Is the knight still universally disliked by survivors?

So I recently acquired the Knight and I've been absolutely loving his gameplay. Do I understand why people say he's boring? Yes. If all the knight player is doing is waiting for a 3 gen scenario/camping every hook, that's very annoying.

However, what I'm curious to know is does the knights power aggravate survivors? Or is it literally just how most people play him? Or both? Or is it something else...

I typically try to make the matches enjoyable for everyone. If I'm snowballing, I'll chill a bit and let a reset happen. If I'm falling behind, I may try to force a hook state to apply a little pressure. I feel like I play him fair, but I still see a lot of hate for the knight and I've had a lot of survivors BM me and I can only assume it's because they dislike the knight.



  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Game wasn’t designed to have an extra AI on the map besides ######### nemesis zombie AI

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    Hag used to be my least favorite killer to face, but she's so rare now and I think I can safely say that it's become The Knight.

    To me, it's a lot like a Wraith following you constantly and never uncloaking until they have a guaranteed hit. You get chased by the knight's bodyguards, and not the killer himself. It feels like a negative amount of engagement, and of course you can't stay at a loop for long or else you'll get two-tapped by the bodyguard and then the killer.

    Even the Skull Merchant is more fun to face than The Knight in my opinion.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129
    edited July 2023

    Because Survivors are used to only looping one M1 unit at a time, any Killer that bypasses the loop (Blight, Nurse) gets complained about.

    Knight messes up looping muscle memory so people complain even after 3 gen strats have been nerfed.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,166
    edited July 2023

    Miss information around here, if you have the bot on you, just touch the guy on hook and the guard will disappear instantly, so no, he cannot use his power to facecamp

  • Spiritwolf1214
    Spiritwolf1214 Member Posts: 6

    Hold your horses everyone. Look, as a Knight main myself, I try to give the survivors a chance due to playing both survivor and killer. Having played as the Knight, I have learned to encounter him and his guards. Instead of saying that a Killer is bad, try to play them and learn how you can counter them. Look, I am sorry, but I try to be a friendly Knight player. If I think the survivors did well, I might let them go. It ultimately depends on the match and the team. If I'm dealing with a bully squad or toxic survivors, then yes. I will destroy them. But if they are unhooking their teammates and healing each other, I leave them be. I'll even nod at them, letting them know that I approve. After the match, I will give them props. I like giving props to other players. It's not just Knight that I try to be a friendly killer with. I also play Huntress, Trapper, Deathslinger, Skull Merchant, Artist, Xenomorph, Wraith, and Hillbilly. I try to be a friendly killer regardless which Killer I am playing as. Yes, when I'm doing a challenge that requires me to sacrifice survivors or if the the survivors are bothering me. Then I will either hook them or mori them. I also play Survivor, so... Don't say I'm a killer player. No, I play both to understand better how to play the game for fun. I love playing DBD; I want to have fun. But this whole survivor and killer animosity, it's annoying. Look, Killers are supposed to be a threat to the Survivors. Without the Killers, there is no game! To be honest, I hate Wesker, Doctor, Nurse, Trickster, Sadako, and Cenobite. I don't like them due to the fact I almost always die against them. But what I hate even more are toxic players and hackers. I was playing Vittorio the other night, and the Ghostface entered the shack after we had just finished the first gen. And he froze in front of the lockers throughout the entire trial. I had a bad feeling about what was going on, but by the time I realized that my teammates were hackers, it was too late. I had finished the final generator, only for the other Survivors to block me at the generator and point at me, preventing me from leaving. I had no choice but to DC, causing me to lose the points I had earned. I blocked them and gave the Ghostface props; they didn't do anything wrong. So, back to the Knight, my advice is to instead of judging and condemning all Knight players, learn how to play Knight and learn how to counter him. End Of Discussion.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,927

    Split pressure Knight is fun. Only use your guards to push people off gens and cover areas and to slow the team down while you chase elsewhere, and noone can have any complaints.

    I keep anti loop Knight in my back pocket for obnoxious survivors , but the split pressure playstyle with detection range add-ons is fine.

    When vs. Knight the guard is more predictable so if you're full HP, you can use the guard to help you make serious distance and time on the Knight, especially with something like Overcome or Dead Hard.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    He can combat flashlights bullies

    He can anti loop

    He nullifies the shacks

    He can get cheese chases going without little skill

    So yeah, knight takes away a lot of the survivors play things and they get the hump/bitter about it. He's not that unfun to play against and his power may be clunky, but its not poorly made at all.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    People don't like him because he removes most skill expression.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    I appreciate you trying to be a friendly killer, but that still doesn’t make Knight any less miserable to go against. He slaps a guard at a loop and there’s nothing survivors can do against that.

    At least survivors can bait Artist to fire her crows to dodge or can bait Dredge to make a wrong read with his anti loop. Imo those killers are fine because you can do more against them than just hold forward with no other input. With Knight, you can’t bait anything as survivor. You have an AI chasing you along with the Knight himself. In certain scenarios, he’s guaranteed a hit and there’s nothing survivors can do to counter it.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    I can assure, the overwhelming majority of Survivors don’t care about your fun. At all. Play who you want, this forum overall seems to think Killer should tailor their approach tor maximum Survivor enjoyment.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Most killers are universally disliked by survivors. They'll always make an excuse to insult you. If it's not your killer, it's your perks, and if it's not your perks, it's your playstyle, and so on. Just play what you want.

    Personally I think Knight is fun as hell but I don't play him often because his power is also glitchy as hell and too frustrating to deal with sometimes. Regardless, I don't care if he's "unfun" or "no skill", I like the tactical decision-making he requires, and it's satisfying how much chaos he can cause.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Personally for me yeah

    the knights design is inherently anti fun if you ask me

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    Not as annoying as Legion but Knight will never be popular among survivors.

  • rezor132
    rezor132 Member Posts: 39

    I guess this is the shame that the devs consider the knight as a strtegic killer, his gameplay mostly depends on closing loops with guard, the patrols are useless to make, they end about in 12 seconds, so there is no strategic potential in that. Recently i posted a big rework idea that can solve most of the knight's problems and make him more difficult and interesting to play, so you can check it in my discussions.