Which recent (1-2 years max) survivor perk(s) was worthy enough to join your builds?

I just noticed Gabriel is the only survivor I've bought since the Wesker chapter because he's the only one with interesting perks (I mean, was, now that the chapter was milked properly). I was wondering which recent survivor perks got lucky enough to integrate your builds?
I notice this game likes to focus on useless/extremely situational perks no survivor really uses because they're simply not good. Do you think they're gonna buff some of the newer perks or do you think they expect us to run the same 5 perks released in 2016-17 ? I thought they were interested in inciting people to try different builds but I guess I was wrong.
I personally like Dramaturgy
Plot Twist, Reassurance and Hyperfocus come to mind as general useful perks that I see occasionally used (though I guess you mean after RE chapter 2..). Background Player is up there.
i thought Fogwise was kind of okay as well, though there is better alternatives.
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Jonah's perk Overcome was the last one for me. That was almost 2 years ago.
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Toyed with, so that means these perks didn't integrate your comfort builds I'm guessing.
My point exactly...
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Hyperfocus and Made for this. At least i tried them out for a bit. MFT is to strong and Hyperfocus i cant get 6 of those skillchecks frequently so i droped them again.
Off the record is older then 2 years.
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Irrelevant, it belongs to a character that was released in early 2020 so the perk was not used as bait for people to buy a new chapter.
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Although I've tried out Dramaturgy, Plot twist & Reassurance I've gone back to my usual builds, which I'm now realizing have only free perks in it (counting fixated). I feel silly for buying so many characters now lol
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Light-footed, people really underrate this perk... Its always annoying for me when surv has it against me, and its always funny how easy it is to escape chases with it.
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On that note, I'm keen to see what perks the upcoming (seemingly non-licensed) survivor-only chapter has. I won't be buying but interested into whether they'll have strong perks to start with and nerfed later, or just mediocre perks and the selling point will be something else, like gorgeous cosmetics.
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Mft was 100% released to bait people into buying Gabriel/the chapter. They had nerfed DH (again) and people were asking for decent new chase perks since killers cried their eyes out to nerf every valuable perk (windows and sprint burst are next).
Mft was fine, killer mains just hate when survivors get decent perks and want easy wins.
Oh they're gonna do that for sure. It's gonna be a Mikaela situation 2.0. release incredible and refreshing perks just to nerf them into oblivion barely a year after, when the money made its way to the bank.
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so your question basically "lets find out which perks bhvr uses to bait people for chapter"? IMO its more relevant to killers, almost all new killers have at least 1 strong perk worth getting. Except skull merchant i guess.
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Mft was 100% released to bait people into buying Gabriel/the chapter. They had nerfed DH (again) and people were asking for decent new chase perks since killers cried their eyes out to nerf every valuable perk (windows and sprint burst are next).
Mft was fine, killer mains just hate when survivors get decent perks and want easy wins.
Now was it fine or was it intentionally designed to be used as bait? These statements kind of contradict eachother?
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My question is "which recent survivor perk(s) integrated your builds", I'm sorry I thought that was pretty clear.
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Yeah I forgot that one, usually run it now. Started to use it just for the icon (Jonesy my beloved) but it actually gives me value pretty often!
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Is it actually ? I was super excited for it but I ended up not even buying the chapter because the perk seemed really underwhelming
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Troubleshooter is decent, but otherwise there wasn't really anything worth considering (ignoring og mft), except for memers, who can run all 3 of cage's perks
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Interesting question, I don't usually think of perks in that way so I had to think about it for a second.
I've had Overzealous builds recently, so bare minimum it'd be Haddie. If we go a little further back, Overcome is a busted ass perk I've used on occasion. I've also done builds with Troubleshooter and Lucky Star, and I've been meaning to use perks like Dramaturgy, Scene Partner, Wiretap, and Cut Loose.
The perception that BHVR primarily focus on useless perks is, in my opinion, wrong. Every chapter recently has had at least one genuinely good survivor perk in it, and even the others typically aren't all that bad, with exceptions.
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It’s situational as most survivor perks are but I think it can be fun. It doesnt hide scratch marks so you’d need to pair it with another perk to get maximum value. I don’t think footstep sounds are the main way killers locate survivors. When I play killer I can’t even hear them over the TR music/ambient noises and I have a good headset.
@OP: unfortunately none have made it to my rotation. The best survivor perks for me tend to be older.
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Wiretap, fogwise, draumatology, plot twist, the bomb you place on pallets (forgot the name), potential energy, reassurance, better than new, there's more but we're leaving it there.
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Chemical Trap?
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Ripley's one? Then yes.
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Plot twist, chemical trap and empathic connection
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Survivors don't get many perks worth running at all outside of trolling or swf memes.
My build has been DH/Resil/Hope since I started November last year, two of those are free and David is very old. I will most likely be swapping MFT for WoO or Adrenaline after MFT gets gutted into being useless.
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Combine it with Quick & Quiet and vault into drops and you will vanish.
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About 26ish days beyond “max” but
Circle of Healing joined We’ll Make It, Balanced Landing and Lightweight/SpineChill as my main build for nearly 2 years, replacing Inner Strength.
Only use WMi and Balanced anymore, of those
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Interesting to see so many people running the same old perks, it's pretty clear bhvr isn't interested in shaking the meta and won't release good survivor perks. Mft will get gutted and everyone will go back to the exact same builds, how boring.
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I tried it out today with Lightweight. It wasn't too bad. I don't mind it only working when healthy but felt it didn't need the cooldown after vaulting as I don't think it's strong enough to warrant that restriction.
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Other read i think its that old perks are soo good that new ones cant reach that lvl without a risk of beeing broken.
Ripley lightfooted its nice.
Fogwise from vittorio.
Reassurance and hyperfocus from rebecca. Those 2 are quite good.
Ada wong wire tap. I know its not meta but it works for me with bomb builds to change a little my perk loadouts.
Nic cage plot twist its good.
And of course made for this.
Yeah not adrenaline level perks but is not all "trash" if you ask me.
(Cries in Haddie)
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Bond, we'll make it, sprint burst is my go to perk load out. Everything else feels bad to me or barely ever gives value. I'm that guy that gets slugged 10 matches in a row and then equips unreakable to never get slugged with it.
Most days i feel like a survivor with no perks selected would have about the same escape rate with VERY few exceptions
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Just MFT. Everything else I use is older. Sprint Burst, Lithe, Adrenaline, WoO, Deja Vu, a few other random perks for doing specific tome challenges. Seriously, Deja Vu + WoO lets you totally turn off your brain, everywhere you need to go is on aura.