Survivor Speed Vs Killer Speed.

Okay, nerf MFT. That’s fine, it’s op and I dislike feeling a need to run it to not seem like an easy target. So survivors loose the 3% haste while injured, but killers get these insane speed perks.

The Alien DLC brought Rapid Brutality, oh and that stacks with each consecutive M1, Broken with STBFL. Now, the Chucky DLC will be bringing yet another killer haste perk, Batteries Not Included, to stack on the rest. Trickster, an already (imo) obnoxious killer who is already to strong is getting massive buffs.

How are we supposed to counter a killer who can run 115% speed, with dashing abilities, or anti loop abilities, and ranged attacks that have questionable hit boxes. At the very least give us a voice chat so we can communicate while solo or something.


  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    While I disagree with your opinion on trickster I agree on the speed problem. I'm a killer main and I use rapid brutality and stbfl on pretty much everyone right now. Imo I think they should remove all speed buffs from both sides apart from exhaustion perks and pwyf because the requirements are difficult and not worth the effort except for memes and very niche builds. Free speed buffs should not exist for either side. I also think hope and other such speed perks should be removed or reworked as well.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    They added so many speed boosts for killers lately ( add-ons perks powers ) 5% haste if you always do something (use power etc.).

    But one mft is too much for the game. I think the end of the road is in sight with the new update.

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    Rapid Brutality requires you to lose Bloodlust completely which is a big downside

    And Batteries Included will only really shine on the smallest maps like The Game, on bigger ones its gonna be mid at best, like Surge.

  • codebibi
    codebibi Member Posts: 78

    i totally agree this is getting ridiculous how fast killer moves.

    -they have blood lust that give 5% per level up to 15% wich is way to much

    -they have play with your food that does the same

    i think the alien one is fair since it remove blood lust and last for a couple of seconds

    and now chucky is coming with a new haste perk that also give 5%

    and don't forget that a lot of killer also have add ons that also increase speed as well

    and the worst part is that all of them can be stacked

    if this continu all killers of the game are gonna be running at blight speed, even the nurse

    all killers perks add ons and blood lust should get nerfed and not stackable

    personnally i don't understand why mft got nerfed as well

    3% only when injured and not exhausted seems pretty fair to me and you can barely see the difference while running

    it was the only viable perk to counter all speed boost killer get but now the way it was nerf make it really bad and one of the worst perk in the game. completly useless

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,856
    edited November 2023

    I'm a killer main, and frankly, outside of very temporary situations, I don't think either side should have movement speed buffs or debuffs (expect bloodlust at least makes sense to prevent infinites). The maps and tiles are balanced around the default speeds. Changing those can absolutely wreck game balance. Same with hit recovery. STBFL is not healthy for the game, imho. There is a reason there is a hit recovery. Bypassing that isn't good.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2023

    Rapid Brutality comes with a major downside of losing Bloodlust, and Batteries Included is niche at best, requiring you to go to very specific parts of the map that you'd ordinarily have no reason to go.

    And what almost every other Haste perk has in common is that it's a temporary speed boost, often requiring very specific conditions to be met as well. MfT was neither temporary nor conditional; it was almost impossible to have a match where it DOESN'T provide a speed boost for multiple minutes at least.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,828

    The problem with Made for This is that's a permanent Haste with zero downsides.

    Rapid Brutality is on a very short duration (and a third of it is eaten up by the wipe animation without STBFL) and has the massive drawback of losing Bloodlust AND only works on M1 killers

    Batteries Included only activates in a small radius of an area the killer should NOT be in and only lasts 5 seconds afterwards.

    The MfT nerf brings it in line with these perks being that it now has a downside and a limited duration.

  • Fuzzycube
    Fuzzycube Member Posts: 252

    Realistically most killers are still going to run Gen slowdown over any of those perks.

    ULTRAPATO08 Member Posts: 10

    Your problem is that you play alone.

    If you play on console, create a post.

    If you play on PC, almost any lobby has discord.

    The killer needs all these benefits and yet with the excess of resources, platforms and windows, protection and healing perks, protective blows, it is not guaranteed to be able to kill everyone.

    BTS is not a great killer, if he gives you problems, you really have a lot to improve.

    even the main BTS have problems winning games