
Rebecca1InTheChamber Member Posts: 45
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's no secret that Xenomorph's play rate has dropped tremendously since her release, she unfortuneately is just a pretty basic killer. She has a worse version of demo portals (Can't place them where you want, and the tunnel layout can be very confusing on some maps, especially on maps with multiple floors) and in Crawler mode she is just a wose version of teir 2 Nemesis (no quick recovery on attack, no ability to break pallets/walls) and outside of Crawler mode she's just an M1 killer with absolutely nothing, add the turrets to all of this, and it's obvious why she's not played (not even mentioning the bugs with her tail)

Personally, I think we should give her something to do besides crawling around and so I propose this:

While not in Crawler mode, the Xenomorph moves at 110% (Huntress speed) however she gains access to Acid Ball: After a short charge up (Think plague vomit) the Xenomorph can spit a ball of acid at Survivors to damage them from range (You can mess around with the range of the attack, I wasn't thinking Huntress hatches, more like a glob that falls off after some meters, so you won't have to worry about getting sniped with acid, but it has more range than her tail)

While in Crawler mode, the Xenomorph moves at 115% and gains access to the tail attack

I think this change would make her a more interesting killer to play as a proper form shifting killer where one form she moves slower but has more range and while in the other form she moves faster but has less range, and if you wanted, you could take the acid ball a bit further by allowing the acid to melt pallets and walls away and damage gens. I was even thinking something like coating gens with the acid, and survivors who try to repair the gen through the acid have an acid meter build up and once it's full, the survivor loses a health state (or is put into deep wounds if already injured)

I've loved the Alien franchise ever since I was little, pretty sure it was the first sc-fi horror movie I ever saw and I'm a bit dissapointed with how the designed Xeno, and how weak she sometimes feels to play


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i said turrets are most broken drawback ever for killer. gaining an unlimited source of second chances is likely why xeno is not being played as much. you feel obiledged to run emergency helmet add-on for Xeno so you can m1 turrets to avoid the missed tail attack cooldown. the other reason is that xeno is not that easy to play because you have to understand how to utilize tail strike correctly.. Xeno has no game-changing add-on. all add-on are mediocre or attempt curb drawback of turret. some of them feel like they should base-kit like Yellow Crewset add-on. Don't get me wrong, it is nice add-on but it does not feel like it is doing any particular game-changing.

  • Arsyn
    Arsyn Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2023

    I agree with you. The tunnel exits are confusing in maps that have more than one floor. I would love to see an improvement on this.

    Nowadays, Xenomorph feels so unrewarded to play as. If you fail your tail hit you lose a lot of distance. The hit is very inconsistent, sometimes you can see how the tail goes through the survivor, but you still don't hit them.

    The nerf was a little too much.

    I would have loved for them to have used the acid for some of the character's abilities, it's iconic and in this case it's just a visual thing on the tail.... Like, COME ON BHVR, It's ALIEN, a SUPER franchise.

  • I don't know, I'd rather have to place the portals, but be able to place them where I want then for them to be preplaced, there's tricky things you can do with demo portals that you can't do with Xeno. While it's true you can highlight portals, it's cluncky, often times you'll highlight a portal you weren't meaning to, also because of trying to detect survivors, you'll often be looking up anyway trying to see people.

    What can Xeno hit over that nemi can't? It can't be much to make a big difference, and even still, the attack recovery and the breaking of pallets and walls still makes it better imo. More imoprtantly, it's just such a basic thing, certainly we can make Xeno more unique than just a tail attack.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited November 2023

    While i would have liked some form of wall crawling ability, i don't think Xeno really needs anything else to it's power outside of a bit of polishing with it's tail attack.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    the only thing xenomorph needs right now is a bug fix because the tail hitbox is broken

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 662

    I really want to see Xeno with 2m/s with tail attack recovery speed. Not sure why BHVR nerfed it. They should have just fixed bug and observe how it went. That was quite not logical.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,504

    I would have loved for them to have used the acid for some of the character's abilities, it's iconic and in this case it's just a visual thing on the tail.... Like, COME ON BHVR, It's ALIEN, a SUPER franchise.

    They should have made the acid blood, on pallet hits the pallet will be automatically destroyed after 7 seconds as a side bonus.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I feel like the biggest negative with Xeno is that none of it's tools are unique. It's traversal options are similar to Freddy and Sadako. Xeno's M2 is just Nemesis' Tenticle. The killer is somewhat basic. Cool, but basic.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Xenos tail and Nemesis tentacle work completely different though, especially when you look at the hitbox of it... The only thing they have in common is a somewhat similar range.

    How is his traversal through tunnels like a teleport? Both teleports give a audio/visual warning when they happen, Freddy even more than Sadako, that you almost cannot miss whereas with Xeno I have not noticed anything (directional). I think he is pretty unique in that sense.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I'm not saying they are exactly the same. I'm saying that there's enough similarity to other killers that people were likely to lose interest faster.

    For me, unique killers are Plague, Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Oni, Myers. They all feel very distinct from each other. Whereas Xeno feels like a combination of other killers' abilities with slight stylistic tweaks.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The way you use Xenos power is quite different from everyone else, the part which allows you to hit over things is something that no other killer has in that form, so I think his gameplay is unique enough. Whereas Myers is one of the most basic m1 killers there is, how exactly is his gameplay unique? Unless you go for some mori addons.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    There's a lot of different ways you can play Myers. Stay in tier one and go for pure stealth. Play the long game with Tombstone and Piece. He feels distinct, even from Ghostface.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    My point was not as much about the strategy you can use with different killers but about the use of the power, for example using deathslingers power to shoot through tiny holes is different than huntress in some spots at least, whereas all you can do as myers is autoattack and stalk, sure your stalk might give you wallhacks, or insta down or eventually even a mori, but that's it. Nothing of his kit gives you much to learn from a mechanical standpoint.

    That's why I said Nemesis and Alien are different, Aliens power is like a spear with a hitbox you can somewhat drag, at least up and down, i'm not sure if also horizontally. Whereas Nemesis can drag his whip sideways, because it already hits everything in a vertical way, which can result in some funny hits basically only he can get. The point is the gameplay differs, you are going for different hits, are able to get hits where other killers can not and so on and so forth.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I think our disagreement is just semantic, as in we just use words differently. I don't think we disagree. At the core of it, Alien and Nemisis are different, but from a casual perspective (which mostly dictates pick rates), the two killers aren't that different. I could see why Alien dropped of so hard for casual players. There's nothing too unique there from a casual glance, but of course when you spend time with the two killers you will feel the difference.

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 320

    With how insanely nerfed the tail is between the hitbox being shrunk to Deathslinger-size, the overly-long cooldown, the ludicrous strength of turrets, and tail attacks just plain going through survivors at times, Xenomorph is sadly relegated to the bottom tier of killers. I actually get BETTER performance out of using current Xenomorph as an M1-only instead of even bothering with the tail, which is pathetic.

  • Arsyn
    Arsyn Member Posts: 80

    This is so real... like, I am afraid of using the tail strike because I don't know if it is going to hit the survivors, that's how inconsistent the tail is (plus the slow recovery Xeno has after missing a tail hit).

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I guess, even though the tunnels alone are a fun and different gameplay element, I would probably just go in a bot lobby and run around just because why not :D