Please give me your advice for the 'Bless You' achievement!

Hi everyone!
For the last two days, I've been trying to go for the 'Bless You' achievement on Steam. It requires you to bless 20 hex totems and it is by far the worst achievement I've tried to go for so far (even worse than Evil Incarnate). This whole achievement feels way overtuned for having to perform a super specific action that 1) relies on the killer's perk loadout 2) relies on you being the first to find it 3) relies on not being interrupted and 4) is game-throwing because blessing a hex totem takes ages compared to just cleansing it.
When trying to go for this achievement, you always need to bring a boon perk, all of which suck majorly in solo queue, on the off chance the killer brings a hex perk, which rarely happens because so many hex perks today are simply outclassed by perks that can't be deleted from the game by cleansing a totem. Honestly, this achievement would have been fine at blessing a hex totem once, not twenty times.
My build for this has been Small Game, Deja Vu, [boon of choice] and WoO. Currently my boon has been Dark Theory, which sucks, but I'm also trying to knock out the achievement where I need to boost other survivors' movement speed 50 times. I would like to run Overzealous instead of Small Game so I can at least be somewhat productive on gens, but then I'm afraid that if I don't go all out for this achievement by finding all of the totems first, there will be games where a hex was in fact in play but I wasn't the one to find it first, which will lead to more frustration. So I bring Small Game and go on my totem hunt at the start of every game...
The huge downside of this is that I played all evening yesterday with that build, wasting boatloads of time trying to find all of the totems, only to find out that nobody brought a hex perk all night. Multiple teams were angry with me for not being a productive teammate and only cleansing totems, and I can't blame them. It feels horrible throwing games that could have easily been won had I touched gens some more.
Any advice for a good build or a strategy to tackle this achievement would be most welcome! I really don't want to give up on getting all of the achievements in this game because this one was super poorly designed, but damn is it eating away at my motivation to play.
What you want is survivability and a means of helping your team as much as possible, cause focusing totems is a bit of a throw. Since gens take longer than totems you'll be best served as either the person distracting the killer or saving teammates instead if doing gens.
Circle of Healing, Small Game, Sprint Burst and We'll Make It would be my suggestion.
Circle at least means your team can heal in the boon circle so you aren't crippling everyone else by taking the time to boon. Small game ensures you can find totems and be helpful with COH regardless in a timely manner.
Sprint Burst is your get totems done and get moving perk, it allows you keep moving quickly between objectives and give the killer a decent chase if you're found.
We'll Make It allows you to save people off hook (since you're roaming for totems anyway), and get them quickly back in the game.
Other than that, you can do gens until you know a hex is in effect, and once you do abandon all gens to findbthe hex. Also remember your own survival doesn't matter... only totems matter... be willing to die to find NOED 😁
Post edited by UndeddJester on4 -
I did it with counterforce for the stackable cleansing speed on the dull totems and the better accuracy in locating them. It will bring u back into the game a bit faster than going for the totems normally. Still took me several days to complete since hex totems arent really that super popular for some reason (cough)
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Back in the day I just switched one of my Perks with Circle of Healing and played normally. And I would advise to do just that. Yes, it will take ages. Yes, Circle of Healing sucks. But IMO it is not really worth to dedicate an entire build for such an Achievement, especially because it will roughly take the same time compared to just using Circle of Healing and three other Perks you usually run.
It is just one of those Achievements which got way harder to get. You can still get it (which is the reason why it will not be changed), but it is harder than before. You will not encounter many Hex-Perks anymore (back in the day you had at least Ruin in almost all Killer Builds, so there was one Totem to bless) and you have to hope for a Killer running Plaything or stuff like that. I would also not say that you really have to look for Totems in advance. If you see a Hex because you stumble upon it, great, but I would only search if you know that there is a Hex in play.
And well, obviously it also got harder because all Boons are trash.
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I switched to PS5 at the start of the year and randomly got to 1/20 when I was redoing doing an adept challenge. When achievements glitches in the summer on playstation, it went up to 10/20 by the time they fixed it without doing anything.
Have tried a bit since to do it by running a boon perk but never found even one in the few evenings I tried. Pretty rare to come up against hexes nowadays, unfortunately for this challenge.
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You're right, I probably would be better off just bringing a boon and playing normally instead of dedicating all my efforts towards this achievement. I just have this tendency to get super fixated on something and then I have to get it done. This is one of those things.
I will try to take your advice to heart and stop focusing on it so much, but I will also try some of the ideas other people have mentioned here. Thanks for weighing in! 😄
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I also tried Counterforce before Small Game but then I saw a totem in the distance, went to get get it and couldn't find it anymore. 😂 I will have to give it another try, the speed boost might help me waste less time. Thanks for your advice!
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Ooh I really like your build suggestion! I hadn't thought of it this way yet, but you're right that I probably shouldn't be the person doing gens in this case. It's just that I'm so used to that playstyle because typically, if I don't do them, they don't get done.
I will definitely swap out Dark Theory for Circle of Healing as soon as I'm done with the other achievement. I was also considering Shadowstep but CoH is probably more useful. I really like the suggestion of We'll Make It so I can be more useful to the team.
Thanks a lot for your advice! 😊
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Interesting take with Exponential! I'm not a huge fan of CoH because last time I ran it, I was dancing around injured in the totem range but nobody came to heal me. It didn't seem super useful to me, at least in solo queue. Whereas Exponential could potentially turn a game around.
And of course you're right that playing normally, albeit with a boon in my build, will eventually get me the achievement. I guess I was hoping there was a way to speed up the process. Thanks for your advice!
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Come, say it together with me:
The achivement has become much harder, because Hex perks are also trash.
Thats the whole reason no one is using Hex perks. Just like no one is using Boons, because all totem based perks are bad.
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Pure luck, not much really, you can bring whatever perks you want, but it fully depends on the killer bringing a Hex to begin with.
Bringing a map or Small game can help finding totems, but yeah, just luck
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I just do when I can and matters this specific achievement. Anyway, cleansing/blessing a Hex totem is always a positive thing! I play as Mikeala with her 3 default perk + Small Game. I repair gens, bless totems area which the team are so I sorta support class with this loadout. You can saw the curse icon beginning in the match or when repairing gens. Still, like others said don't rush and dedicate yourself for this single achievement.
With my method I'm on 3 or 4. Still fun to play and try to get the best of the perks. I just bought the character.
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Yeah, I spent the evening yesterday playing normally, but with a boon in my build, and came across a Plague with Plaything. Sadly, I was only able to bless my own hex totem before I died, but at least that's one hex totem closer to the end!
I'm definitely not going to hard focus on this achievement anymore. It will come when it comes.
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It'll be random, of course, since it relies on the killer bringing a hex, but you can at least make the act of blessing something that helps you instead of harms you.
Recently I've been running the build Deja Vu/Detective's Hunch/Circle of Healing/Overzealous for this exact synergy. Blessing a totem activates your Overzealous, which stacks with your Deja Vu, which helps you finish generators to proc Detective's Hunch and find more totems, etcetera- all while Circle is up on the offchance it might help your team a little.
If I were going out of my way to do this challenge, that's the build I'd probably bring.
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i say just keep playing like normal but with a boon and if you see a hex boon it or remember its spot if you are in chase
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bring in a boon and hope you get lucky. yeah, it sucks to grind but that's all you realistically can do. if the killer has plaything that's super good