Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Queue dodging as Killer should always be a thing. Especially as a casual Killer



  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561
    edited November 2023

    ''You mean like killers lobby shop until they get a team they can stomp, knowing those survivors will be penalized if they leave?''

    Yes, no different from survivors who disconnect multiple times if they don't like the killer they are going against, They basically disconnect until they come across a killer they feel comfortable with, like Disconnecting every time they face a strong killer like blight/nurse and only playing when they know they got matched against a weak killer they can stomp like pig. No difference there, don't even try to defend the point.

    ''You're literally asking for survivors to get penalized further for not wanting to play against a potentially really experienced killer because you want to leave the lobby without penalty at all''

    I can also flip this around and say that you are literally asking for a killer player to get harassed and bullied during a match if they go against a team of players who could potentially be way above his skill level and get penalized if he leaves, same just have a double standard against killer players because you probably only play survivor and don't care. Killer players are already the minority, there will be even less people playing killer if the game/devs keeps treating them like second class players who get nothing but the short end off the stick all the time.

    Post edited by Ink_Eyes on
  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,246

    Their MMR system gets borked badly when it has to backfill due to players leaving the lobbies. Since it prioritizes queue times over strict MMR the resulting trials can be very lopsided. The longer players wait the more open the system runs, until it just grabs the next available player regardless of their MMR.

    This is one of the reasons why they tested out not showing prestiges in lobbies a few weeks back, to see the effect on matchmaking. Dodging, for whatever reasons, hurts the matchmaking.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Not the killer that is being played, but I'm all in for seeing the killer player, so you can check their profile. Because, the most scummy players tend to wear their negative (steam) comments as honor badges. Going out of their way to play as horrible as possible so they can generate the most salt. Such players we don't need, so there should be a way to check for it beforehand.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited November 2023

    Don't act like those are my arguments lol I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy. You're the one complaining about survivors handpicking their opponent (for which they get a penalty) while saying killers should be able to do it for free.

    Also do you know how silly that sound: "You are literally asking for a killer player to [...] go against a team of players who could potentially be way above his skill level and get penalized if he leaves" ?

    Like: that's literally what survivors have to deal with. All the time. No say in the matter.

    Killers are the ones handpicking their lobbies to go against survivors under their skill level, messing up everyone's MMR and queue times, while survivors are the ones who have to deal with because their only option is DCing, which has a penalty.

    And then you're saying survivors DCing isn't penalized enough but killers shouldn't be penalized if they leave ? How does that make any sense to you ?

    Killers are the only ones who can lobby shop yet you're acting like they're victims of the mean survivors trying to bully them.

    Also, people who lobby shop are the ones to blame for being matched against opponents stronger than them, they're inflating their SBMM ranking by choosing lobbies they can stomp (and who will get penalized if they leave) because their feelings get hurt when they don't get a 4K and everyone who beats them is "harassing" and "bullying" them.

    Finally, I'm a killer main just not a stupid one, if I didn't care I wouldn't be bothering with this discussion, there's more than enough killers playing and the "killers will all leave if you don't do what we want" card is getting old and ridiculous. Once the MFT nerf goes through killer will literally be in the easiest spot it's ever been and acting like "we're second class players and no one likes us and we never get anything" just make you sound like a crybaby who hasn't actually read any patch notes ever and probably blames all their skill issues on those awful survivors mains.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    ''Don't act like those are my arguments''

    That's literally what you wrote, I quoted you LOL.

    ''Once the MFT nerf goes through killer will literally be in the easiest spot it''

    And there you go, the most brain dead entitled survivor arguing how playing killer is easy, when in reality you probably have never played killer to the point of getting bullied by a SWF p100 survivor squad.

    ''you sound like a crybaby who hasn't actually read any patch notes ever and probably blames all their skill issues on those awful survivors mains''

    Lets flip this around, you sound like a crybaby survivor who hasn't an idea on how the killer role is so much more stressing than playing survivor, you probably blame all your skill issues on those ''killer mains''

    And this comes form an ''ex- survivor main'' yeah I have played 10 times more survivor than killer, people who are blind to the fact that playing killer is miserable are extremely entitled people.

  • UnusedAccount
    UnusedAccount Member Posts: 130

    I think the lack of Killers is what borks matchmaking more than anything.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    That's literally what you wrote, I quoted you LOL.

    Those were not arguments, I was merely explaining how your PoV was hypocritical and double sided.

    It's quite interesting how you're ignoring literally all my arguments and the fact just to call me a "brain dead entitled survivor" which is apparently a good reason to ignore every point I've made because you don't think survivors' opinions are valid.

    However, I must reiterate that I'm a killer main, and it's not because I don't consider getting stomped or even taunted "bullying" that it makes that fact any less true.

    It also doesn't change the fact that I feel killer is too easy right now and I can't play three games without getting bored. You're very welcome to disagree, everyone has their own experience, but again it's not because you feel differently that it makes me a "brain dead survivor" in disguise.

    Finally, I've explained why your last paragraph came across as a crybaby but unfortunately you've only replied "No, you" and therefore I'm afraid I can't defend myself if you don't expend on how I'm entitled, or a crybaby, or blame my issues on killer mains.

    I'll have you know I'm confident you could dig through all my comments on here and not find a single instance of me blaming "killer mains" for anything, my skill issues are my own and I don't care about losing. I'm not self-centered enough to think people playing sweaty are bullying me, or call them toxic and whatnot, and I have enough brain power to not make ridiculous generalisations.

    Anyways if you don't have anything to add to the discussion we were having besides calling me brain dead and accuse me of being a survivor main there's no reason to keep it going.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,246

    No doubt it plays a part. Time of day/weekend, MMR, and region all do imo too.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    Which is why everyone should be locked when they hit the pregame menu.

    No switching perks, or items. You hit "ready" then you are ready.

    Lots of people will wait till 14 seconds left and then several survivors switch to a different character and suddenly there is 3 or 4 flashlights.

    They need to do one of two things. Lock your perks and items then send you to pre-game menu or have no pre-game menu.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I think the better solution would be to hide items from killers. That way killers can't change their perks to counter them so survivors would stop doing the last second switch. (And also hide prestige so survivors don't switch because they don't want to get dodged).

    Then there would be no reason to lock your loadout, which would probably be annoying tbh, and which would be really bad for solo queue if they ever become allowed to see their teammates' loadouts.

  • momisplayingdbd
    momisplayingdbd Member Posts: 24

    No, I would not. The outcome would be the same indeed, but I would not have felt so bad as a baby survivor because seeing the numbers of ur prestige I would imagine I played bad, take the L and go next. I would not have imagined it was bad mmr.

    This match for me was..... sadness and frustration. If I knew she was P100 I would have dodged, if she was a veteran P9 (like u said) I would not have dodged but I would not have felt so bad.

    I am sorry if I wasn't clear, english is not my native language. I just wanted to say losing for a P100 and losing for a P9 kinda feels different for me.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    You were playing trickster with a meme addon and you were surprised that you lost the match?