Whchi killers are good for beginners?

i know theres aq lot of info out there but injst makes me more and more confused, one person says A the other says B, these here are the only killers i dont have, the rest of the dlcs i already have and got the perks aswell, i dont wnt to be a pro players, just do decent and not be humiliated. i did well with wraith sometimes but against organaised teams its a mess, sadako is kinda mhe, nemesis io was able to get 2 downs in most games.
can anyone help me?
I'd rank them like this (again, it's from my PERSONAL experience):
- Merchant
- Gunslinger (if KB/M)
- Trickster (if KB/M)
Skill investment requred:
- Twins
- Singularity
- Alien
- Dredge
Very hard to master:
- Spirit
- Oni
Of course something could shift. For example, if I use Spirit with detection addon, she is going closer to "Easy". If someone play Gunslinger with controller, then he probably go to "Hard" section.
I saw the notion about "not be humiliated". That's important. If you are humiliated in computer game, that probably best scenario would be go play Animal Crossing and forget about DbD. You will be humiliated anyway when, every killer eventually go to respectful MMR.
If you are talking about strong killer in general, then Sprit, Oni and Twins would be your pick, but they require dedication and mastering. For example, after 1600 hours I still cannot control Oni and he is one of the killers which sits on low MMR position.
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Thats difficult.
All Killers require some gameknowledge to be better.
Do you play Surv as well? Important imo to get to know the tricks survs use.
Wraith is good and can be pretty strong. I always liked Doctor because with his blast you always find people quick.
Catching them is another story then.
Ther are a lot of things in DbD - Killers are good/strong or bad/weak really depends a lot on the player.
I get some pretty good results with Trapper too even he is considered weak.
Obviously Blight and Nurse are hard to master at first but as they are the strongest killers in game you will get the best results later on if you learned them.
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This also really depends on whether you're playing on console or PC. On PC learning Nurse, Blight, and/or Wesker is your best bet to do pretty well any match without trying too hard. Those same killers are basically unplayable with a controller and even if you get as good as possible with them, survivors will be able to bully or just finish the game in a few minutes much of the time. If you're on console, I'd recommend Dredge, Twins (fun to play with ultra rare addons), Legion, Knight, and Spirit.
I play on console and probably have the most fun as Dredge. It's the only time I get messaged by players saying I made the game feel scary. Dredge also has the loop counterplay that feels most fun to me.