Do you think Xenomorph needs a nerf?

Official_NotRikka Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

In my opinion i think Xenomorph needs a nerf. Her crouch ability is too overpowered, they provide flamethrowers to get her out of her power, but they don't seem to even work on her. Not only that but the fact that she recovers the ability so quickly even without using the portal is so annoying. and the fact that she can still hit survivors as an M1 in crouch mode is so annoying, it's either you get hit with her tail at a pallet, or fake it and still get hit with her M1. The crouch mode is manly the only issue i have with the Xenomorph. Can someone tell me whether they think she is overpowered, underpowered or neutral. (if you say underpowered or balanced, can you please provide tips and tricks to counter the Xenomorph)

Best Answer


  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,328
    edited November 2023

    What should they be? Right now, they are only alerts when Xeno gets closer. With the popular Xeno add-ons, flamethrowers are 100% useless. Not get 100% free get out of power, not even 20% get out of power.

    Still stand by your statement?

    edit: I agree he doesn't need a nerf. Just stating!

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,011

    Survivors using flame throwers:

    • Buy killer times
    • Remove power
    • Lose distance

    Pick 2.

    It would be stupid for survivors to spend time walking around setting it up, only turrets dont remove killer's power or lose distance. Whats the point of turret by then?

    Singularity is suffered by the machine printing itself which give much slowdown on survivors. Adding perhaps 6sec to get the EMPs after finish printing could be enough.

    Its only Alien's chase power is strong that relied on teammate to set turret to help you. I dont play against Alien often, and dont play it to think its op or not. But those last match against it, most were fine.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,328
    edited November 2023

    You're correct. Apologies. 95% is at least not an absolute. The turrets are still a waste of time in 'most' cases for survivors.

    Also, you literally didn't add a thing to the topic! But the forums are pretty pattern-like. We can now clash until a mod comes to say 'Keep things civil and respectful please.' But I'd rather skip it.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    In an ideal world? Yes, yes he does, just like every other killer that has no counterplay to it, Nurse, Blight, Spirit etc.

    In an ideal world all S and A tier killers would be brought down to the level of B tier killers and all killers below that tier would be buffed so that every killer has roughly the same performance.

    And then the maps would be standardized so that there are no Midwhich, Garden of Pain levels of brokenness.

    After that all you need is buffing SoloQ since you no longer need it to artificially inflate killrates.

    But this isn't the ideal world and this is BHVR we are talking about. They are going to keep releasing broken killers, broken maps and broken perks until the game finally, one day draws its last breath.

  • poinepp
    poinepp Member Posts: 119
    edited November 2023

    Its just he can so freely m1 you when in crawler mode for me other than that he is completely fine. But seriously a xeno in crawler mode is basically a huntress moving at 4.6, always has her hatchet ready to shot and also m1 you without needing to bring down the hatchet

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,130

    I just think he's a badly designed killer that isn't fun to play against. I don't think he's really overpowered anymore though. It's more that he still has addons that make his counterplay very unreliable. The addons that make the flamethrowers useless need to be changed.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534
  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    you want to nerf killers to b tier and buff survivors? LMAO

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,521

    I mean most of her addons are about the Turrets

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,060

    Turrets do not pose a challenge. Perhaps something could be done about them. Otherwise the Alien is absolutely fine.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,176

    Right now, the ideal balancing of killers would be A tier killers. Not B tier killers. Especially if you also want to further buff solo survivor.

    BHVR isn't releasing broken killers, and they even have been doing a good job with maps lately.

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 618

    No, Xeno doesn't need nerf at all. I think you need to study about proper place to put the turret.