What i would do with Freddy.

As we know, current Freddy is one of the weakest killers in the game, outdated and not true to his identity, hopefully they will fix it, I have some idea, please let me know what do you think.
Freddy Krueger, 115% Movement Speed, 32 meters Lullaby Radius.
Dream World:
As we know, Freddy is the God of his dreamworld, he can do anything in it, sadly, we got placing snares and teleport, which is really basic and boring. His current dream world isn’t even a threat, for such iconic license, that shouldn’t even be possible and it’s a tragedy.
When in dream world, Freddy would keep fake pallets, but what i would add on top of that, i would add fake tiles, loops and jungle gym aswell, they would be placed like dream pallets. It would be cool if Freddy’s dream world would be interactive. Maybe even fake generators.
Second ability.
As his second ability, currently no killer is good if he doesn’t have some kind of anti-loop. Like Xenomorph’s tail and Nemesis’s whip, Freddy extends his arm, like in the movies, if successfully hit, damages the survivor.
I would keep the teleport as it is.
Survivors would be able to wake up like they do now.
No to all of that. Thanks for your input tho
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Why not? I think that would be good
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It's wayyy too much and the game wouldn't work with the fake loops since most people know what the maps look like by now and it would only be detrimental to new players who are still learning. The extended lunge already is a thing with Freddy anyway so let's not go further than that.
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I mean it may be too much, but it’s just an idea, same how survivors should remember where are pallets etc.. actually Freddy’s lunge is normal, it’s just that his weapon is his hand, so it looks extended when it’s actually not. But I’m curious, what would you do?
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I wouldn't do anything, Freddy is in a good place. I have no trouble getting a few kills with him. Maybe you should readapt your playstyle.
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Whole community agrees that he is one of the if not the worst killer in the game, bhvr confirmed the rework, but okay if you think so
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There's always a last one somewhere. If you want every single killer to be able to stomp entire teams at 5 gens, just say that?
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Umm when have i said that? Bhvr announced the rework, we are giving ideas and stuff, why are you so aggressive?
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Replacing tiles wouldn’t work with he current system I guess though the idea is neat as altering the dreamworld is very much a core ability of Freddy. I feel like the extended arm could be part of his basekit!
I think pulling survivors into the dream world was an interesting part of his former DbD iteration and hopefully they find a way to incorporate this without making him as weak as he was..
Waking up is currently working fine and I agree they should keep it. It’s much in line with the movies and well incorporated into DbD.
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Freddy is by far the weakest killer in the game. In low MMR this killer is supposedly a monster. But really, he is not in a good spot. That isn't even debatable.
He has no potential to play nasty, no potential to snowball, no power in early and end game, a lackluster anti-loop that we already know is objectively weak (check Clown for more information), the most counterplay out of any killer (literally anything you do will counter a Freddy to some capacity) and a lackluster teleport, that is also way too weak (check Dredge for comparison).
He also has no skill ceiling because there is no way to improve as Freddy. You can improve as a killer overall but there is no skill that you can master on this killer. Teleporting to a gen in front of a survivor is as easy as that and shouldn't work on at least 80% of all survivors (how much more indication can you need?) and his anti-loop does not allow any creative uses either.
If you play against bad survivors, then any killer is super strong. But even against somewhat decent survivors this killer falls behind quickly.
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I don't understand. You're saying he's a pub stomper among lower mmr lobbies (the vast majority of players) but too weak for the top 5% players? That doesn't look like what you want is balance in my opinion, quite the contrary. Some people really don't to be challenged I guess.
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They didn’t say Freddy is a pub stomper at all. They said he is stomping low skill survivors - as is literally any killer and that got nothing to do with Freddy’s power.
also, the vast majority is mid mmr according to devs. I think they have confirmed its distributed in a bell curve iirc. Or do you have a source for your claim?
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I really don’t see how this is stating that the vast majority of players are in low mmr? Can you elaborate?
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Please, don't make me look for that old Peanits post again. He said back then that the vast majority of players is distributed around the middle with only few players at the absolute top or bottom. By that definition, Freddy is not a pub stomper. Because there are only very few people that actually struggle against this killer. But the ones that do, seem to die almost every time. This isn't good either. A killer ideally should have the same kill rate in all regions of MMR. So even then Freddy is in a bad spot.
Asking for buffs to the weakest killer does not equal the desire to be unchallanged. I play Hillbilly and I am challenged by even the killer himself but I enjoy that very much. You will also find me calling for nerfs to Blight and Nurse, because I think both of them are too strong.
But everything you said is not even a real counter argument to any of the points I made. How is it a bad thing to buff a killer that is too weak? How is Freddy not too weak with all of the weaknesses I mentioned? You haven't answered any of these questions but continue on anyway. That is not how a constructive discussion works.
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Oh, it simply nullifies a lot of baseless claims that were made in this very thread: Freddy is far from being one of the weakest killers in the game (he's right in the middle within the top 5% MMR), so your claims about high MMR are debunked pretty easily.
Now, if you REALLY want to be proven wrong, just ask:
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Gotcha. Nurse is weakest killer.
ooor maybe statistics like this don’t tell the whole story? 🤔 I mean, even the devs stated that when releasing these…
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Oh, I see. You're the kind of person asking for proof and such, but dismiss it when it's being presented to you. Interesting. Unless you have evidence to show otherwise, I'm not interested in debating over your feelings. I'm sorry this game is too hard for you. Have a beautiful day :)
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That's exactly the point though. It isn't proof. These numbers only tell us exactly what it says up there in the graph. The kill rates.
If we go by kill rates, then Nurse is also the weakest killer in the game. That was @Mooks argument, to show that kill rates aren't a reliable indicator of strength.
Are you familiar with the law of large numbers? It states that, if you repeat an experiment often enough, then the average results should come close to their expected value. Meaning, if I were to roll a dice often enough, all possible results should have a relative probability of 1/6. It's still possible for me to roll 1,000,000,000,000 (pretty large number in my opinion) times and only get one result 60% of the time. Does that mean, the dice is broken? No, it only means that statistics aren't a perfect science.
All of this comes down to; We can't take numbers out of their context, interprete them in whatever way we see fit and expect any validity to that.
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No, I was asking for proof of the claim that vast majority of players are in low mmr. Which you have stated but didn’t provide.
the game isn’t too hard for me, sorry to disappoint you. I am fairly capable.
it wasn’t even my argument that Freddy is the weakest killer to begin with. I think he needs an update because he is nowhere true to his original source and the mechanics are lackluster.
And the statistics you provided do not proof that nurse is the weakest killer. That is a fact. Sorry but the devs have stated that as well, you are missing context here, further statistics, which matches are included? Which ones are excluded (DCs, Cheating, Farming matches, etc pp)
Freddy is capable of winning games. No one ever denied that at all. Trapper as well. I think calling one killer ‚the weakest‘ is a dumb argument anyways and doesn’t help in constructive feedback at all. But neither does being passive aggressive like you have demonstrated to be in this thread.
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Then I cannot wait for you to show me the proof Freddy is one of the weakest killers in the game. I'll wait right here :)
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Read my post again and tell me how I am wrong about any of it. I explained exactly why Freddy is a terrible killer. Do you need to me to compare him to every one of the other 32 killers on top of that and analyse it all? Sorry but that goes too far. Even for me.
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You're still babbling around, throwing random assumptions with no proof whatsoever. I did, now's your turn :)
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You did not though. Where is your proof that vast majority of players is in low mmr?
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I posted 2 graphs released by bhvr themselves, the same graphs you're trying to dismiss in order to validate your feelings. These graphs explicitly debunk OP's claims in one glance while you're still hanging around trying to find new ways to dismiss those facts. That's not really my problem, that's yours and, apparently, your lack of skills.
Most players are casuals, that's common sense.
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Yeah you posted two graphs completely unrelated to your statement.
i specifically asked you to proof your claim that the vast majority is in low mmr and you haven’t provided any for that.
being casual is not equal to be low mmr. And my skill has nothing to do with any of it either and you have not the slightest idea of my skill level
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Again, read my initial post and tell me how I am wrong about any of this. This is how a discussion usually works. None of us can provide anything else but our arguments as proof because no other form of proof exists in this instance.
You would need to define a metric to compare different killer strengths. And this metric would need to be universally agreed upon as well as (obviously) follow the definition of a metric. Do that and I would more than happily use it to proof that Freddy is indeed the weakest killer. Alternatively find a norm to express a killer's strength as a number. One that actually works.
If you keep asking for a form of proof (number values), that you know cannot exist, then the argument is over here and I will not respond further. Because that is pointless and leads nowhere. Neither you nor I can magically summon these numbers and provide them as proof, no matter how much you would like that. They simply do not exist.
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Well, I guess now we're both not providing evidence then :) oh wait, I just did. Keep talking in circles, I'm done here and so is OP apparently lmao.
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are you actually flat out trolling?
which statement of mine do I need to provide proof for?
and where did you proof that the vast majority of players are low mmr?
OP got banned and can’t talk anymore, and I don’t need to provide proof for claims OP made that I don’t even agree with.
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These kill rates are from over a year ago and do not represent the current state of the game. Freddy was decent at that time as it was the gen kick meta which combo'd well with his power. Now that gen kick perks are nerfed he's got nothing going for him. And he just lost his ability to place snares through walls, which he had during these kill rates.
These stats don't represent anything. They are way too outdated and you can't reliably use these stats without seeing the pick rate or disconnect/give up rate for the killer.
Either way, whether Freddy is good or not, he still is in need of a rework to make him more fun to play as and against.
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Honestly? Just repurpose the void realm for his power
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I think to start off with a rework they should do the following:
Make his "Dream World" exist permanently for every player after they get hit. His "dream world" state can only be removed when all 5 gens are done or there is 1 player left alive, also known as the "exit phase".
His "wake up" bells should be spread around the map with unlimited uses and a 50s cooldown. These can be activated throughout the game. They won't wake you up from the dream state until the "exit phase" has started but they would make illusions start to flicker slightly when you get closer to them.
Freddys first power should be able to stand in a spot (so invisible) and lay in ambush with no telltales at all, unlike the wraith who you can still see the outline of, and he can't go invisible near a certain proximity around the basement (so a limited radius to gens are okay) with a fake illusion of Freddy walking around the map.
Freddy second power, the current illusion pallets he can place should be kept how they are, as well as adding the ability to place "fake windows" for some locations (of course long time DBD players will know almost every layout of every map). Mind gaming will still definitely work and players will definitely be trying to loop directly into a wall (and yes this will be entertaining from the killers POV).
Freddys third power would allow him to leave lifesize worms around the map, jumpscaring survivors and revealing their locations to him when they come into proximity (a little like the hag except he can't teleport directly to them).
As for his special ability, the only thing I would really change would be once he has teleported, allow his dream projection when coming out of a gen to affect all gens and make the projection persist for 2 seconds after the teleport, making it walk in a random direction to scare all survivors doing gens, this would also make all survivors wary and instil some fear into the gameplay.
As for his add-ons, I'm not really going to suggest anything here except there should be one which makes all pallets on the map invisible for 3 seconds upon teleporting with his special ability.
As for his perk reworks.. idk currently but maybe together we could think of some cool ideas.
One last thing, I think when Devs do create reworks on something, they should not try to make it stick to the core gameplay of DBD, it would help to stop the rework being obsolete after a few months and help keep the game fresh. What I mean by this is, take advantage of what type of powers the killer offers and try to merge it into DBD, not the the other way around. Like my ideas here are what I think Freddy should bring to DBD not how he fits into the game.