More Executions


I'd buy so many is we could get them for like for ex, Ghost Face or Michael Myers. Having the option to pick the style of execution once Mori has been earned would really make it feel much more worth while to work towards on killers end. PLEASE i noticed the bear skin for trapper comes with a new execution for the mori cuz his is so old at this point.


  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 457

    Any from the mobile platform a fav of anyone?

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited November 2023

    Yeah I hope the trapper cosmetic sold well enough for them to consider adding moris as a purchasable option

    Could make a fool out of TCM too by having it priced half as their's lol

  • Nicnac
    Nicnac Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2023

    I'd just take anything new for Shape at this point LMAOO

    Zero cosmetics since 2019 and a criminally dated power- at least we know it's getting a rework but that's gonna be a while down the line when Twins, Freddy and Hillbilly are all being looked at as well.

    Although he did get a new lobby animation in the PTB so all my worries have been swept away 😉

    More moris would be great- newer ones like Xeno's and Wesker's are exceptionally good while the old killers have them slap your back a few times with their weapon and call it a night. Bit of a shame, but BHVR have said that updating old moris is on their backlog, so fingers crossed we'll get something before the heat death of the universe.