So, tell me : what has the "anti-face-camp" mechanic solved?

As survivor, the rate times I was face-camped the counter was usually for the team to push the gens and maybe do an exchange right on time.
Now, the killer only has to wait right at the limit with the Bubba and will still manage to get the unhooker down and, if he presses on, probably also the unhooked. (Just had a match like this.)
Not much of a difference.
As a killer, it's mostly pointless (camping isn't exactly my go-to move), except on the one occurrence it triggered while chasing another survivor pretty close to the hook. (What else was I supposed to do?)
So as far as I'm concerned, it's mostly useless or, extremely rarely, an unjustified handicap.
How have you lived it so far?
It was never meant to end camping. It wasn't even meant to make to make it impossible to down the unhooker immediately as far as I know.
It does a good job of disincentivising the killer to stay right next to the hook to try and prevent unhooks. The hooked survivor will get off the hook as long as their team mates don't ignore them, which is exactly the point.
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I got a Chris a personal Kobe after an Oni camped out a 2nd state. The Oni had to keep climbing the hill and was tunneling people off hook, but I managed to work that against him and we got a 3 out. Sadly the Chris died, but it prevented a 2k or more.
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Been great tbh.
I've been willing and able to use reassurance much more readily, as before if the killer wasn't camping, reassurance did nothing.
If the killer was camping, getting within 6m without taking a hit was a challenge in of itself, and if it was an instant down killer, youre playing with fire, and if I screwed it up I might even give the killer 2 people to camp.
Now even if the killer proxies and intercepts me going to hook, there is a pretty nice buffer allowing me to get my proc off to actually punish a camper.
As a killer who never used camping except during end game anyway, not been affected at all, so all in all, very happy with the AFC feature.
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You described that the situation where a killer facecamps a survivor means the other survivors should stick to gens. Instead of having the 4th player wait 2 minutes to die on hook, they get the ability to unhook themselves and come back into the game. Even if it results them going right back on hook, it still buys the rest of the team more time.
Overall, it practically removes the main reason to facecamp since facecamping was never a good move to win games outside after the gens being done and that is to force a single survivor to sit there until they die.
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A killer has not placed his face an inch from mine on the hook for 2 minutes since the update.
I sometimes run in circles around the hook so a survivor I hooked can pop off if his teammates are doing stupid things.
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In the case that you are describing there is a difference, as non of your teammates have to let go a gen to go for a trade, which means more gen time, which means the killer being more punished for face camping. You only have to wait to the last second to unhook yourself and in the worst case of getting caught again, you would make the killer lost the maximum time possible.
If you are going to ignore the fact that the hooked person can unhook themselves now and still go for a save against all odds, then obviously, it's not going to be any difference.
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Well, if it accomplished something was me getting facecamped by a 99ed myers with tombstone piece. Luckily I was in a swf that ate gens and I denied him the mori by just dying on hook. Nice 1 hook 3 stages game bruh
By the way, it seems that if the facecamp bar reaches maximum before end game, you can still unhook yourself after the last gen pops (which is good, since you were facecamped before that), so one can still maximize their time on hook to help team mates in case.
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My thought process behind it:
The newer features like disabling hook grabs, basekit bt, anti facecamp mechanic are PRETTY MUCH enough to make survivors gameplay more fair and enjoyable.
We even have some killers have anti-camp mechanics built in their powers.
I do think it helps, it's not useless even by bit.
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I have the impression that the anti-facecamp feature eliminated facecamping.
For some unfathomable reason it didn't eliminate proxy-camping, tunneling, whiffing, flashlights, bad maps, wars and famine - not to mention a billion other things some people consider a problem. I wonder what could be the reason.
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It would be great if the mechanic worked at higher levels of play, but maybe it's enough that it just stops new killer players from face camping. That alone will make playing survivor more fun for people just getting into the game, as face camping happens in the majority of matches that has a killer who is fresh to the game.
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I haven’t been facecamped since it went live… so I guess it solved exactly what it was meant to. Lol
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it solves face camping like its designed to do lol what youre talking about is proxy camping
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It really only does anything against literal facecamping, meaning standing right up against the survivor on hook. And while this doesn't change all too much at all about the gameplay surrounding camping and seems to more so have been intended to alleviate player experience concerns to do with possible frustrations of having a killer stare at and hit you on hook and the like, it can at times open up windows to save against killers when you're injured or Exposed or they have instadown abilities/perks/add-ons, since they have to keep a certain distance.
In general, camping had really been solved by removing hook grabs. Camping is still viable and strong in various situations, but it's not like they had set out to render it completely useless to begin with (then they could have just removed hook timers). Camping shouldn't be altogether "removed" from the game because not only is it - for better and worse - part of the gameplay balancing in the game's current state, but it adds to the strategical depth of the game and can create thrilling gameplay precisely because it makes for precarious, snowbally scenarios.
Something they should have however add in my opinion that would really cement the introduction of this mechanic as something worthwile is a HUD indicator for this bar, for all survivors to see. That would not only tell other survivors that the survivor on hook can unhook themselves, but it would also be an approximate indicator of whether the killer is camping.
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As a killer, it's given me an option to get a survivor unhooked if the teammates are jerks and refuse to unhook them. A few times I've wished I could unhook someone. Now I can!
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I've never been facecamped since. Take that for what you want.
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I agree, there needs to be self-unhook info in the HUD. Too often I see facecamping killers and the person's bar is going up and then it stops because other survivors start crouching nearby, halting the self-unhook progress. Or they run in just before the person could unhook themselves to make the save, and it ends up with two people down.
I do wish survivors would stop crouching nearby when teammates are being facecamped. It's making the new feature useless. Of course, as someone who can't judge distance well, if my friend's being camped on the hook I have to just keep moving away until I see his self-unhook bar start filling up again. Most people can't look at their friends' screens and do that.
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It's proved camping and face camping isn't as big of a problem as everyone makes it out to be. I haven't had the chance to use the self unhook yet and I've played over 100 survivor games.
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It solved the satisfaction of staying on hook while killer wastes time and my team mates did gens to get out.
Now it's just proxy camp. I'll take fave camping any day over this frustrating proxy camp junk.
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It's been a great feature. I've had no games where the killer just stood in front of the hook, proxy camping allows a lot more play, and I have yet to see this 'weaponized' in a way some people worried about.
Numbers might need to be fudged a little, but I say give it a few more months of testing before discussing that.
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I have not seen a single killer facecamp since the update. I've also not seen a single bubbab, either. Win win.
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This is what a portion of players don't seem to grasp.
It affords players a greater chance to get off the hook and potentially get away that is all.
Thus reducing the game experience of get downed in 30 secs, hang on hook for 2 mins and nothing else.
Now players have a better chance to get off hook, engage in a follow up chase and try to escape the killer and you get that for free if they stand too close.
Calling it anti-camp was really a misnomer, as some players seem to think they can never be camped again and appear genuinely surprised that a killer can still defend a hook if they do it smart.
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The only thing that changed is, that you dont get just facecamped, you also get hard tunneled for round about 10s if you unhook yourself. Great improvement i guess. Sigh.
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So you didn't get hard tunneled before or what? It improves the chances for you to get off the hook, because the killer is not directly in front of it, nothing more... The option to hard tunnel you out after the unhook has been there all the time?