Everything I personally feel is not ok atm in the game

Rac Member Posts: 37
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just to chat and get differents opinions from you all, that's my list, random orders:

◉ Grind is still too much

Simply math for P6 all characters (same unlocks as pre rework P3), you need like 1.200.000 bp on average to get 1 prestige, in a standard game you get from 15.000 to 25.000 bp so let's take an average of 20.000 so for 1 prestige is 60 games, one game is like 10 minutes so 600 minutes that is 10 hours, let's suppose that you also do you daily and some challanges and is 8 hours. 8 hours for 1 prestige, this mean 8 hours x 6 prestiges x 73 characters ( I counted chucky - 34 killers + 39 survivors) = 3504 hours -> 146 days without stopping playing the game or if you play 8h a day like a streamer could do 438 days (half the time if you only whant p3 for the perks). That's a lot for a new player to get all the content the game could offer. OBV I didn't count the offerings or the events and all the bp that can be made by that, but still a lot of time.

◉ Gen speed perks both sides need to go

I mean the base game should always be the same, if every gen perk just disappear we would have a fixed time of the game (based on how skilled is the killer to keep ppl away from gens) and it simply will became more balanced. I'm not only talking on survivors perks, but killers too. No perks that allow you to manipulate the gen speed would be a good start for counter tunneling too IMO. I know that's an hot though and yes toolboxes should change their power (like: the part of the gen repaired with a toolboxes can't regress as istance).

◉ Too many content is not healty for the game

I mean, now is 7 years we get at least 8 character/year (sometimes more like in the previous one with double survivor with project w and double survivor with skull merchant). I'm pretty sure new things keep people playing, but this new things always need a lot of changes to feel balanced or fun when implemented into the game. I prefere 3 dlcs/year with a better day 1, that 4 dlcs that I hope are not in the game for the 1st month. Basically BHV take your time we are not going anywere (this will help the grind point too).

◉ Where is the horror anymore?

We all know that only under 100 hours you feel the horror in this game, but we need the theme to don't be lost with all this cosmetics that don't fit at all. And talking about cosmetics, I'm also not ok with the FOMO part.

◉ Shrine of secrets basically is useless

Just rework it, we have 246 perks, and right now is worth to spend shards only into characters, easier way to get the perk you need instead of hoping it's in the shrine.

◉ All the killer that need a rework/balance

  • Nurse - last nerf did't change the main problem of the character, it just banned some perks, I would prefere a change where she can blink only where she see (so blink over every small loop/windows but not walls) and have 3 blinks, that the 6 years unchanged power but 2 blinks, she is not fun to play (you only watch the gound half the game and everybody plays her only bacause is strong) and is not fun to play against, she just close every gap. I know is not easy to use, but the learning curve is also not so hard that justify the power she has.
  • Twins - come on, I really need to say something?
  • Blight - for the tech, it just need to go, like every other similar tech in other killers

◉ Hitboxes

Hard topic but, can we fit hitbox bean to the survivors body inclination? So no more axes that hit you because 1 inch of your feet is not behind the wall or wesker teleports around pallets ore xeno or nemesis or whatever character you want .

That's all for now, maybe you will let me think about something else or just prove me I'm wrong on something and I will change idea, let's discuss it.

Feel free to share your though and your own list of things you would like to change!

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 662

    I strongly agree that grind is still too much. But I think the existence of gen perks for both sides are fine. For killer balances, I think that the buffs for weak killers should be prioritized, but I agree that the Nurse & Blight nerfs are also important.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Going bullet by bullet, these are our opinions:

    • We don't really feel the grind much. Between offering, events, and the rift, we're usually sitting over the cap until someone new comes out.
    • We definitely are willing to try this out. We'd love to see nothing effect gen speed, though probably should make it a test week or something.
    • Yes and no. Yes in that to much dull content will lead to unnecessary bloat and bugs. No in that new content keeps the game going fresh..er. It would be nice for the devs to slow down a tad and focus on either health or balance.
    • The horror can still be here, but it's on the killers to make it. We don't really blame them though as it requires more effort and occasionally tossing, plus the usual way survivors react when they're winning doesnt really give any incentive to give them a scare.
    • We were under the impression that was the point? So people would by characters instead of waiting on the shrine.
    • Out of those killers we only think twins REALLY needs something. At best blights add ons could used looked at but that's because BOTH sides are agreeing on something. We're outliers though.
    • ....yea the hit boxes could use a look. Though in fairness, only huntress hatchets seem to have funny hits, least in our experience.
  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    I think the BP grind is acceptable now. It still takes forever but that is kind of the point. The grind for iri shards however is getting worse. More and more content is locked behind DLCs, when the game already costs money. They could at least reduce the prices on some of the older characters, so that it doesn't take quite as long to unlock a bit more content. They still make good money with all the new DLCs and cosmetics.

    Gen speed perks have been an essential part of DBD for years. So fixing that would likely take a looot of work and multiple adjustments later on to get that right. I don't know, if that is a good idea. Don't fix what's not broken, you know? And gen speed modifiers for the most part aren't broken. Of course they could make a few adjustments to the exssting modifiers here and there but completely deleting them, would likely cause more problems than it would fix.

    The new content is what keeps the game fresh. Although, I agree that slowing down on the new content and taking more time to sort through existing issues (like the alarming vulnerability of DBD's code to malfunctions / bugs) would be a good thing, this is not how a live service game operates. They constantly need to generate income. Otherwise they'd have to cut support for the game and leave everything as is. Which would be a real shame because DBD has pretty much defined the genre of asymmetrical horror games and became the Super Smash Bros. of horror.

    Speaking of horror, it is true that they could focus on that part a bit more but no matter what the game will not be scarry once you have spent enough time in it. Try rewatching the scarriest horror movie of all time again and again. Eventually it's not scarry anymore. BHVR know that and focus on what always works. Fun and funny stuff.

    100% with you on the Shrine of Secrets. It needs an overhaul. Either make it 4 perks on either side, or so you can't get perks, that you have already unlocked in the shrine.

    Almost every single killer in the game could use some tweaks. And that will always be the case, because the game keeps changing.

    The thing with hitboxes is that you can neither make them significantly smaller, because that would frustrate killer players that learned the game in this state for years (= danger of alienating existing player base) nor could you only slightly readjust them and fix all the issues. Because the issue more often than not isn't actually the hitbox but latency. And latency in a game like DBD where even mere inches make a huge difference not only visually but also balance wise can't be 'fixed' either. They can only try to improve that situation by making small adjustments, which seems to be what they do from what I've seen.

  • myersgoestochurch
    myersgoestochurch Member Posts: 169

    Agreed with everything, especially hitboxes. Some of these are ridiculous and they always favor killers, giving them downs/hits they shouldn't have gotten

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    Tell that to Demo and Billy when they get countered by the press of a single button that's not even "E". There are ways to savely bodyblock a Hillbilly's chainsaw without getting hit. That is not working in the killer's favor.

    Most killer hitboxes in this game aren't that bad. It's latency that makes it look way worse than it actually is. Do the math yourself. It's obvious, that even a hitbox as small as a Deathslinger's shot can look way off. If hitboxes were such a big issue, you'd find more killers hitting walls / clutter with their powers. But that doesn't happen (with the exception of loops with invisible hitboxes of which there are quite a few).

  • myersgoestochurch
    myersgoestochurch Member Posts: 169

    No, I will not tell that to these killers because they're a minority in a sea of f****d up hitboxes overwhelmingly working in favour of killers.

    Hitboxes are a big issue and that why killers get hits/downs they shouldn't have, so it's the exact opposite.

  • Rac
    Rac Member Posts: 37

    I wasn't saying that hitbox don't work, I was telling about the fact that you need to aim at survivor's feet instead of where you see them. Everybody know that nowdays, but for new player is a big "What? It just passed trough his body!". What I was trying to say was to just tilt the hitbox at the same angle of the surv model.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,009


    In my opinion the grind is mostly fine. Yes, it could be less but I guess the devs are afraid that people will play less due to reaching things faster. One thing that is not okay are shards. It would be cool to have another way to get shards- e.g. 100 shards per prestivelevel or something like this. A bigger issue is that dbd might not be very beginner friendly becaue common perks are on both sides bad and beginners have so much to lern - maps, killer powers, loops, perks ect. The tips on the loadscreen are also not very helpful. Giving beginners an easier way to get better things and understanding the game better would make the game overall better - e.g. having in somoq a meg that knows she must go for the unhook.

    Shrine of secret

    year, this feature is oudated as hell. They should rework it and enable players to buy every perk at any given time, so players get quicker what they need and want.


    Year the genspeed needs to change, because toolboxes and perks on both sides are not very balanced.

    Too many content

    Year, i agree. I would be happy too if there are only three new killers per year but they are good and brings no bugs or something bad for the game. Best example is this year: Skull Merchant was a mistake and shouldn't release her, Singularity, Xenomorph, and Chucky on the otherside are fine and great. With one less release, they could also spend more time on current issues and fix current killers.


    Twins will get a tweak in January. Freddy should also get a rework. I understand that this need time. What I don't understand is why Blight does not get an addon pass because his addons are way too good. Also why some killers don't get addons base-kit (map of the ralm and Call to Arms for knight; Haddie's Calender for Dredge ect.). But I guess the devs looks at the avarage killrate and thinks they are fine.


    I'm fine with it. Of cause some cosmetics are not horror but they are funny which is fine.

    On my side

    Instadown addons

    I personally think the developers should remove instadown addons because they are either useless or broken and don't feel right. With Skull Merchant they even stoped to give new killers instadown addons.

    Make soloq better

    Show the perkbuilds from every survivor in the lobby, give them a little kinred basekit - just show the aura of all survivors and nothing more.

    More perk reworks/meta shakeup

    Some perks and combination are too strong for the metagame and need a fix. Buckle up + FTP is a stupid broken combination. Getting Adrenaline by the unhook feels so wrong. Current Pop feels wrong. Many perks are useless should get a little buff. In general, bigger perk shake ups would be funny so we don't see over the year the exact same builds on bothsides.