Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Add the option to create custom settings for each killer

To elaborate, what I'm asking for is an option in the settings that would allow players to select a killer and create specific settings that only apply when playing that killer.

As an example, something I would do as a console player, is have my sensitivity on Hillbilly very high for those chainsaw curves, but I'd want it much lower on someone like Huntress so that I can actually aim those ranged attacks. Or, something I've heard PC players do on Hag is bind the scroll wheel to teleporting so they can do it basically frame perfect, but leave it like that for say, Doctor, and you suddenly can't use half your power.

Being able to just set up your ideal settings for one killer and not have that screw you up if you forget to fix it before playing another would be a very nice quality of life feature to have.

A second suggestion I have that would branch from this is perhaps if we do get the ability to have killer specific settings and bindings, maybe also allow us to split power functions that normally share an input onto separate buttons. Skull Merchant is who I'm thinking about here, as both deploying and recalling drones are on the same input, which on a controller is an awkward movement to have to press the left bumper and the left trigger at the same time. But can't really change that binding on a controller because any other input means taking a thumb off the joysticks, something you can't afford to do at the same time as using your power.

Rambled on a bit more than I intended, but TLDR:

Add the option to create seperate settings for each killer that don't apply to the rest, and if that happens, maybe also add the ability to split functions that share an input onto separate bindings.


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