Ultimate Weapon needs a nerf

This perks can activate so easily and gives a lot of value for nothing.
Plus, most of my game with this perks people just use it to slug and tunnel.
Maybe it can activate per hook or make changes in the cooldown. Also, it should deactivate in endgame or when there's just two people left.
You literally know when the killer spots your general location with the perk. They don't know where you go from the general location which you can use to your advantage.
Not to mention checking a locker is often time not a simple task a killer can do on a time crunch.
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Its like a coordinated effort to assault Ultimate Weapon.
I'd be impressed with the preservation and cross media consistency of the effort but the arguments are very bad, and although the people who change game things have a history of going with the biggest naggers I still have have hope that they'll be able to resist, this time.
Its a good multipurpose perk.
Its not a replacement for traditional aura perks, because it gives no aura or indication of direction of motion.
Its not regression because with DMS it only moves the survivor along for 30 seconds.
Its not a chase perk because it doesn't mess with cooldowns are show aura at close range.
But it does a little of everything, just no one thing amazingly well, aside from annoying survivors at moments they don't want to be bothered at.
It reminds me of Lightborn in that way, it messes with the status quo, but isn't especially powerful, just different in an uncomfortable way.
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It is really pretty strong.
And on some killers it is a but much.
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Based on the fact that I have seen it once in my last 30 matches I think were fine
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It can be pretty strong on killers with good mobility and chase. A small cooldown nerf should be enough. Its not warping the meta or anything like that.
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I don't remember having to sweat bullets to open a locker that is usually nearby a location I'm heading to any way...
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It's the best tracking perk in the game and it's not even close. It could have the blindness effect removed and it'd still be the absolute best tracking perk pick if you limited yourself to only one.
IMO the blindness should go, no reason for that to be there.
Then the active time should be based on movespeed the faster you move the faster it drains. For a standard 4.6 killer this should be around 20 seconds of movement. For killers with movement powers like blight (who moves at 9.2m/s) it should be gone in around 10 seconds (of movement at that speed). WHen standing still it will still drain but at a very slow rate, something like 40 seconds
Then the cooldown should be a little higher on top of that, like 60 seconds.
Still one of the best tracking perks but it's uptime is now much more limited.
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I personally think it is fine. This perk only makes you scream, not aura. You can know that your location is revealed so you can hide or run away before the killer approaches to you. Also, it is not that good to some killers. Imagine how much value would Freddy get by this perk...
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Yes I love you.
But in all seriousness, it's like having docter's power as a perk.
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It desperately needs a nerf tho.
It's very abusable for most killers actually, which is what happens every single time I see a killer using it. This perk is a huge problem and the cooldown needs to be at least 2x longer.
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on0 -
So blindness rather then madness?
Pretty sure blindness is stronger and opening a locker not hard nor time consuming.
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It is pretty ridiculous to use the word "abuse" just for using the perk which devs released so people can use.
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I've heard killers calling for abusing survivors because they...looped, so i'm not gonna care about that. Every killer I've witnessed with this perk just spammed it all game long until everyone is dead/slugged. It needs a serious rework for the health of the game.
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Why are you saying that some killers call survivors abusing looping to me? And UW is not related to people's slugging at all. Wait, even slugging isn't toxic...
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It's pretty obvious that using a perk or tactics to gain an advantage in the trial is abuse.
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This is what I'm told when I loop the killer for 3 gens with Mft so who knows?
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Everyone suffering from a status effect at the same time?
Blindness weak?
Opening a locker too time consuming?
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calm spirit exist btw.
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If it isnt strong why would killers run UW then?
I doubt I'll get an answer tho :]
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Exactly, information.
So then preventing survivors getting information is good. Because information is good?
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Top-tier perk, as it applies debuff (mainly a issue to track survivors in the dying state) and also a constantly radar/track tool, with practically no downside (you can conveniently open a locker without even leaving the path of your objective) and as all killers are different, high mobility which are already top -tier has even more advantage.
Needs a CD adjustment for something around 1 minute or remove blindness/work statically around the locker and not the killer position
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Maybe you should just accept that the killer is the power role.
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Doesn’t the perk encourage more interaction in the form of letting Killers start chases earlier? If the perk is such an issue, just run Calm Spirit. Aura perks have existed for so long and people have already accepted that running distortion alleviates this issue. I don’t see why the same can’t be done for Screams.
Devs could also remove the debuff speed to cleansing totems/opening chests for Calm Spirit too.
Nowhere to Hide was complained about quite a bit at the start but people have also learnt to play around it and not crouch near gens when the Killer comes.
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I am not gonna use garbage perk like Calm Spirit. No, thanks.
I will just wait for nerf because i know this busted perk won't stay like that.
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Aura perks are fine because they are not coming for free. The only free aura value comes from Nowhere to Hide but it has very short active time and very short range. Other aura perks asking killer to do something for value. So they are fine.
But UW is busted and it's so free to use. It's active for 30 seconds, map wide since you will just travel the map. Any survivor in your TR will scream and you will find them easily. This perk can't exists at all. Whenever people stops to buy Alien, this perk will be nerfed. Like what happened MfT. So for now, you can enjoy with this busted perk.
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That's very misleading or just flat wrong. Blindness does affect seeing where someone is hooked, you can only see them when they're first put on the hook for a short time, if the survivor(s) aren't paying attention, busy/distracted or aren't even aware they're blind they wont be looking as the hook happens.
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Clearly you haven't gone against UW because you didn't even know that it removes hook aura.
"It doesn't even remove hook aura!". "Oh it does? Okay well why can't you pay attention then?" "YOuR jUSt bAD".
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Lethal is giving you information at start for limited time. And perk has another value but you need to use another aura perk for it. If you bring only Lethal, you will use it at start and then you won't get any value after that.
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"Not the perk, you're just trash".
Great argument guy.
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I'm sorry my friend but this forum is full of killer mains, they will oppose everything that is against them while they're whining about every survivor perk in the game.
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Try to play like 10 games as Dredge, that will display it better.
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Then what are you doing here? I don't see your killer passport, so you are not allowed to be on this killer only forum.
Comments like this are just funny to me.
So let's see top posts:
Ultimate weapon nerf
2x Nurse nerf
SoloQ buff
Ghostface/Huntress nerf
Buff balance landing
Better spawns for exit gates (for survivors)
More mechanics like dodge for survivors
Cannibal update
Buff killers against SWF
Wow, such a killer sided forum...
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I should play one killer out of a selection of 30 (?) killers to notice that opening a locker is a big inconvenience that can make you lose an entire game...? We are talking about a perk, not a specific killer.
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Sure, but both needs lockers. Dredge needs them more, so you can feel it more. UW will often make you go out of your way to activate it, not much usually but it will.
I would make a nerf for Ultimate weapon, but nothing major really. Basically to reduce effectivness for fast killers like Oni, so probably reduce duration for each scream or something like that. I wouldn't really try to nerf it for normal killers.
Screaming will always be worse than aura reveal.
UW is going to help you find next chase, but it's never going to give you free hit like aura reading does. Screaming is information for both sides and it's short duration, so survivors are going to relocate before you get there and always prerun from you.
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Yeah you need to go out of your way to activate the perk, but this time is greatly exaggerated. If it takes more than ten seconds, that's just a bad decision by the killer and will inconvenience them, obviously. Dredge struggles with locked lockers, true, but the game rewards too much points for the survivors to resist for simply locking them.
I don't really see how you even could nerf a perk like that so it only affects major killers but I agree, they shouldn't nerf it to the ground like MfT. Just a minor change would suffice.
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I think my change would work.
I don't consider M1 killers issue for this perk, not at all.
Main issue is probably Oni, but Blight is kinda annoying too. Followed by other fast killers.
So duration is 30 base and you could remove X seconds for each scream, so you can't easily run around whole map to trigger it on everyone. Something like 8 seconds for each scream might work in my opinion.
Alternative would be simply force end it like 10 seconds after first scream. You have time to look if anyone else is nearby, but not really whole map. That sounds fair to me. I would probably go with this one, it's just easier to implement and perk would be still quite good.
Total CD would be still 60 sec, doesn't matter when it ends.