Since Chucky is here, do you think M3GAN and Annabelle will/could happen?

If so, would you like to see them in this game? Could it work? Would adding any of these two into this game be a thing you would want/wish to see?
I think Chucky proved that nothing is off the table; it does not matter if it is true horror or comedic horror, it does not matter if they are small or tall. Though I can think of maybe a few things that just wont ever be put into DBD.
I think the only things that wont get put into the game are Slenderman and Jeff the Killer, mostly due to the controversies surrounding those horror stories involving horrific IRL events.
Also JAWS... we will 100% never get JAWS... it just wont work...
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we will 100% never get JAWS... it just wont work...
No way. Bruce is the next licensed killer, guaranteed. 🦈♥️
M3GAN is a good movie, but her character design doesn't call out to me as something I'd want to play as. I'd prefer her to Annabelle, though. As for whether or not they could work, I mean, sure, I don't see why not.
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Both could work! Considering recently we've had changes in character designs to play with sizes and shapes (Xenomorph, Victor, Sadako, Chucky, HUX, Naughty Bear) and others, there's a lot of possibilities opening themselves up. With it, hopefuly more exciting powers as well.
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Probably won't get Annabelle because of the alleged events that happened with the actual doll
I wouldn't be opposed to either though.
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I dunno about M3GAN, largely cause she looks like an actual kid, even if shes a robot, and idk how BHVR feels about adding a "child" as a killer.
Yeah Victor exists, but he looks like a deformed gremlin.
Regarding Annabelle, im no expert in the Conjuring franchise (largely cause i have like no interest in it) but doesnt the doll... do nothing? i know its possessed by a demon or something, but if i recall, i think the doll itself just exists and randomly appears on different places and such, so how would she even work?
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Sure they can, i know James Wan wants M3GAN in DBD as mentioned in an interview from a clip on youtube and it's height is taller than Chucky to function in first person, but imma be real and say there are better and more interesting picks for smaller killers than Megan or Annabelle.
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M3gan sure but Annabelle even has power or doing anything? Was not she just cursed baby and doing nothing? Can be mistaken tho.
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They could, but neither seems very interesting. If I wanted another killer robot, I'd pick The Terminator.
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Megan was a huge hit, made a ton of money and was very popular. With a sequel on its way I think it would be a good financial decision to add it to the game. It's not a horror though.
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BHVR: “Jaws won’t work? Challenge accepted.”
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How about Jaws 2?
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I'd say it's too big to exist on indoor maps and tight/narrow main buildings on outdoor maps, so you'd need to shrink it in to fit, and even then you need to find a way to make it follow the ground rules all killers must abide by, which is being able to attack, vault, break pallets, carry and hook Survivors.
Also water will obviously be flooding the maps, how high would the water levels raise to on the maps and how would that affect Survivor gameplay and what new mechanics for them would be needed?
Do they walk underwater and play like normally with a water filter over the screen or do they swim around the map above the water while having to stay out of the water, which begs the question as to how would Bruce the shark get them so they can't stall the match?
All these questions and more are what bhvr needs to answer and make work in-game before JAWS can be added and personally, i don't think Bruce could fit in current dbd, would work better in an alternative game mode that can support these features better on a fundamental level.
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With every license we get, the more likely similar licenses become, so who knows, maybe it'll happen eventually
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I was more thinking franchises like "Demonic Toys" and "Puppetmaster"... BHVR could sell all of the toys as skins for Chucky
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I don't see the problem. Last time I checked, Susie is 16.
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now that we can do a smol killer, time for Scissorman
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I think its up to the license holders at this point.
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Definitely my most wanted killer at this point. I’d love a Clock Tower chapter.
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i hope m3gan makes it , she my fav , i dont know bout annebelle making it though