Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.


luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

me as survivor: man, it sucks being the only one doing gens.

me as killer: wow, I got a 4k with 4 gens left. I feel sorry for the one survivor who was doing gens.

everyone else as killer for some reason: Ugh! I hate it when survivors do gens!!!


  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 362
    edited November 2023

    I have the same issue lol. I try to find that survivor if the others weren't doing anything so that I can give them hatch

  • imjay
    imjay Member Posts: 8

    join a swf

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,427

    Yup lol i have no idea why some people bother playing. Had a P11 Renato yesterday not touch anything the whole game, he was just hiding. When there were 3 of us left, the other survivor let go on hook and I didn't blame them. They were running the killer so well and I was the only one doing gens but I couldn't get them all done on my own. I just let the killer grab me off the gen and hook me so I could go next. He was the last survivor standing and had a measly 4k while the rest of us were all 17-22k. Why waste your time like that for bugger all bloodpoints?

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    "I feel sorry for the one survivor who was doing gens".

  • EffenBlue
    EffenBlue Member Posts: 85

    Nothing hurts more than running the killer a little bit and every time you look at the hud no one's doing anything. And when you get hooked you see your teammates crouching everywhere or hiding in lockers.

  • pumpkinmiceTTV
    pumpkinmiceTTV Member Posts: 7

    the best way to prep for solo queue is to set different win conditions because I mean, as much as I love getting a 4 man escape in solo queue where the whole team kinda just has pretty decent game sense, people doing gens, rotating hook stages and taking turns looping the killer/efficiently buying time for the survivors doing gens to do what they do -

    as much as I always wanna get that cheeky 4man escape but if that doesn't happen, it's alright maybe I can:

    • take the cake for wasting the killer's time and being an absolute PITA to catch
    • get some nutty flashlight blinds/pallet saves/flashbangs/sabo plays
    • do like ~5 gens while 1 guy is getting chased and like our other teammates are MIA because they're super immersed and crouching in bushes or some random corner of the map far, far away from the killer
    • get stuns with silly perks like Blast Mine/Head On like X amount of times on the same gen/locker

    I think you get the idea, sorta like a little mini-game/side quest thing so that you don't dwell on the whole "oh damn I didn't escape/died :("

    in my opinion, it's kind of rude to place expectations on people that you've never met or played with before and assume they take the game as seriously as you do, considering the fact that there's no ranked/comp mode or leaderboard to really have to compete; but on the other hand it's like a team based game (for survivors, at least) but idk, it's hard to tell sometimes, I'm not a fan of people acting like trolls just cause they enjoy ruining someone's day - there's a lot of people who probably play DBD as a side game and just log in to play 1 match a week/month/year and that's it, soz your mileage might vary and you kinda got unlucky with matchmaking giving you teammates that don't know how to effectively play DBD

    at the end of the day, it's just a game after all, hit em with the "gg" and go next <3

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    I still remember the match I played on the Game as Yui. I ended up repairing 4.5 generators completely Solo with nobody else touching it. The other 0.5? A Claudette joined me for the last leg of the journey. I literally worked on all five generators while they went around having fun with the Killer I assume because I didn't see gen progress on the HUD that game from them. I'm amazed to this day we actually got out.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    "I think you get the idea, sorta like a little mini-game/side quest thing so that you don't dwell on the whole "oh damn I didn't escape/died :(""

    IMO, this is what WGLF was really good for. It cemented that kind of thing and really helped the game be more enjoyable. BBQ too. They should come back, even if reduced. And there should be more.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,274

    I seem to get sort of lucky with my soloQ mates. Though maybe that does have to do with that hidden MMR number; I played duo with the friend who's more on the new-ish side and somehow that seemed to have changed the way we get matched. Both the kind of killer we got (lets say they're extremely good at gauging 8m and counting to 10) and the kind of teammates we got; I usually have bond equipped and friend had open handed, so I could watch more than half of the people we got matched with do absolutely nothing all match.

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 369

    Meanwhile everytime I play :

    As survivor : we all doing gens , when available even all four of us at the same time , killer gets 4k anyway

    As killer : chasing one of the survivors and when I pick up 2 gens done already, 15 sec after hook 3rd done too