Has anyone considered this has nothing to do with the new chapter.

This could have nothing to do with a new chapter.
Could this instead be a clue towards a Myers rework being announced with the patch notes tomorrow? Given that the knife missing is very similar to the kitchen knife that Myers uses it would make a lot of sense that this is indicating that this is a new rework and not a new chapter tease.
Pretty sure a lot of people have considered it. I hope that's what it is, but not confident.
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Given how many killers are currently on the list to receive changes and how long it took BHVR to say anything in that regard, I think it's unlikely.
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It's plausible. However, there are a few decent clues that this may be Chucky:
1. The knife. You rightly say the knife matches the weapon Myers has. It's also the weapon that Chucky used. Comparing the knife to images online match exactly to the shadow.
2. There is a chair just below. This indicates whoever needed the knife also needed some help in getting it. Judging by Chucky's height, he would need a chair. Myers would not (unless he was tired and needed a sit down).
3. The PTB is due imminently and they were introducing a "big L". Having another version of Myers as the new character doesn't make sense as he's already in it and this new chapter will be a new killer. This ought to eliminate Myers.
However, nobody will truely know until tomorrow. We may all be wrong! However, the strength of the picture and timing alone so far suggests a strong tie to Chucky.
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people really want Chucky?
bit underwhelming if true
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Grasping with this one. It's Chucky my guy. Come to terms slowly.
Iconic characters never disappoint the majority that knows what they stand for. Chucky will be a big hit.
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that does not look like myer's. that looks like legion. 4 knives? 1 from each member?
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Looking at the weapons they are all original killers. Im more inclined to think the weapon will belong to another original.
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I just dont see them teasing a rework and we already know we getting a Trickster rework in this PTB. If they were reworking Myers I honestly think they would told us in the dev update along with the Trickster rework. Plus if it was a rework that would mean we still haven't gotten a teaser of the new killer since we were told that we getting a licensed killer for Ch 30. So yeah its a cool theory but I just dont think this is a Myer's Rework. I just think it's more likely this is a teaser for the new killer since we haven't had one yet and they usually do teasers for new content.
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I don't know if they would have time for a new killer, a Trickster rework, AND a Myers rework in the same update.
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I'm all for Chucky coming (if/when that happens) but can someone explain how they think that would go seeing as he's so short? How would carrying survivors to the hook work? The only thing I've ever seen suggested for bringing Chucky into the game in a way that works (tho it'd be slightly weird XD) is just to make a legendary skin for the twins and make Charlotte into Tiffany, and make Chucky into Victor and add some new voice lines (by the real actors one would hope LOL).
So a bit weird as Chucky doesn't ride inside Tiffany like she has a kangaroo pouch on her chest LOL but at least there is already a tiny character in the game who has a purpose that doesn't include carrying survivors. So that being said... if Chucky is coming, either next chapter or at some point how do you picture his power working and how his size would be addressed in the game?
I'm all for a fun sized killer as it would add some new dynamic for things like flashlight saves and all that, and he would be harder to see coming but I personally just don't have any ideas for how they would work him.
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That really wouldn't make any sense at all, considering they already announced one killer rework for the next release and would have no reason to play coy with a second one, all while refusing to talk about the one thing everyone cares about the most.
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Just my thoughts on the tease, so obviously the knives in order are Trickster, Clown, Myers/Chucky in Silhouette, and Legion.
The fact that Trickster is first and it's already confirmed he's been reworked this chapter makes me think this is a timeline tease more than a killer tease. The silhouette being Myers and being made to stand out to possibly showing he's a major rework (like ground up kind of rework) rather than number tweaks like Trickster.
If this theory is true than the reworks would be Trickster this update, followed by Clown next update, Myers next, and finally Legion.
The chair detail that someone mentioned tho is interesting and could be a clue, or maybe its just art. We'll see tomorrow!
Edit: yep, the 4th blade is Legions not Weskers thanks for the image
Post edited by Volkfang on2 -
it's Legion's knife, not Wesker's. Albert's is a straight blade.
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For POV, Chucky needn't be any shorter than Victor, Hag or a crouched Pig/Ghostface.
Carrying a survivor could be an issue, but depending on how the power works, or if any new animations have been made, there's so reason why they couldn't have a solution to that. Maybe he drags the survivor, or uses some kind of voodoo.
They probably won't make a skin for Victor, he's a power, not a weapon, and powers don't have skins yet.
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you seem to think i have an issue with chucky but no where have i even mentioned i do. if its chucky then we get a really goofy chapter as there is little they can do to make a tiny 29inch doll carrying a survivor or trying to struggle over a window not goofy. I mean dropping a pallet on chucky would just be game over surely XD
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But hang on...The knife is the same knife Norman bates used in Psycho. The chair is what he sat on to take a breather. The chase music is the iconic pyscho screeching. we know BHVR like washing machine chase music... looking at you Ghostface and the "Big L" is the L BHVR takes by having a normal man as a killer XD
But seriously though the knife is a generic kitchen knife. Seen in many horror films and isn't even the main weapon for chucky.
No i have never seen the chucky films but doing a quick google of "Chucky Knife" it points towards a smaller style of knife is used and i believe the standard kitchen knife is only used in one film out of all of them. It looks like Chucky uses whatever comes to hand and according to the articles I read he only ever ended 1 person with a knife and used guns, axes and so on.
the chair is..well i dont know. we see the very top of what looks like a chair thats it. also doesn't show the direction of the chair. Whos to say the chair isnt facing the wall and whatever killer used it simply sat in the chair pondering the weapon of choice. I think its a bit of a stretch to say its used purely by chucky to reach the knives.
As for the PTB. who knows whats going to happen. The trickster rework looks like it shouldn't be a thing just making trickster basicly a god killer given the insane buff he gets. whos to say BHVR isn't trolling us and comes out tomorrow saying "woops did we say trickster sorry about that we meant myers". Now yeah i know its unlikely but just saying XD.
Regarding the Big L i have to admit i didn't see the post relating to this. Was it called "Big L" or was the L in licenced capitalized. If its just Licensed with a capital L in a tweet then it could mean anything. if they called it "Big L" then as gamers we have to agree that this will be a loser killer right XD.
As you said no one truly knows until tomorrow and if it is a chucky chapter more power to BHVR for it. Im sure regardless it will be another chapter that is played like crazy on release then very quickly majority go back to their prefered killers after like a month.
quick edit: Never said a second killer of myers but a rework. not sure where you got "another version of myers" from
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Chucky posts arent being taken down, nor were Predator posts
Aint them
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AHHHHH, good point about how carrying a survivor could work. I was going to mention something along the lines of "maybe he could use telekinesis or something like that but that would be out of place since he's never used anything like that" but voodoo? Yeah for sure. He could hold up his hand and say a chant or something and the survivor lifts off the ground and they float as he walks. The animation would be the same length as a normal pick-up animation. Definitely could work. Well we'll see. I'm excited to find out, and trying to keep my expectations reasonable regarding if the killer even is Chucky (I'm leaning more towards it is).
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So your saying because chucky posts and predator posts aren't being removed by BHVR then it can't possibly be those licenses?
if that's so i think you miss the point of a teaser which is to get people discussing what it could mean and drum up hype for something.
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My post was taken down and I was jailed for posting a theory of Stranger Things 2 nights ago.
Seems logical to me
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Means nothing.
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That's what I was saying
Clown got his rework
Legion got their rework
Trickster is about to get his rework
But look closer at the knife there's a little bump between the hilt and blade that isint on either of his knives
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Because they were leaks 2 days ago and you can't talk about them that's why it's part of the terms and agreements
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That's because they don't wanna throw licensed weapons in with other licensed weapons
makes marketing a hassle to get them to all agree on things
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ignoring the bump on the blade for now I didn't realize that all three killers who's knives are up there have had their rework/confirmed the rework. So this could literally be saying "we have already proposed a trickster rework coming soon is the Myers rework". Could just be an announcement alongside the new chapter not necessarily a rework being complete for PTB.
Also the image simply sais "Find out more November 8th" i would think if this was teasing the new chapter different wording would be used that states Chapter 30 or something. Something like Chapter 30 PTB November 8th.
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It's not Myers' weapon. So this teaser is nothing with him.
Also weapons are belongs to Trickster, Clown and Wesker. Wesker never reworked and where is Legion's weapon in teaser?
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They always use "Find out more!" on the date of new reveals. This isn't the first time.
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the "Big L" is the L BHVR takes by having a normal man as a killer XD
wut? Legion? Myers? Hillbilly? Leatherface? Trickster? Trapper? Clown? Ghost Face?
then we also got some women without supernatural powers, with Huntress, Pig, Legion and Skull Merchant.
like… where do you draw the line between normal and not normal?
Regarding the Big L i have to admit i didn't see the post relating to this. Was it called "Big L" or was the L in licenced capitalized. If its just Licensed with a capital L in a tweet then it could mean anything. if they called it "Big L" then as gamers we have to agree that this will be a loser killer right XD.
they talked about it in the anniversary stream and specifically called both chapters 29 (turned out to be Alien) and 30 to be licensed chapters and emphasized that they are licensed with a big L.
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Oh, by "another version of Myers" I got from the idea of the PTB introducing a new killer and - if that was Myers - having a second one sounds odd. It wasn't saying that was mentioned, moreover making a comment that a promo for a new killer would be more likely than an update for an existing one. It seems Trickster is the next on BHVR's list anyway.
Also, I do get the humour your showing so please don't see this as pedantic, but looking at the shape of the knife and handle bears more resemblence to Chucky than Bates' weapon and such. However, as I mentioned earlier, it could easily be Myers having a sitdown after a hard day's murdering.
However it is, I'm looking forward to whatever it may be tomorrow. BHVR may have sidestepped us all!
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I get you. Its funny everyone is shouting 99% chucky knife and so on but its a kitchen knife. I have one in my kitchen draw that looks identical to the shadow lol so Jay_K next killer confirmed XD.
But im with you. Whatever is announced tomorrow im looking forward to be it FNAF, Chucky or something completely different. The outcome will be the same regardless. Some will hate it, some will love it, some won't give a damn but majority will buy the chapter at some point to have the perks. I will buy all chapters ongoing not because i will play them but because i'm a bit of a completionist and like to have an entire collection.
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Weskers knife isnt up there that is legions knife.
This legions knife taken straight from the game
This is weskers
And this is what we were shown.
Very clearly Legions knife not Weskers.
also all unlicensed killers so it doesn't make sense to use this image of 3 unlicensed killers to tease a licensed one.
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But I didnt leak #########, I literally just guessed correctly
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Fair enough, I also wasnt aware that the rotation has a licensed killer up next. Thought for sure we were due an original this time
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It's gotta be Chucky. If Myers was about to be reworked, why wouldn't they show it alongside Trickster's changes?
I also thought it was hinting a Myers rework though, but the stool makes the difference IMO