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Idea for future franchises


What would you think of having one of these in the game?

Twin peaks

Phantasmagoria (great horror game)

Would be awesome i think


  • HansLollos2
    HansLollos2 Member Posts: 133

    The Walking Dead

    It's weird that there's no The Walking Dead Content in DbD, since The Walking Dead does a lot of Crossovers. Daryl Dixon or Rick Grimes would fit really well as Survivors and the West Georgia Correctional Facility would be fantastic for a Map.

    Maybe we'll get both or one of them as a Survivor only-Chapter One Day, maybe even with with a Map.

    And Negan would be perfect for a Trickster Skin.

  • djsoundlimit
    djsoundlimit Member Posts: 68

    Also a great idea indeed. Walking dead or maybe the last of us?

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,851

    Twin Peaks would be great! Having agent Cooper in the lobby screen with a mug, ranting on about this being the best damn cup of coffee he's ever had, would be entertaining. BOB could be a frightening killer - he was very eeiry when I first saw him.

    I know very little about Phantasmagoria to make an opinion, but if it's horror then sure!

    Speaking of "Phantasmagoria", if we're looking at old games of that era, how about "Sanitarium", "I have no mouth and I must scream" (I know it was a story too), "Harvester" or "Dark Seed"?

  • djsoundlimit
    djsoundlimit Member Posts: 68

    Oh yeah, Sanatarium waqs also very great game. I love d tha psychological part in that game.

    Also a great cfranchise to have in the game would be FEAR. Although that is a shooter game and guns arent a good idea in dbd i think. But that little creepy girl could be something

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 467

    Since BHVR is starting to explore different Killer pov and fov with Chucky (a Killer essentially impossible to fov tech that can hug corners almost as well as Survivors), Killers with entirely different vision could be a thing.

    Something like the Wendigo from Until Dawn. He could have a much higher than average speed (something close to Wraith's cloaked speed) but have a very limited vision range and Survivors would appear transluscent if motion-less (they would flicker if healing or repairing). Making a Killer that is very hard to escape from in a chase and is better to be hidden from.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2023

    I'd prefer telltale's version tho

    Lot of character potential there, especially since they're already modeled

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha

    You may not know this, but a game where humans are running rampant, repeatedly body-blocking superhuman killers, making calls and sharing vision using Nenwaves, is not a horror game.

  • Nicnac
    Nicnac Member Posts: 15

    Once the few big classic horror icons still remaining are all brought in I'd be thrilled to see BHVR tackle some more modern licenses. Here's a breakdown of the IPs and from when they originate:

    1970s- Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Alien

    1980s- A Nightmare on Elm Street, Evil Dead, Hellraiser, Child's Play

    1990s- Ghost Face is heavily inspired by Scream (1996), Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Ringu

    2000s- Saw, Left 4 Dead

    2010s- Stranger Things

    More stuff from the 21st century would be great in my opinion- they've established a willingness to delve into gaming icons with SH and RE and there's just so much potential there- Dead Space, Slender (if they can?), BioShock, The Last of Us, Telltale's Walking Dead, Amnesia etc.

  • djsoundlimit
    djsoundlimit Member Posts: 68

    Alone in the dark would also be very good I think. Especially with the new game coming featuring David Harbour