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What is your argument for showing/hiding prestige levels in the pregame lobby?

It seems like there are disagreements from both sides on whether prestige levels should be hidden in the pregame lobby. Why do you think they should be hidden/shown?

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  • Member Posts: 276

    People would be less inclined to dodging matches if they see that the survivors they are going to play with have high prestige (case of the killer) or low prestige (case of surv-mates). It may not work, but it is still a good starting point. 

    The alternative would be to block all players from leaving the prelobby, which is a drastic measure and I don't know if it is feasible.

  • Member Posts: 2,482
    edited November 2023

    I think it should be an optional setting. There is nothing I can do with my p100 except show it off. Hiding prestige means it was pretty much for nothing.

    The argument is that high prestige causes dodging, however that is subjective. I never get dodged, my friends never get dodged. It’s not crazy to have a p100 anymore, it’s not uncommon.

    Some say “well if it’s optional then killers will just dodge hidden prestiges”. I don’t think this is true. Some? Sure. But if we’re going to start nitpicking it like that, players that dodge, will dodge for anything so it won’t matter either way.

    There’s no reason to force hiding prestige on everybody when there’s a large group of people who aren’t being dodged for being p100. This is 100% one of those issues that can be solved with making it an option.

    You think your prestige is getting you dodged? Hide it on your own accord. I personally should not have to because of your experience.

    Edit: it also makes the lobby look better to me. I was a part of the test group, and I just did not like the way the lobby looked. It looked so… bland, I suppose is the word.

  • Member Posts: 232
    edited November 2023

    I agree with you, having it be an optional setting seems like the best solution and would make everyone happy.

    Edit: Nevermind, I want them hidden from the lobby completely, and only shown after the match. It's the best way to stop lobby dodging and harrassment.

    Post edited by Foempticol on
  • Member Posts: 7,156

    Because people make judgements based solely on a number.

    Survivors don't know anything about the killer they are about to face, much less their prestige level til post game. Don't need to see survivors' prestige level either. It's as inconsequential as the killer's.

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited November 2023

    I don't believe the lobby should exist at all. You should queue up and then go straight into a match. It'd result in faster matches for everyone since you wouldn't be able to dodge as you do now. It would also likely result in at least slightly better matchmaking. Just literally delete the lobby and all of the issues are solved. High prestige survivors just serve to make certain killers dodge the lobby. What exactly is the benefit of keeping it visible is a better question. How much you actually get dodged varies greatly from lobby to lobby but it definitely does exist in my experience. If prestige doesn't matter then why can't survivors see the prestige level of the killer? Oh that's right because we all know every survivor would dodge a P100 killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,288

    I too would like to see the effects on matchmaking without a lobby entirely. As a side bonus, it would also get rid of that last second swapping bs survs can still do for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 254

    I don't think Killers or Survivors should see anything besides the survivors, the name of the character they are playing, and items they are holding. The culture of checking someone's profile before a match is bizarre, and dodging based on prestige is weird too.

    You can show the person's actual name if they aren't on anon mode after the match or once the match starts, but I don't think you should be given easy access to see who is a baby and who isn't.

    Prestige shouldn't be shown until after the match.

    I know a lot of people want to see their teammates builds and what not before a match, and I think that would be okay, though I am worried certain people would try to force their team to run sweatier stuff if they aren't.

    I also think items should be visibly color coded on the model so you can see who has the strongest toolbox in the game versus the gamer who just wants to deplete a brown toolbox for a challenge.

  • Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2023

    I think hiding prestiges can be an option.

    Post edited by Astel on
  • Member Posts: 567

    There’s literally zero value to showing prestige in the lobby. As others have said all it does is make peoples prejudices come into play before the match has even started. Makes the killers decide they’re either gonna tunnel this person out, avoid that person entirely or dodge the lobby altogether, further messing up the already busted MMR system. Makes survivors dodge lobbies based on perceptions of their teammates skill.

    For those saying they want it kept to “show off” their P100, you can do that in endgame where your prestige will show up after the match. Your ego is not a reason to continue a system that has shown to have nothing but detriments to the entire system before a game has even begun. And I have a P100 character.

    Even if you make it “optional” that still doesn’t solve the issue because those who chose to keep their prestige’s shown in pre match lobby are still contributing the the issue of lobby dodging and pre-game prejudices and assumptions by having your prestige shown even if others dont. Everyone else has their prestige hidden but your P100 is still shown? There goes the killer dodge and the backfill lobby giving us a new killer that is potentially way higher or lower MMR than should be matched with us, leading to a bad game.

    There’s literally no good reason not to take it out of pregame lobby, but leave it for end match so those who feel the need to show it off can get their dopamine release from others seeing their achievements.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Ooooogh! That's some "scum of the earth". Exactly what I was talking about in another post.

  • Member Posts: 418

    The thing is, character Prestige is purely a superficial aspect of the game. Once you’ve reached Prestige III and have that characters unique tier III perks unlocked for everyone, the only real incentive to progress the blood web is to gain items, add-ons, and offerings. It’s not like prestiging that high unlocks any cool content or anything.

    Here’s my thoughts: I agree that prestige should be hidden in the pre-game lobby. As others have said, seeing a P100 survivor in a lobby encourages a killer to lobby-dodge, which in return, increases queue times. I must admit, I’ve played against p100 survivors who aren’t that great, and then gone against p1 default survivors who are looping gods and constantly get flashlight saves. Of course, prestige isn’t indicative of skill, but it’s fair to assume that people with that many hours will have a good game sense, map knowledge, and killer-specific counters.

    i understand that it’s fustrating for players who’ve gone through the “grind” (we can all agree this game is still way too much of a grind) to get to P100, only to have their one benefit of being able to show it off taken away. However, I believe BHVR need to incentivise the prestige system A LOT more. Why have it purely for the benefit of having a badge to tell others you’ve grinded HARD to get to p100? Which in itself is not much if a reward. I think there should be unique skins for milestone prestige numbers (25, 50, 75, and 100). This would encourage people to actually want to prestige, whilst avoiding the preconceptions people have about p100 players in the lobby.

  • Member Posts: 4,623

    Maybe not "scum of the earth". They just want to play optimally. The game allows the players to check profiles and prestige in the lobby.

    People that see this game very competetively always use the most optimal load out, character and strategy. I just think that checking profiles or prestige to determine who gets to not enjoy a match, just because they played less or haven't leveled up their character enough goes way too far.

  • Member Posts: 1,934
    edited November 2023

    Why did you prestige then??? Its literally JUST to show others. You have zero reason to do so past 3 on anyone other than show others. This is so disingenuous imo.

    I love all the 'facts' you're throwing out. "All it does..." There's literally zero value" Makes killers decide who they're gonna tunnel"

    This is all personal to the player. Your facts are still just your opinion. Valid in some cases, but no. Not all.

    I want to show off my p100. Not due to ego, but I enjoy playing my one character and I like people knowing its my main. There's nothing negative about that. I do like the toggle idea. If I choose to put myself at rick for all those pseudo facts you spat, why can't I? If lobby dodging is the issue, BHVR should fix that, not bandaid it by punishing other players. This is literally a killer problem.

    "but leave it for end match so those who feel the need to show it off can get their dopamine release from others seeing their achievements."

    Another assumption. You're so far detatched...

  • Member Posts: 169

    Items. This change is coming anyway so you better cope with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,934

    Probably. Anytime the most insecure people come on here and complain, they are catered too. The BHVR beast lol.

    On topic, have they said anything about when its coming? I couldn't find any tidbit.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 43

    It will still be shown in post game lobby.

    So any complaints about hiding it in pre game lobby are null and void.

    This should be a no brainer but as usual this community thrives on being contrarian.

  • Member Posts: 567

    You say I’m making assumptions but if mine are incorrect then what are your reasons for needing it to be necessary to show your prestige in pre-game lobby? What does that do for you that showing it in post game screen won’t do?

    Why can’t people “know” that that’s your main in the endgame? Why is it necessary for everyone to know that about you going into the match?

    All it takes is a simple search on here, steam and reddit to see that this has been an ongoing complaint for a long time by a large number of people to see that it’s an issue worth addressing, so much so that BHRV themselves beta tested removing prestige from pre-game lobby. So the detriment this brings to the game is not JUST an opinion. There are facts behind whats being said. However I have yet to see you state any facts on how leaving them in the pre-game lobby, even optionally, helps the overall game health. All you’ve said is it makes you feel good to show yours off, so therefore it should stay.

    “If lobby dodging is the issue BHVR should fix that” Removing prestige is HOW BHVR fixes that if the lobby dodging is due to preconceptions about players and their skill due to prestige being shown, which a large portion of their feedback has suggested it is, which again is why they beta tested it to begin with.

    So far all you’ve said is that it makes you feel good for people to know that you’re playing your main character (again why should people have to know this in pregame lobby or even care for that matter?) and to be able to show off your achievement (again something that can be done post match). You said you enjoy playing your main character. Great. You can still enjoy playing your main without your prestige being shown in pregame lobby, and if you can’t enjoy it without that, then that’s indicative of your reasoning being personal ego based. I.e. “If no one knows I’m a P100 going into the match then it doesn’t make me happy”? or “I can’t enjoy playing my favorite character if others don’t know that it’s my favorite or if they don’t know that I have a full P100.” Is that what you’re saying here?

    I fail to see how showing your prestige at the end off the match punishes you in any way, as you’ve suggested. Does not showing it until the end take away your P100 status or negate all the work you put into your character? I’m not aware of that being the case. Yes I do have a P100 character and I grinded that for my own personal satisfaction of knowing that I got my favorite character all the way to the final possible prestige. It’s definitely something I’m proud of, but I don’t have an overarching need for eveyone who plays with me to know this about me BEFORE we go into a match. My badge can be seen perfectly fine at the end.

  • Member Posts: 1,405

    Hiding it in pre-game lobby would help against lobby dodgers and not getting tunneled the F out just because you have more BP's on this one skin.

    Though I will say Prestige Feng Mins are something else. I'm very guilty of dodging those, but I dodge Fengs regardless of their prestige. I just cannot be on a team with Feng Min gamers.

  • Member Posts: 589

    i dont care.

    just make it so neither side can hide prestige in post game screen & give killers an option to flex p100 in lobbies (no killer reveal tho)

  • Member Posts: 856

    I want the people in the lobby to see my chad P69.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    They are a pointless addition to the lobby which encourages some people to skip lobbies, either because they don't want to face someone or they don't want to play with them. I've seen many high prestige players who play like dogshit and it is therefore an unreliable guide for skill, yet people someone how still believe this.

    Removing it removes some excuses and attitudes. Many really don't care about a Prestige 100 character - they can find that out later after they died first with 6k in BP.

  • Member Posts: 88

    Seeing all of this debating makes me REALLY miss not only the old ranking system, but seeing the season rank above each survivor. It didn't prevent lobby dodging entirely, but it made some SWF groups think twice about being red ranks and bringing their rank 20 friend in to either draw a lower ranked killer or have them be useless in a red rank match.

  • Member Posts: 6,288

    An argument I can see is a player has spent an ungodly amount of time pumping bloodpoints into their favorite character, and wish to flex that for all to see.

    Since everyone currently sees the lobby but many ditch the end screen, they may believe they'd loose much of their audience to that flex.

    Now if the devs determine with their recent testing that lobby dodging doesn't correlate with the prestiges, then nothing needs to change there. But if the overall playerbase matchmaking suffers because of visible prestiges, well then...

  • Member Posts: 567

    That’s exactly my point. It’s just to feed peoples egos. 🤣🤣 And the funniest part is, no one else cares unless they’ve determined that your prestige somehow may affect them in the match, for example, lonby dodging and targeting/tunneling. IMO that’s not a good enough reason to keep something in the game, even optional, if it’s determined to lead to those behaviors.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I think sometimes people forget that they may just gotten unlucky and got in chases with the killer and as a result

    may be sacrificed or may have not been sacrificed

    if they were playing a Prestige 0 Dwight or their preferred survivor that is Prestige 100

    Though, personally I do think prestige levels, and some other things (like, playing in Anonymous Streamer mode or maybe having TTV in your name) play some kind of role and might lead to some killer plays going the extra mile to put you in the grave faster, maybe not, it's hard to really tell sometimes, judging by how the community can be sometimes,

    by the way, some time prior to the Halloween event we just had, I actually had encountered this weird bug where I wouldn't see anyone's Prestige level until the post game, but I'm on Linux, but they managed to fix it like with a bugfix patch approximately some time during the Haunted by Daylight event

  • Member Posts: 6,288
    edited November 2023

    That wasn't a bug. The devs were testing out having some of the playerbase go into lobbies with no visible prestiges. Presumably to see the effects on matchmaking. Only some of the players were selected for the testing, not everyone.

  • Member Posts: 2,167

    This is all personal to the player. Your facts are still just your opinion. Valid in some cases, but no. Not all.

    But valid in some cases is the important point.

    If some players are using the displayed prestige level of survivors to lobby dodge or using that info to determine who to target, that's a problem.

    Even if we say there are some players who like to display their prestige, the number of players impacted by even occasional lobby dodging, and the extent it negatively impacts the game, likely far exceeds that.

    I want to show off my p100. Not due to ego, but I enjoy playing my one character and I like people knowing its my main. 

    Not do to ego - like people knowing its my main. That sounds like ego.

    Also, I have yet to see why the prestige being displayed post match lobby doesn't accomplish the same thing.

    If I choose to put myself at rick for all those pseudo facts you spat, why can't I?

    If it causes a player to lobby dodge, it doesn't just impact you, it impacts everyone.

    If it causes a killer to tunnel another player because of the prestige, it impacts them, not just you.

    If lobby dodging is the issue, BHVR should fix that, not bandaid it by punishing other players.

    Lobby dodging isn't even on the table for a proposed change.

    Also, lobby dodging is not the only issue, targeting players is still an issue.

    This is literally a killer problem.

    There are also survivors who will dodge a lobby when they see a bunch of lower prestige. I've noticed this when I'm playing a 1 or 2 prestige survivor that survivors leaving becomes much more frequent.

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