Singularity feels awfull to play

U actually need 2 surv infected to your power be useful.
Several surv can cleanse with only one EMP
Also EMP are done by themselves for more INRI
Make Singularry cameras to infect surv by walking around it.
Give 3-5% boost speed to actually make it menacing and duration no longer depend of how many infected surv are.
If a surv infected pass by a camera gives a killer instinct notification and choose toteleport to it or not like hag does
There you have a good killer.
Meanwhile I hope you enjoy SM and Sadako.
See you in the fog
Singularity has received numerous buffs,is a very strong killer,can rival Skull Merchant's chess capacity and is miserable to face already. He's in a fine spot and is no need of any further buffs.
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No, he needs them. It should at least be strengthened a little in the chase to compensate for the weakening of its 3gen, which seems like a great solution. HE NEEDS A CHANGE
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you can run soma family photo+kid ball glove. now you only need 1 survivor infected and the chase power works correctly. If you get multiple survivors, it is just bonus.
If a surv infected pass by a camera gives a killer instinct notification and choose toteleport to it or not like hag does
something i suggested is that camera within 8 meters of generator near gens show intensity of generators to simulate fact that he is robot that understands technology. this would give him info for when to use camera's. I don't think he needs it to function but it would make him more enjoyable to play because it is little bit of guessing game when to check camera's for infections.
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So using add ons to make a killer power used corrected? I think that should be basekit.Imagine if Wraith need add ons to have TR and speed as if goes basic
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You know, generally speaking, strong Killers aren't in the bottom 3 kill rates.
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90% of killer are add-on dependent. they get corrected by add-on's. Singularity is just in the 90% of killers that relies on add-on to have a good chase. you can still use his power but the power is ineffective. the survivor controls the chase at base-kit.
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I like the idea of the increased movement speed per infected Survivor instead of the duration being increased, tbh I think singularity is way less fun without the add-on that increases your movement speed by 5% during overclock.
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We should buff Nurse then! It's not like Singularity and Nurse are both hard to pick up odd-ball killers and thus would contribute to their low overall killrate. Wait...