivor friends that genrush know my every trap and do blinds that are normally impossible to hit they know every pallet and every exact trap you have
i probably also run into some cheaters but nobody knows
so my issue is fix the mmr so one game i can play chill strategize every trap location but next game im just an m1 killer since every survivor follows me and does 3 gens at once
That is the joy of backfill lobbies. You can thank Killers who dodge Lobbies for that that you end up in Lobbies which you should not be in in the first place.
I mean, the MMR in general is not a good system, because Kills are not really a good measurement (if I get a 2K with 2 Hooks via proxycamping with Bubba and then NOED does not mean that I did better than in the game where I got a 1K with 7 Hooks as Trapper for example), however, it is impossible to have an accurate MMR for a game like DBD; since you would probably have to calculate every factor. So they went for the easy solution.
However, backfilling helps to create those unbalanced Lobbies. The Lobby is created and then one player dodges. And since the system values queuetimes higher than fairness, it is more likely that someone who is not really suitable ends up in the Lobby. For Killer this can be a Killer who is way stronger than the Survivors or a Killer who is way weaker than them.
E.g. a few months ago I played against a Console-Trapper (Console = cannot see their hours). This Killer was P0 and did not even have any Tier 3-Perks. The Survivors (two 2-man SWFs) had over 20k hours combined.
A few weeks ago I went against a 14k hour Nurse. My friend and myself have roughly the same number of hours together, so it might be somewhat fair. However, two games later we went against a 26 hour-Nemesis who DCed after the 4th Gen got done. That poor guy got backfilled.
So unless they do something against backfill-Lobbies, you will have those games where you might dominate a team in one game and then dont know what to do in the next game.
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I guess im being backfilled then but one thing that bothers me the most is a survivor for example p1 dwight changes to p67 nea at the last second
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The P1 Dwight and the P67 Nea are literally the same person playing, it doesn't change anything unless you lobby shop (in which case you're the one messing up your own MMR)
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I wish they didn't solely base it on escapes it makes it feel impossible to move up in mmr because you get put with noobs who either 3 gen or do nothing. I keep getting games where I am the only person who can loop and I'm getting so sick of it make it based on pips again please.