Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

I think I'm finally done

It seems I've finally lost all hope in the devs and the future of the game.

I've barely touched the survivor role for a hot while because solo q is a pain, and to no one's surprise nothing is done or even planned to improve things.

On the other hand killer will be in the best spot it's ever been when the MFT murder comes through, and I'm already bored after three games because it's literally just free 4k after 4k (and I'm not even that good).

Anyways, yes MFT deserved a nerf but BHVR proved once again they can only produce either busted or useless perks.

BHVR still stands by the calm spirit and pharmacy "buffs", there's better chances of Pig and Billy being nerfed than Blight (who of course will stay untouched for an other six months at least), and all the "map balance changes" do is adding a bunch of unsafe pallets everywhere because the devs apparently think it's peak gameplay when both sides dislike it. Chapters are not worth buying because the perks are either already bad or they're way too good and will nerfed to the ground anyway, and the whole cosmetics FOMO thing is tiring.

Finally, that trickster buff. I have no doubt it will be changed before it goes live but just the fact that it was planned, made and approved before being presented as "we know survivors think he's annoying so we've made him a whole lot worse" did it.

That was the last nail in the coffin. Just the fact that the devs think it's fine and worth testing made me realise I've given them too much credit and maybe the people who claim BHVR barely understands their own game were onto something.

In any case, I'm playing Demo and Dredge until I finish the rift and will uninstall the game when it's done. I also won't come back here, so good luck to everyone (especially the mods). Don't forget to have a bit of fun.


  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,862

    Sorry you feel that way dude, though I would contest that survivors isn't a dead role just because MFT got nerfed. Sprint Burst and Adrenaline are still Hella good perks for Survivor.

    We also got Troubleshooter, Lucky Star and Light-Footed, Plot Twist and Dramaturgy that are all good perks, and the reworked Background Player is kinda bonkers... just they've been dwarfed by the MFT brokenness so noone bothers with them most games.

    Trickster buff is a wait and see for me, and surely subject to change... its not like its set in stone, and will be toned back if too much. The killer consistently underperforms at almost all levels of play, so it's good to know they're actually looking at making him more accessible and unique as a rapid fire killer.

    Blight I'm with you... I don't understand the lack of trigger pull on that...

    I'm personally against the FOMO argument, as has been well established, so I won't go there...

    Not that I'm trying to convince you to stay or anything, just not sure why this update specifically broke you... survivors recently got bots, the AFC and Skull Merchant nerfs all in one update, they got turret buffs and tail nerfs vs. Xeno, and they got Nick before that... survivors got a lot in the last few updates...

    So a needed MFT nerf and a Trickster rework breaks you? I don't get it...

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 263

    Damn killersided devs. Game is unplayable as survivor.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,862

    The downside of calm spirit is a sad case to be fair... Though I think its a band aid fix for hex builds, as hexes are typically pretty weak in the meta currently. They are however somewhat supported by screams... so Calm Spirit being immune to screams indirectly makes hex builds even worse... I would hope that with an appropriate hex rework (which I'm sure is on the map somewhere) would see this change removed.

    The vaults is definitely a problem, but that is a pretty huge bug... and devs will be trying to get sorted ASAP for sure. Female characters are inherently more popular, so you can bet that bug is a major money flow problem and high priority.

    Fair observations on Trickster, I myself can see potential problems. I'm worried specifically about unhooking going against the fast Main Event charge.... I think these changes are primarily to make him better for console.

    I played him on console and I don't think he's too bad to play, at least compared to comparable difficult killers (Deathslinger, Hillbilly and Nurse). However I can see against strong survivors I'd probably get dabbed on... I think these changes will be overtuned as they are, but the core principle doesn't seem tooooo bad to me.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815
    edited November 2023

    Strong effect can't be not niche or situational. Either they nerf 3% to 1,5%/2%, or they make it niche. In both situations survivors will cry a river about how useless it is now, but current nerf actually more viable and interesting than if they just nerf haste.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    I personally thing its great that red forest is being shrunk, that map was just simply way too big. MFT is getting nerfed but is still useable.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,495

    Seems like you have not read the Terms of Service, bHVR is going to nerf perks to a better place if they are too powerful.

    How can you lose faith in bHVR when they are doing what you should know they would do.

    Sure you can wish for bHVR to be infallible and demand they never release a perk that is good because it might be too good.

    But that would not be reasonable.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Oh don't apologize, it's exactly what this kind of feelings I have and what I mean by "it's an accumulation of stuff", rather than just being upset at one thing. I'm just tired of their "popular means too strong" logic, the fact that most nerfs literally just kill perks yet they refuse to revert them, and they make a show of (barely) buffing a handful of weak perks every six months. And yeah, as someone above said solo queue feels like it's only here to inflate kill rates and isn't taken into account when it comes to balancing things (the CoH nerf being a great example of that).

    Honeslty I would have been really excited for the red forest rework if I wasn't excepting the map to become a main building with a collection of unsafe pallets surrounding it, which seems to be the go-to solution for map balance, and which quite frankly I find boring both as killer and survivor.

  • ironligma
    ironligma Member Posts: 121

    Oh a survivor wanting meta perks so the killers life can be insufferable, no way. I like the changes, I want to see something other than mft every match, cause variety in perks is fun. Although this change to it will mean I'll have to stop playing slinger at this point. I will say this, the buff to trickster seem excessive.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 500

    Sorry you are experiencing a rough bunch of games.

    i Don't share the same experience my solo que games are generally no issues really most games 4-5 gens are done. The only solo que issue is bad team mates which can be difficult to avoid at times but as you work your way up you will get less an less of those.

    What i recommend is joining a group of people you connect with and improving an learning from one another so when you go back into solo que you will have more experience on how to deal with situations. i myself did this an it massively improved the outcomes of my solo que games.

    Good luck an all the best

  • UNeek
    UNeek Member Posts: 1

    honestly man when it comes to survivor to me it sounds like a skill issue i solo que all the tike and just run the killer the whole game or just gen jockey not to be rude and say get good but seriously get good if you cant solo que its probably a skill issue yeah you might not win but you can still have some fun games if you are goof whic is what i do.

  • rocket_widget
    rocket_widget Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2023

    I have fun playing both sides, though I lean heavier in the killer end.

    That being said, the MFT nerf really doesn't affect me, because I don't feel the need to run meta all the time. Half the fun is learning synergies for other perks and building something that's fun to play, not just that it increases your odds of winning.

    I'll never understand posts like these, where people leave games and communities because devs do something they do/don't like.

    Nerf your favorite killer? Learn to play with the nerf or play another killer.

    Nerfed your favorite perk? Learn to play with the nerf or try other perk combinations.

    It's really not that serious, but if you just don't enjoy the game anymore, then by all means. Just means I won't be a party to your "easy 4ks" 👋🏼

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    If I was playing to win I would have stopped playing solo q a lot earlier than this. I don't mind losing at all and I don't expect solos to be anywhere near swf escape rates, nor do I blame BHVR, MMR, or killers for bad teammates. It's just that the games are tedious and boring, especially if you're trying to win. Also, I'm mad we still can't see our teammates' loadouts in the lobby.

    "I'll never understand post like these", yea it shows, if you had bothered actually reading it (or any of my replies) you would have realised idc about MFT or meta in general. Solo survivor is tedious and killer is easy enough it's boring, so no I'm not enjoying the game anymore.

    And as much as I appreciate you two creating an account solely to post these replies I'll leave this discussion now

  • djsoundlimit
    djsoundlimit Member Posts: 97

    what are you talking about, this game is (still) on fire. They do an amazing job. They do something for everybody. Only one trick pony's can't keep doing the seem thing and only win by that. That makes it (for me) even better, you win some,you lose some. But in the end it is just so much fun.

  • averagemikaelamain
    averagemikaelamain Member Posts: 286

    THIS. SO THIS. God this is just my life now with this game and I'm so sad about it.

  • averagemikaelamain
    averagemikaelamain Member Posts: 286

    You put what I had in my head into words really well. It's really validating to hear that there are other folk that feel the same way.

  • surv43
    surv43 Member Posts: 331

    I don’t know how effective it will be, but today I proposed a solution to the problem of match players.

    If they pay attention to the decision, the game may come back to life by the next update or earlier, because this is not so difficult to do.

    After these changes, matches will become more balanced and interesting for everyone.

  • surv43
    surv43 Member Posts: 331

    Correction: It's hard to play alone, but with certain skills you can play adequate matches about 20% of the time

  • surv43
    surv43 Member Posts: 331

    I opened a new topic with a proposal to improve matchmaking, perhaps they will fix it in the spring, or if people often comment on the post, they may be added in the next couple of weeks.

    Essentially, you need to make a few settings there and then the game will configure itself

  • Chaogod
    Chaogod Member Posts: 148

    Skill issue. If you can't win most of your games as the easiest role in a video game ever then I think this game isn't for you. They already given survivor so many handicaps as it is.

  • Mane
    Mane Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2023
  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 566

    Sorry that you are feeling that way, but there is something that needs to be pointed out:

    • MFT was a very unhealthy perk (as old Eruption and old Undying was). It completly countered some killers (Knight, Singularity, Huntress, Trickster) and made weaker killers weaker, as survivor took 20% more to catch than someone without a perk. Adrenaline, Sprint Burst/Lithe/ Off the Record, DH, still will be strong perks that you can put into your build a make a difference in a match.
    • Yes, SoloQ deserve more buffs, but not in action speed or extra hook stage, but information: the Hud was a good step toward a better SoloQ, but we need more info to coordinate more easily. Also, i wish there was a system where we could get match with people we've liked before easily.
    • Killer is not just easy 4k. Maybe in the first couple of matches, but when you get at a higher MMR, you will start to struggle to get 1/2 kills without good strategies and builds. A nice team of competent survivors (even soloQ) can smash gen so fast that you will probably will lose 2 to 3 gens in your first chase without Corrupt Intervention. If you like playing killer, i would recomend you to keep playing as a killer you like to face challenging matches. Its fun.

    Anyway, if not in DBD, i hope you have your fun in a game you like more.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 385

    "we know survivors think he's annoying so we've made him a whole lot worse" did it."

    Pretty much what they did with Onryo as well. People hated getting slugged and getting focused condemn causing them to be removed from the trial without getting hooked. So they made the entire rework focusing on condemn and making the only real viable way to play her now to focus condemn and remove survivors without hooking. Her power is a lot more unintuitive for players as well and just leaves to easy wins for her. Meanwhile her lack of teleport mobility for the nerfs makes it harder for her to keep up against skilled swf.

    Even worse is they made Onryo much less fun to play in the process. Onryo used to have a lot of fun teleport gameplay but they nerfed the fun quick teleports all Onryo players enjoyed to buff the condemn. Us Onryo mains just wanted quicker TV cool-downs, not this mess of a rework.

    Simply put, Onryo's rework design is just appallingly bad and unhealthy for the game and it seems they are continuing this trend. The game should be fun for both sides BHVR, but what they make sometimes is not fun for either side unfortunately.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited November 2023

    Crazy how I didn't complain once about not winning in the post. I win just fine for my liking if you must know. Also "skill issue" is funny coming from someone who literally asked for a mechanic to win when you're losing because you can't catch survivors after gates are opened.

    Unfortunately ST brought me back with them and I'm running on nostalgia alone right now haha, anyways I wanted to reply to some stuff:

    • I never was against MFT nerf, nor did I use it. I rarely touch meta perks in general tbh. I only used it as an example because it was the most recent to complain about BHVR making either bad perks or OP ones which they nerf until they're bad too. At best perks are meh, or alright but really niche
    • I totally agree, I don't survivor buffs to help solo queue. The only thing I want is to be able to see my teammates' loadouts in the pre-game, and the fact that we still can't after all this time is baffling.
    • I've been a killer for well over half a year by now (and I already played a fair amount of it before). I'm not saying killer is ez and everyone who says it isn't is lying or has skill issues, I'm only saying I personnally get bored after three games because it's too easy for me as a casual player. I don't think my MMR is really high but I do occasionnally see P100 sweat squads (and I'm happy to because these are the most interesting games), but I'm a casual player so I wouldn't enjoy sweating at really high MMR either anyway. It's just how I feel, I don't expect BHVR to cater the balance of the game around me but also I'm not going to stick around if I don't have fun anymore.

    Also thank you for being nice :)

    Honestly I have not played Onryo once since her rework, and I havent gone against her more than a couple times (haven't played lots of survivor lol) so I'm not going to claim I know much about her situation, but yeah from what I've heard on here her rework was a miss as well. It's unfortunate BHVR seems to be fine with reworks such as her and SM simply because the kill rates went back to normal, without accounting for how tedious it is to play as or against them.