DC penalty revisit is in order


First 2-3 dcs within a certain timespan should not be punished with penalties, they should be applied starting from 3rd-4th dc (and maybe starting with 5 or 10 min, not 1). Why? Because if people want to give up, they'll give up on hook or go afk which defeats the entire purpose of bots which never get to replace people who give up. This way, at least bots get to replace them so somewhat normal match experience is partially preserved. And if they continuously dc within a certain timespan, then (and only then) they should be considered rage-quitters and be punished.

You could say, oh well then everyone's gonna be giving up and the game will die. Somehow dbd survived its first 3-4 years or however long it has been around without dc penalties and it's always been alive and kicking.
