Playing fair/nice VS playing seriously (tunnel/camp)

Just had 2 Trapper games on Hawkins map back to back.

The First game I tunneled and camped, got 3K and nobody tbagged and nobody rly said anything other than something about tunneling.

The Second game, I didn't tunnel anyone, I didn't camp even at end game, I went on purpose for the rescuer every time even tho I had chance to go for easy unhooked person and down them again. I got tbagged from all Survivors at gates , got 0K and felt like a clown.

So this is what you get when you play nice hm? I know not every team will do this, but this isn't uncommon for Survivors to look at you down when you giving them a favor. Overall, it's not worth to play nice when you just get yourself less points, less wins and Survivors will just clown with you anyway.

So keep that in mind when you ask killer why he tunnels/camps etc from the start.


  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,351

    I mean it really no reason to play fair at all. Sympathizing with the other side is maybe the only reason to even slightly hold back. I don't tunnel or camp (that much) because i know the pain of being on the receiving end but the survivors will rarely be grateful. Do it cause u want to do it! don't ever expect them to thank you. They will likely t bag and click click. Every once in while you get the survivors who will lay there toolboxes down at the exit gate as a sign of respect.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 541
    edited November 2023

    I always feel slighted, disadvantaged, stymied by birth when I play a killer that isn't ghost face.

    I physically can not play tea bag games with the survivors. It really makes me angry, so mad. I have to express myself in some way.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,904

    I'd encourage you not to excessively tunnel and camp, just because I find it boring and less rewarding to play, and it's a little overly mean. However ultimately you can play how you want, and anyone who complains at you needs to accept its part of the rules. Enjoy the taste of their tears!

    If you play less try hard however, do what you need to for your own mental dude, don't give trolls power.

    I recall struggling on Singularity when I was trying to learn him, I was having a rough time on Garden of Joy and the POD height limit, the Survivors completed the final gen and I was oretty badly smoked. They were tea bagging me and flashlight clicking me from upstairs. I calmly walked to the gate and opened the door. Needless to say they wouldn't leave and started to try and keep teabagging me and blinding me, so I started ignoring them and playing with shooting my pods about making connect the dots pictures. They kept trying to walk into my view and mess with me, but I stepped aside each time and carried on with my own little game. In the end they got way more frustrated than I did.

    "Never let em see you sweat" 🤘

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 662

    You can play as you want. Nodoby have any rights to force you to play in the way they want.

  • momisplayingdbd
    momisplayingdbd Member Posts: 24

    Maybe because u tunneled and camped, they were dead and went next without waiting until u finish the game? Maybe they were not there to say something in end game chat?

    Idk about others... but everytime i am tunneled and i am the first one out of the match, I don't stay until the game is over for everyone. I just go next. I don't want to spend time watching what my random teammates are doing and I don't feel the need to say something about the way u played. If u want to play dirty or if u want to play fair, this is up to u. 😉

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    When I take on the killer role, the playstyle comes down to whom I'm facing.

    If the survivors are struggling or victims of matchmaking, I tend to be more empathetic. For example, making sure all survivors have been hooked at least once before going for second hook or even just messing about. A stronger team will make me more aggressive and the end game period is no holds barred. A dickish team gets dickish plays.

    Whatever happens, don't tarnish all because of a few and play the way you want to. Just make sure it's challenging in some respect, otherwise it will feel boring and unsatisfying.

  • blackfox0408_fr_
    blackfox0408_fr_ Member Posts: 79

    Personnaly I usually do not tunnel apart if I really am losing, and even then I do not care enough to go out of my way to win (putting apart challenges).

    But if I am disadvantaged, I don't go out of my way to not tunnel either and I do secure kills in endgame but if you risk going for the save, you not getting it, or dying yourself is the consequence of your actions and not mine, so i take what i can in a losing game.

    And of course i play nice in a better mood and in a meaner way if i am angry IRL ...

    Other can do it too, not to excuse everybody, but there are ppl who tunnel out of nowhere for no reason, maybe their dog or one of their familly just died, keep in mind that whatever you say can have consequences for their lifes.

    If you are angry about how they played you can just tell them how you feel about it, maybe they could eventually cool down and maybe vent their anger elsewhere or play another way (I did have a situation like that a few months ago and that would have been the best way to help me).

    Have a good day ;)

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 858

    Just think of the second game as karma for the first one.

  • dknb
    dknb Member Posts: 162

    No killer would appreciate a survivor who doesn't use a flashlight.

  • CrackedShevaMain
    CrackedShevaMain Member Posts: 581

    I prefer to play against killers who don’t tunnel because it actually lets me play the game. I can still get hooked twice and killed at the end and I’m fine as long as I had a chance to have a good chase, do a Gen and earn some BP for the time is spent in the match.

    I get that people are gonna play how they play but that’s why I always make it a point to thank my killer in endgame chat for the fun match, if I escape I’ll always leave my item behind etc. I always wanna give the killer good feedback for a fun match especially when a killer has personality. I love going against killers who have personality even when they kill me. It’s so funny and entertaining.

    I also do not like playing with survivors who tbag. Bagging does not personally bother me when I play killer but I know that’s it’s a sign of BMing and if I’m going against a cool killer I don’t wanna see other survivors being rude. I will actively go out of my way shame them in match and show the killer “They’re being mean and I don’t like that.” Good sportsmanship is something I value in any game I play personally.

    Bottom line I will always treat my killer the way I want to be treated but I will also match energy. If you’re respectful and cool to me I’ll return that. If you’re toxic and BM me I’ll return that as well.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948

    Same. My only issue is, if someone goes out of their way to be a jerk. Like holding the game hostage with their friends (why is that still a thing, BHVR?). Or they leave a bunch of slurs under my steam profile.

    Teabagging in end game is just a display that someone is miserable. If they weren't, they wouldn't care enough to wait there and rub it in. Same as killers smacking someone on hook. With the exception of that Yui that cleansed my Huntress' Lullaby yesterday. She had it coming.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    I'm sure everyone on this forum can cherry pick two matches to 'illustrate' something like 'why bother being nice'. Given that regulars on the forum probably play more DBD on average than the rest of the player base, then they could probably cherry pick a dozen or more games while blithely ignoring all of the other games that fly in the face of whatever assumption/assertion they're attempting to prove, if so motivated.

    However, it seems to me that what posts like this are really saying is "why I let other people's actions dictate my behavior and why the rest of you should be okay with that". Which, of course, naturally invites the reverse.

    To use your specific example of the survivors you did tunnel, consider in end game chat their message to you being more in the line "Because you tunneled us, we're going strict meta/genrushing on the next Killer (and every Killer after that) and do everything we can to dunk on them because of you."

    If you're response to that is something along the lines of "well, I don't think it's fair at all that they'd do that to someone else. I'm the one who did that to them, not these other people", then - well - you have your overall answer to the question which is 'taking out your frustrations on unrelated people isn't a great thing to do no matter how you spin it'.

    If you think that response from the survs would have been perfectly fine, then I don't understand why you're asking the question to begin with. For all you know, the survivors who tbagged you with a 0K had a hard tunneling Killer the match before who treated them like dirt in the previous game. This type of thing would already be acceptable for you.

    To be clear, I don't think tunneling is bad behavior. It's in the game, for better or worse, and isn't inherently a sign of 'bad' conduct on the part of the player. You can play as you like and play as hard as you want, but don't try to justify it or excuse treating other people poorly because someone did something to you.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Tunneling and camping is not playing seriously. Its playing easy.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    So, the survivors in your last game behaved like a bunch of immature aholes and made you a bad time?

    Time for you to act the same in your next game!

    The irony.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    If winning is the most important part of the game then you should do WHATEVER it takes to win. Is someone's grandmother playing the game for the first time from a hospice bed? Tunnel her out. She needs to git gud.

    If you need something other than winning to have fun, then going into every match assuming everyone sucks ahead of time is a bad strategy. Sometimes you offer a hand to someone and they give you a slap in return. You either go into a new match and tunnel grandma out, or you allow for the possibility that the next people you meet might not be satan.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    I don't tunnel or camp unless I get teabagged at a pallet. In those cases, I normally take out the teabagger and let the others farm.

    Occasionally, but rarely, a group that escapes will teabag at the gates or talk trash in chat. However, if they mean it maliciously (the teabags at gates which occasionally the survivor doesn't mean maliciously; trash talk in chat is always malicious) and they're not bright enough to figure out that I deliberately spread hooks around before killing someone, they're not bright enough for me to pay any attention to.

    I don't know if that helps you or not. Personally, I feel if they're not good enough at the game to see when somebody is trying to make the match last longer or they're terrible enough people they want their opponents to feel bad they don't warrant any attention.

    If you do want to tunnel and camp, though, do it. I don't mind that as survivor because if my team won't bodyblock or hook trade we don't deserve to win.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited November 2023


    I don't camp and tunnel the vast majority of the time because I don't find those playstyles fun for me personally. The survivors also benefit as a side effect.

    Doesn't stop a ton of survivors from being BM machines, making the gate smell like their undersides, being toxic in the EG chat, slamming gens, and such. Just how a lot of survivors are I suppose.

    Idk what's different for all these players who say it "rarely happens" in their supposed killer games because it's pretty frequent for me. I'm surprised when I get a group of survivors who don't do any of that stuff.

    A rare survivor or 2 every few days will thank/compliment me for playing chill but they are very much the exception.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Yea I noticed recently too that some Killers tbag you, hit you on hook for no reason after they down you when you did nothing to make fun of them or something, not even using items lmao. Or Killers who run Ultimate Weapon, send you on tiny map and just slug everyone with Knock Out and Sloppy and then type "ezi".

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,181
    edited November 2023

    That it's not appreciated nearly enough to keep this self detrimental playstyle up.

    Even if they don't do it for the feedback, it will eventually mentally drain the nice mindset out of most killer players.

    And then many people come on the forums, make comments on profiles and in end game chat and complain about the lack of friendly/fair playing killers.

    And to those people I ask, "do you make the killer that do play that way feel appreciated?"

    I personally gave GG's and nice comments exclusively after games where there was no tagging, sweat gameplay, flashlight goblins and the like.

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 233
    edited November 2023

    Coming from the FGC this fair play mentality has always been most comical to me. In Street Fighter 6 I'm going to throw you once, twice, ten or a hundred times in a row until you learn how to tech-throw. You can say it's dirty or whatever you want, I don't care.

    This is a team game and you have the tools to penalize that style of play, if your team fails to do so the responsibility is solely theirs. And SoloQ is not an excuse for anything, it would be like complaining that my SoloQ team without a healer or tank is not able to win.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    The play style is no more inherently self detrimental than tunneling is inherently bad conduct.

    If playing nice is a mental drain for someone then I recommend they don't do it or turn off the game for a bit. Though I am skeptical that being nice is mental drain at all. However, I might might not understand what you mean.

    "Many people" is far to general a term and you can say exactly the same thing about Killer players complaining about survivors. Regardless, neither Killer nor Survivor players are a hive mind.

    As for making someone feel appreciated, unless you're talking about more than a gg at ECG, I already see that fairly frequently. Yes, some people are rude in ECG and they shouldn't be, but it silly to hold everyone you might face in a online game accountable for the actions of others.

  • AddanDeith
    AddanDeith Member Posts: 54
    edited November 2023

    plaing fair in survivors mind is playing by survivors rulebook. but this rulebook is like the great book of grudges from warhammer, every unpleasant thing is written in there and everything that is very effective like 3 gen, slug, tunnel bulds are not fair in their head.

    I mean who even cares what survivors think, most of them only disrespect you by bm, you must have 0 dignity to feel bad about someone who hates you.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Players mashing buttons can't hurt anyone, as killer you have a big knife chase them out the gate and move on.

    Secondly camping and tunneling have nothing to do with playing nice/fair. They are just tools in the killer arsenal of gameplay and you are free to use them if you need/want.

    The cycle of toxicity doesn't break till all the giant babies stop using game mechanics as an excuse to be grumpy at each other over a game.

    That is all.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,181

    Seems like you misunderstood me, the mental drain isn't playing nice but getting sht on for not playing hard.

    I did the "experiment" by playing nice and be one of the non tunneling/camping/slugging killers when the forums were full of complaints about it back then.

    I did it for 2 years (sporadically playing, only 100-200 hours over the years) and I can say that in the big picture, nice/friendly/appreciative Feedback was the minority.

    And like I said, the motivation gets drained over time to play that way even when people do it because they like it.

    To make a far fetched comparison, when you like to be polite to people and hold the door open for them, you will eventually stop when the majority of times the gesture is simply ignored or you even get told off for doing it.

    Without huge amount of satisfaction simply by doing it, the "why even bother" mentality will take over.

  • GaunterODimmDBD
    GaunterODimmDBD Member Posts: 119

    Survivors have a let's bully the killer mindset in general because it's funny. They're constantly have this group mentality logic behind the scenes and is circle jerking each other on everything the killer did wrong(What they personality think anyway).

    Go play random discord survivors and you'll see what I mean. Not that I'm saying every survivor is like this but I think most just brings out the inner toxicity when they're group together.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    So you ran back to the hook for each unhook and are curious why you got teabagged?

    Running back to the hook as soon as the unhook happens is going to get you treated like a toxic player by most survivors.

    Here's a thought, try hook, leave, hunt someone else and see what happens. My guess is you'll get a few kills and get 0 tea bags.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    I dunno how do you treat the game and other people, but I do receive a lot of compliments or overall a positive feedback from the survivors if I don't tunnel or camp.. And even if I do tunnel because I feel hopeless, I do apologize and I'm not being called out for it afterwards.

    People just wanna play the game in their free time, they're really not looking for competition in most cases..

    If I get tunneled or camped to death, I do usually leave the match ASAP, unless the match is ending anyway due to me being the last survivor in the match. I don't remind the killer or try to discourage the killer from playing that way.. I just move on. I don't wanna argue or get involved in their business, that being the way they play the game.

    I do very rarely receive insults or survivors teabagging me.. Or I do forget it entirely, because what is to me that they're repeatedly pressing the crouch key? Am I supposed to feel.. Hurt, offended? Nah, this is just a game, and due to the limited survivors' gestures, there are so many assumptions as to what could've they meant with that that I'd be here until tomorrow without a doubt, perhaps for even longer..

    Teabagging can mean apologizing, compliments, (...), and it's up to you how do you wish to perceive it. If it hurts you, that's onto you.

    That being said, I don't go to the exit once they open the gates. If they wish to wait for me there, they're free to do so, but I shall be browsing some discussions or chatting with friends in the meantime. They have already won at that point, so until there's a perk allowing me to block the exit for at least ~5 seconds after dealing a hit, I'm not gonna bother.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    to point is, survivors are so quick to complain about the tiniest toxicity from the killers but they will never appreciate and even worse, be toxic themselves instead if the killer is visibly, obviously being nice. such behavior feeds the toxicity cycle

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited November 2023

    I never said it bothered me or anything like that. That's just the reality of the situation.

    Regardless that doesn't change what people are doing. Thick skin or not, you're not going to keep being nice to people just for them to spit in your face.

    Thick skin =/= continue to be "nice" to people who treat you like trash. It's not getting upset or offended, but that doesn't mean you don't respond or change your future behavior.

    But if you take that stance then survivors should also get "thick skin" and stop complaining about killers not playing for their fun.

    I still play "nice" but it has nothing to do with how people see me. I just have more fun personally playing a more mobile and spread out playstyle. I really don't care if the survivors like it or not. It just happens to align with what they say they enjoy. However, that does give me perspective/experience on how they respond and act under those circumstances. Which is what I shared earlier.

    Play "nice" and they BM you, play mean and they get upset. Not all the time obviously, but frequently. At least in my experience.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065
    edited November 2023

    Speaking for myself it's mostly a Golden Rule thing, and more for my own sake than the Survivors'. I look at the things I hate running into when I play survivor and simply don't do them myself. My feeling is that as long as I'm not going out of my way to be a dick, any salt I get is likely to be from the salty types who would complain whatever I did, and they can be safely ignored.

    ETA: Most of my interactions are positive. Most recently was an RPD match as Doctor, I got a 2k, tossed out a complement on a pallet save I hadn't expected and we all had a nice chat.

    Also, for what it's worth, while I try not to tunnel, I'm not above deep wounding or slugging the rescueee for pressure. Very least it delays their reentry into the game by however long it takes them to mend/get picked up.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,181

    From my experience, nope.

    You can change map sides after hooking someone and not return and survivor still want to rub their, sometimes "earned", victory in your face no matter how you play.

  • Travis_Bateman
    Travis_Bateman Member Posts: 279

    Show no mercy to your should not care for their opinion. Their fun is none of your bussiness (unless they are really cutie cutie 💀).

  • Aidan_fowl
    Aidan_fowl Member Posts: 50

    What is this narrative about "playing fair as a killer" = losing ?

    You can play normally and still stomp 90% of the lobbies out there.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 828

    But it is the same way for survivors, isn't it? Your chances of survival are a lot higher with an swf stacking meta perks, strong items and map offerings. And while I do think that teabagging is a dick move, it can be used to bait a killer to take a bad chase.

    I am a rather chill survivor, but it doesn't seem like Killers treat me differently and in my experience bringing weaker stuff can raise your chance of being tunneld out, so in this case being "nice" is detrimental for survivors aswell.

    I think playing "nice" in dbd is something that you have to do for yourself, expecting the other side to acknowledge it in any way will only lead to dissapointment.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    I think the main issue is killer cannot pressure many things as possible even if they want to.

    Whether you enjoy chase or want to win, everything cannot go as you wish.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    I hate that happens to you. I spend more time on killer than survivor side anymore as solo q is just such a horrible experience. In my most recent string of matches, I've had 1 survivor who did the exit gate tea bag. And his own teammates called him out in end game chat. It was a 3k and he was on death hook. Outside of that, I've had no bad interactions but again I play in the way I feel keeps the game from being toxic. I won't tunnel, I won't slug and I won't go back to an unhook unless there is just the 2 survivors left. I have a good experience and I'm not rushing to end the match as fast as possible.