VPN Killers

Can something please be done about VPN killers? I'm tired of getting killers playing in Asia that have huge ping and make the game unplayable. They also seem to play a lot scummier (camping, tunneling, post game toxicity) than other killers.
I am afraid that devs wouldn't be able to deal with VPN issue. Is there way to prohibit it?
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Uhhh maybe you are the one who had the bad ping?
If my memory isn't wrong,all player are connected to official server.
So if you feeling the delay,it would be only because of yourself.
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There's definitely something that can be done to prohibit it, but nothing that can be done by the user.
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That's wildly untrue. It shows up whether my ping is bad or the killer's. If someone's connecting to an official server from the other side of the world, everyone would feel the delay.
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It'd be good if they did something but they won't address it imo since people have a variety of reasons for using VPN (particularly content creators). I watched a streamer play against a VPNing killer and when they asked them about it in endgame chat the killer said of course they VPN, it's a better outcome for them. I was surprised by the honesty lol most just say they use VPN for privacy and/or safety reasons.
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The ones who speak in Mandarin in the post-game chat clearly aren't doing that. There's nothing wrong with using it for privacy reasons, the problem is using it to connect to servers on the other side of the world. There is a way to address it as some other games have, but I highly doubt BHVR ever will
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Put a ping indicator in the pre game lobby.
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The game chooses a server for you based on where you are geographically. If you use a VPN the game chooses a server based on where you pretend you are. So a killer from Asia could run a VPN and pretend they are in the US, connect to a US server and lag like hell whilst the other players who are actually in the US don't lag.
This isn't a new problem so I'm not sure why you are blaming the OP.
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So in this case, the only one who will feel the lagging is the vpn killer not the other players.
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In this game, if the killer is lagging due to running a VPN, it actually gives them an advantage. It means the killer can hit survivors at locations where they have currently left. So the survivor vaults a window and starts running, but for the killer, the survivor is still vaulting, as the killer is lagging behind the survivor. So the killer attacks at the window and gets the hit despite the survivor having already cleared the window. Not to mention that a killer who essentially teleports around the map is almost impossible to avoid.
Survivors wouldn't care too much about killers using a VPN if it only made the killer experience worse. But in this game lagging as killer gives you a massive advantage.
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Basically, they need to make a "PIng cap", which makes any players that have ping higher than (let's say...) 200, they are unable to join a lobby with players that have 80+.
And there you go. But there is 1 issue, their ping may go up in the match by any point. In this scenario, not you or Devs can do much about it.
I've seen this system in Warframe. Basically it doesn't allowing any player to join a random party, if their ping is higher a cap of 200 or 300 (depends).
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how do you know its them vpning and not just their internet is trash lol in the past years internet providers have been getting increasingly bad
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And there is 0 that the devs can do about it, if they block VPNs then people will just use a proxy.
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I agree with putting in ping caps where you can’t join a lobby if you have a certain amount. Also letting people see ping in the lobby so they can decide if they wanna stay in or not would be nice but I don’t see them doing that due to fear of it increasing queue wait times.
Post edited by CrackedShevaMain on0 -
Well idk how they did it but not to speak ill of the dead but the game VHS had a feature where if you booted up the game using a vpn it just wouldn't let you play (but it did have open region select)