Proximity Voice

It would be great if there were proximity voice chat. I understand that there can be toxic people, but maybe there's a way to monitor that, or a reporting system, followed by saving the game audio, in case we need records. It would be very interesting and exciting for both the killer and the survivors to be able to talk. Please, consider this with care. I know that many people would love this feature, and I believe it would attract new players or bring back those who stopped playing. It's incredibly fun, even surreal. Best regards, A player who loves the game and wants the best for it.
How about we just get mute function like any reasonable developer would put in the game? Same for text chat in endgame chat for specific players... Games had functions like this decades ago, but we apparently we cannot have this.
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I agree with you, an option to mute the person would be very feasible, both in text and voice, not just blocking, as it already exists. Proximity is something that would be very useful and fun; having an option for those who don't want it is essential. I agree, it's something that should have been available for a long time.
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No one will use it so why bother adding it? They don't need something else constantly getting broken and also the racist, misogynistic and out right toxic people will ruin it. Solo Q doesn't need anything to make it more difficult.
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How would it be more difficult at all? You could just mute it if you don't want to use it, so nothing changes, and if you do want to use it I would think the majority of people would not be like that.
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I sometimes think that this would be handy. For example when doing daily's ,not all survivors understand what you want to say (which is normal with only 2 emotes :-) )
But then again, that's part of the charm why I play DBD. Also,when playing with friends we use group chat on Whatsapp so...
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The consequences of in game chat would make solo q more difficult because then everything will be balanced around people having comms. Hence, people in solo q would have no choice but either deal with the toxicity or play at a disadvantage.
This would obviously be worse with full on comms rather than just proximity chat, but honestly I can't imagine proximity chat not being toxic way more often than fun if killers and survivors can interact through it.
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Nah, you know solo teammates will still be fumbling even with the proxy chat. I know it and so do you. This is more of for goofy than anything and I'm for it as a beta that can be toggled in live like the wiggle skillchecks.
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In game chat restricted to Survivors is also fine, the option to mute etc could also be implemented.
One main advantage that swf has is comms. Give that to Solo queue. If players don’t want to use it, that’s on them. As long as SWF and Solo Queue have different game experiences, this game cannot be balanced to satisfy both.
Currently SWF, Killer and Solo Queue all make up one triangle. Buffing solo queue will indirectly still buff swf. Nerfing swf is also out of the question as shared by many people here. Giving ingame comms to Surv means that devs can treat Survivor as a whole instead of Solo Queue and SWF when balancing the game.
Expecting devs to somehow put up non voice implementations that will put solo queue on similar footing with swf is not impossible, but it takes a lot of fine tuning and tweaking. BHVR’s track record of balancing stuff doesn’t give reassurance that they are able to pull this off. Giving comms to all Survivors is much easier
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I'm not saying solos would stop being potatoes, I'm saying solos would be worst off precisely because proxy chat wouldn't make them much better but it would be taken into account when balancing and creating stuff.
Honestly I wouldn't mind trying it in beta but I doubt I would use it for long, I don't think the goof would be worth the toxicity tbh.
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I don't really see a reason to assume the worst there, other games have far more toxic communities and there is rarely something like that... Besides the question stays the same what do you want to balance around?
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Why would it be a balancing problem then? If it doesn't help much and a gap between solo and swf still exists then that would need to be taken into consideration when balancing... So where exactly is the problem there?
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If solos had the same tools as swf, the game would need to be balanced around swfs, so solos who don't use said tools would be at a serious disadvantage, I'm not sure how I can explain my point any clearer than that.
Solos would have two choices:
-Turn chat on, not allowed to complain about it because "just turn the chat off"
-Play at a disadvantage, not allowed to complain about it because "just turn the chat on"
DBD is not even close to being the most toxic game there is, but I still wouldn't go near any type of voice chat, and politely disagree about there being "rarely something like that".
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The debate was about proximity chat, which is not equal grounds to comms that work regardless of distance I game, so it is not completely equal to swf which is why i said it would not be treated equally.
If you play with your friends you are also not forced to be in voice or to use voice.
Any game developer that wants to be taken somewhat serious would offer the option to mute specific players and not just mute the voice chat entirely, also assuming that every person or even the majority of people you encounter in this game are toxic and would need to be muted is a bit much...
Seems completely fine to me... I find it OK to just not play with voice if I don't want to, same in other games, if I don't want to communicate with my teammates at all I have the choice to just not do it and that's alright, in any multi-player online game communication is key this is not too special with dbd and if you don't use it you are putting yourself at a disadvantage and that is completely fine.
It is your choice to not use it, in my experience I get maybe one toxic person every 10 matches which is nothing compared to other games.
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so you're telling me the thought of heariing a 747 Boeing plane coming from someone else's mic while you're trying to play doesn't appeal to you? LOL
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There is a really powerful button that causes you to not hear those things, it is called "mute player" ^^ Incredible but any reasonable game has this option :D
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Worst idea in the world
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has its pros and cons but I think now I'll just have that Meg who is snuffing every dull totem telling me to mind my business and worry about myself
######### teammates will remain just that
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I've always backed this idea (from when I first suggested it myself) and I feel with bad teammates, if they do talk.. it could be a hilarious conversation between yourself and them/them and their friends, it would definitely give the game more depth.
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I understand that everyone has their pros and cons, really, I do. In any case, all existing games will always have good and bad people, those who have fun and those who just spread toxicity. However, for lovers of entertainment, the game itself, and life, they would appreciate a feature for just that. An option to mute the person or disable audio communication would solve all of this. When someone is toxic, the best remedy is indifference. You report, ignore, and do your part. We should never let bad people ruin our fun or anything in life. That's my humble opinion. I, at 24 years old and playing since I was 5, share that it would add a lot to Dead by Daylight. It would be funny, strategic, and challenging. The killer can hear you (like a groan of pain), or you can hear your friends, etc. For those who just don't want to, open your minds, think in a way that would be a lot of fun. That's what I have to tell you. Anyway, I respect those who still don't like the idea. I just hope this reaches the developers, and they can think about it. Good game and a good life to everyone! 🙂
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Honestly, I don't think adding voice chat is the way to go. A ping system would be better. Take The Outlast Trials for example, it has both voice chat and a ping system but no one uses the chat because the ping system is so good. The point emote could even be changed to be the thing that creates a ping, if you wanted animations included.
A ping system would do the job of a voice chat without all the issues associated with voice chat.
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Get both then and people can use whatever they like?
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Toxicity in voice chat isn't my main concern. yes, it is a potential issue but there are a few other issues that I think are more important. I feel that voice chat would give survivors way too much information that it ruins the horror aspect of the unknown. Part of playing Survivor is being surprised at what is coming. I think voice chat would ruin this aspect in the sense that you will know stuff like the general area of the killer, what perks they're running etc. I think you should have to find out those things for yourself and not have teammates tell you.
It's the very reason why 4-man swfs (survivors with friends) are strong in the first place because they're obtaining info they're not even seeing on their screen. Adding voice chat to dbd would only amplify this issue of teams being too organized.
I would also like to add that if voice chat gets added to the game stealth killers like Ghost Face will NEED a rework. As for the reveal mechanic is so harsh when survivors can communicate the location of ghost face.
Maybe I would be open to voice chat in a separate game mode where it doesn't completely benefit one side. In the current standard version of the game, I feel that it doesn't fit nor match the history of dbd.
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Instead of voice chat, I rather offer survivors to be able to see the perks of their teammates that way they can let their teammates get perk value. This could be the difference between opening the gate faster with wake-up or getting you we'll make value because your teammates know you have those perks.
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Eh I don't really want voice chat
Now this i would be down for
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The whole reason for adding this is the gap between solo and swf, so yes obviously it would make them stronger, also there is no horror aspect anymore if you have a few hundred hours in the game, you won't get scared or surprised anymore, maybe jumpscared because the killers is undetecable or something like that, but otherwise not. So the idea is to close the gap between solo and swf and then balance around that.
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I mean you are not forced to use it, and some people might want to.
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I remember the early days of PUBG, when I was not plying dbd yet. The game also had proxy voice chat which was sometimes funny and sometimes annoying. True there were players who blasted some weird music through their mic or were toxic but there were also funny interactions.
It has pros and cons like many features.
In bdb there should be a mute button for specific players as well as an added category for report voice interactions (like harassment, threats etc and maybe even playing loud sounds). People who get reported for voice interactions a lot should be permanently muted and maybe should not even be able to hear others as punishment.
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Stuff like that is the baseline of such a feature... Nobody in their right mind would have voice chat but no mute option or text chat but no mute option.