Why do killers target certain survivors?

This is something I’m sure we’ve all noticed during our time playing on dbd, that sometimes killers will single out certain survivors, so I’m here to ask all killer only players or players that play on both sides. Why do you target certain survivors in the matches you play? Is it because you recognized the players name? Is it because of bad experiences with that particular survivor in general? or does it all come down to race, weight, gender, or character model opinion (so you think the character looks ugly or pretty/handsome)?
"Some men just want to watch the world burn."
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I usually only target survivors if I have no hooks and gens are popping a lot.
I pick out a weak survivor and get them out of the game so they can't do gens.
Can't speak for everyone tho
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Ive noticed in alot of my solo survivor games that the longer i loop the killer the more they end up just tunneling me to death. So what ive gathered is, the more you dump on the killer the higher chance to be tunneled.
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I personally feel that 360s ruin the game for newer console killers. If someone spins me successfully, they're getting tunneled.
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I hard tunnel when I'm having a sweaty phase. Though nothing personal, and I don't discriminate. I just go after the first one I see.
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Just doin my job killin and whatever makes the job easier.
Meaning: either find and take out the less experienced loopers, getting them to death hook to force survivors off gens because gen time is match time and the more time a survivor isn't doing/able to do gens the better.
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It's a killer's tactic to get survivors number to 3, making it way easier to win and harder for survivors to finish 5 gens. This is very common tactic and yes, it ruins the fun for first one who get found out especially in non-SWF.