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Chucky third person?

So one of the images the ign article shows is a third person view of Chucky chasing Dwight. How do people feel about the idea of some killers potentially being third person from here on out?

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  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I think it makes sense for Chucky because he's so small

  • Member Posts: 605

    How about we just wait and see how it feels on the ptb?

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited November 2023

    It really depends on how they implement it, if true. I'm typically not a fan of a true 3rd person view. If it's basically a normal killer height first person POV with Chucky sitting below it, that would be ok. But I think a lot of the charm in playing Chucky would be having a very low POV

  • Member Posts: 613
    edited November 2023

    A really low view point works for Twins with Victor and serves as a balance point to him being so much harder to see. There's also no reason to break tradition by giving a Killer 3rd person when that's never been a thing since DbD existed outside of maybe playtests in Alpha. Those IGN screenshots are also bull shots. Every single one is using some kind of in house spectator camera much like how they shown off every other Killer to date. They almost never show in game footage for teasers.

    95%+ odds that Chucky is gonna be in 1st person like every other Killer. Would say 99%+ odds, but Im accounting for some bug.


    Welp, I was wrong.

    Post edited by Chewy102 on
  • Member Posts: 3,009

    None of the screenshots have chucky with a red stain, so this might be true.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    I think it is a normal height with Chucky sitting below it. So you will not be able to turn the camera and look behind you without turning the character.

    And I think they mainly would do this because a very low PoV was not appreciated in the past (Blight on Release).

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    here's confirmation from the PTB notes:

    New Killer - The Good Guy

    Killer Power

    The Good Guy has two separate modes he can switch between; Normal Mode and Hidey-Ho Mode. Due to his short height, The Good Guy also has a fixed third-person camera positioned above and behind him, giving the player a better view of his surroundings. He is also much shorter than other Killers making him very stealthy, however he leaves fading footprints behind as he walks.

    Special Ability: Hidey-Ho Mode

    Press the Active Ability button to enter Hidey-Ho Mode for 20 seconds. While in this mode, the Killer has no Terror Radius, and "distraction" footprints and audio are spawned all across the map.

    Special Attack: Slice & Dice

    While in Hidey-Ho Mode, press and hold the Special Attack button to charge up a Slice & Dice Attack. When charged, sprint forward at high speed, triggering an attack at the end (or whenever the Special Attack button is released).

    Special Ability: Scamper

    While in Hidey-Ho Mode, when you are near a vault or pallet, press the Interaction button to scamper through it quickly without breaking it.


    • Hex: Two Can Play
    • Anytime you are stunned or blinded by a Survivor 4/3/2 times, if there is no Hex Totem associated with this Perk, a Dull Totem becomes a Hex Totem. While the Hex Totem stands, Survivors who stun or blind you get blinded for 1.5 seconds.
    • Friends 'Til the End
    • When you hook a Survivor that is not the Obsession, the Obsession becomes exposed for 20 seconds and reveals their aura for 6/8/10 seconds. When you hook the Obsession, another random Survivor screams and reveals their position and becomes the Obsession.
    • Batteries Included
    • When within 12 meters of a completed Generator, you have 5% Haste. The movement speed bonus lingers for 1/3/5 seconds when you are no longer in range.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited November 2023

    I love these perks. Although 20 seconds Exposed on a survivor that's more than likely further than 30m away isn't particularly useful. Would be neat if it was at least 30 seconds, maybe 45 to bring in line with similar perks, particularly considering that it can only proc on at most every second hook. (Great anti-tunnel perk)

    I'm gonna be including Batteries in my Nowhere to Hide build. Oh! And GoKart Ghostface.

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